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Photos by Fabre Minerals. Under Creative Commons license |
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Text: Carles Curto (formerly curator of the Geology
Museum, Barcelona) & Jordi Fabre |
Strontianite with Magnesite | |||||||||
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Descloizite | |||||||||
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Calcite | |||||||||
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Galena | |||||||||
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Sphalerite with Galena | |||||||||
Chalcopyrite with Galena and Sphalerite | |||||||||
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Sphalerite with Quartz | |||||||||
Pyromorphite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Pyromorphite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Calcite | |||||||||
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Copper (neoformed) | |||||||||
Calcite | ||||||||
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Fluorapophyllite-(K) with Harmotome and Calcite | |||||||||
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Azurite with Quartz | |||||
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Pyromorphite | |||||||||
Pyromorphite | |||||||||
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Pyromorphite | |||||||||
Pyromorphite | |||||||||
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Chalcopyrite with Siderite and Dolomite | |||||||||
Tetrahedrite (Subgroup) with Bournonite and Siderite | |||||
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Bournonite | |||||
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Bournonite on Siderite | |||||||||
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Bournonite with Tetrahedrite (Subgroup) and Siderite | |||||||||
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Dolomite with Chalcopyrite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Pyromorphite | |||||||||
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Fluorite with Quartz | ||||||||
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Fluorite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Boracite | |||||||||
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Cassiterite | |||||
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Kermesite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Stibnite | |||||||||
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Acanthite with Calcite | |||||||||
Galena | |||||||||
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Bismuth with Calcite | |||||||||
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Crocoite | |||||||||
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Calcite with Siderite, Dolomite and Hematite | |||||||||
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Cerussite with Malachite | ||||||||
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Calcite | |||||||||
Manganite | |||||||||
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Hydroboracite with Gypsum and Anhydrite | |||||||||
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Chalcopyrite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Chalcopyrite with Quartz | |||||||||
Strontianite with Dolomite and Calcite | ||||||||
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Galena | |||||
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Chalcopyrite with Pyrite (variety bravoite) | |||||||||
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Serpierite with Aurichalcite | |||||||||
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Rhodochrosite with Calcite | |||||
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Rhodochrosite with Calcite | |||||||||
Azurite | |||||||||
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Baryte with inclusions | |||||
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Cerussite with Wulfenite | ||||||||
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Azurite | ||||||||
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Azurite | |||||
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Azurite | ||||||||
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Azurite | |||||
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Azurite | |||||||||
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Linarite with Brochantite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Linarite with Brochantite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Linarite with Cerussite, Brochantite and Quartz | ||||||||
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Adamite (variety cuprian) with Smithsonite | |||||||||
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Adamite (variety cuprian) | |||||||||
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Adamite (variety cuprian) | |||||||||
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Opal (variety hyalite) | |||||||||
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Opal (variety hyalite) with Aragonite | |||||||||
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Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite | |||||||||
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Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite | |||||||||
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Anglesite with Galena | |||||||||
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Anglesite | |||||||||
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Anglesite with Galena | |||||||||
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Phosgenite | |||||||||
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Cerussite | |||||||||
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Pyromorphite | |||||||||
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Hemimorphite with Aurichalcite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Smithsonite after Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Hematite | ||||||||
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Aragonite with Sulphur | ||||||||
Sulphur with Celestine | |||||
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Celestine with Sulfur | |||||
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Sulphur with Calcite | |||||||||
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Calcite with Sulphur | |||||||||
Sulphur with Calcite | |||||||||
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Celestine with Sulphur | ||||||||
Dolomite with Quartz | |||||
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Canavesite with Pyrite | |||||||||
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Piemontite with Braunite | |||||
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Vesuvianite (doubly terminated) | |||||
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Andradite with Clinochlore | |||||||||
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Calcite with Sphalerite | |||||||||
Arsenopyrite with Calcite, Pyrite, Sphalerite and Rhodochrosite | |||||||||
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Arsenopyrite with Rhodochrosite, Quartz and Pyrite after Pyrrhotite | |||||||||
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Dolomite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Arsenopyrite, Boulangerite inclusions and Quartz | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Calcite, Sphalerite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Sphalerite and Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Pyrite and Sphalerite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite after Pyrrhotite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite with Quartz and Calcite | ||||||||
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Pyrite after Pyrrhotite and with Sphalerite | |||||
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Pyrite after Pyrrhotite with Galena, Arsenopyrite, Sphalerite and Chalcopyrite | |||||||||
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Pyrite after Pyrrhotite with Galena and Calcite | |||||||||
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Pyrite after Pyrrhotite with Galena, Calcite, Quartz and Dolomite | |||||||||
Sphalerite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Sphalerite with Pyrite and Pyrite after Pyrrhotite | ||||||||
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Sphalerite with Calcite and Dolomite | ||||||||
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Galena with Arsenopyrite and Rhodochrosite | |||||||||
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Galena after Pyrrhotite with Pyrite, Sphalerite and Calcite | |||||
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Bournonite with Sphalerite, Pyrite after Pyrrhotite and Galena | |||||||||
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Calcite | |||||||||
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Silver | |||||||||
Cerussite on Galena | |||||||||
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Baryte | |||||||||
Celestine | |||||||||
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Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite | ||||||||
Tetrahedrite with Quartz and Pyrite | ||||||||
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Bournonite with Sphalerite and Quartz | |||||||||
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Rhodochrosite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Rhodochrosite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Galena with Sphalerite and Calcite | |||||||||
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Calcite with Boulangerite inclusions | |||||||||
Calcite with Boulangerite inclusions | |||||
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Bournonite with Sphalerite and Pyrite | |||||||||
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Calcite | |||||||||
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Tetrahedrite with Quartz and Pyrite | |||||||||
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Siderite with Calcite and Sphalerite | |||||||||
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Siderite (variety sphärosiderite) with Baryte | |||||||||
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Stibnite with Calcite | |||||||||
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Stibnite with Calcite | ||||||||
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Turt, Satu Mare. This was not really a new locality, as the mine has been active for many years. But what was new was that they began to find high quality specimens in this mine. That said, the finds were fairly infrequent and depended on the area of the mine being worked.
Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite | |||||||||
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Baryte with Galena, Siderite and Pyrite | |||||||||
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Siderite after Calcite with Pyrite | |||||||||
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Siderite with Pyrite | |||||||||
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Nagyágite on Rhodochrosite | |||||||||
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Nagyágite with Sylvanite and Quartz | |||||||||
Nagyágite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Galena with Pyrite and Calcite | |||||||||
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Euchroite | |||||
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Devilline | |||||||||
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Libethenite with Dolomite | |||||||||
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Wulfenite | |||||||||
Calcite | |||||||||
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Hematite with Quartz | ||||||||
Clinochlore (variety pennine) with Chrysotile | |||||
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Hematite with Quartz (variety smoky) | |||||||||
Quartz (variety smoky) | |||||
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Quartz (variety smoky) with Albite | |||||||||
Quartz with inclusions | |||||||||
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Fluorapatite with Albite, Chlorite and Quartz | |||||
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Axinite-(Fe) with Chlorite | |||||||||
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Fluorapatite with Titanite, Orthoclase (variety adularia) and Chlorite | |||||||||
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Orthoclase (variety adularia) with Chlorite | |||||||||
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Cuprite | |||||||||
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Olivenite with Quartz | |||||||||
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Copper | |||||||||
Olivenite | |||||||||
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Calcite with Hematite inclusions | |||||||||
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Quartz with Hematite and Dolomite | |||||||||
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Quartz with Hematite and Calcite | |||||||||
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Quartz with Hematite (variety kidney ore) | |||||||||
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Mimetite (variety campylite) with Baryte | |||||||||
Pyromorphite | |||||
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Pyromorphite | |||||
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Fluorite | |||||||||
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Fluorite on Quartz | ||||||||
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Galena with Fluorite | |||||||||
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Fluorite with Quartz | |||||||||
Fluorite | |||||||||
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Heulandite | |||||
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Fluorapophyllite-(K) on Gyrolite | |||||||||
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