Reference Specimens
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Photos by Fabre Minerals. Under Creative Commons license

This page provides a selection of the specimens that have passed through the Fabre Minerals website and, due to their quality,
rarity, or significance as specimens from interesting locations, have been preserved as reference specimens in #MVM

Beryl (variety emerald)

Beryl (variety emerald)
Beryl (variety emerald). Front (black background)
Front (black background)
Beryl (variety emerald). Front (white background)
Front (white background)
Beryl (variety emerald). Rear (white background)
Rear (white background)

TQ66AF2: Parallel growth of two crystals with excellent terminal faces, a dominant pinacoid and small pyramidal faces. Both crystals are completely clear (gem quality) and have an extraordinary luster and color.
Chivor mining district, Municipio Chivor, Eastern Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia

Specimen size: 1.4 × 0.6 × 0.6 cm = 0.55” × 0.24” × 0.24”

Beryl (variety emerald) with Albite

MV51Y6: Sharp crystals with very well defined faces and edges, one of them clearly dominant, with an excellent termination that shows the pinacoid and pyramidal faces. The emerald crystals are on a rocky matrix with small laminar Albite crystals and are transparent, very bright and have an intense, deep and uniform color.
Chivor mining district, Municipio Chivor, Eastern Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2012)

Specimen size: 3.4 × 2.3 × 1.1 cm = 1.34” × 0.91” × 0.43”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 0.4 cm = 0.63” × 0.16”

Albite minor fluorescence short UV
Beryl (variety emerald) with Albite. Beryl (variety emerald) with Albite.
Beryl (variety emerald) with Quartz and Pyrite
Beryl (variety emerald) with Quartz and Pyrite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MFX87AP3: Obtained at Munich 2022
Group of Beryl crystals (emerald variety) with very sharp crystal forms, good terminations, transparent, with good luster and a very vivid, deep and uniform color. With Pyrite crystals on the back and small Quartz coatings.
Chivor mining district, Los Topos gallery, Municipio Chivor, Eastern Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2019)

Specimen size: 3.5 × 2.2 × 2 cm = 1.38” × 0.87” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.2 cm = 0.35” × 0.08”

Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite

TB47L3: A powerful group of numerous very well-defined, transparent and brilliant isolated Beryl (Emerald) crystals. Excellent terminations and intense green color. They are implanted on a rocky matrix with rhombohedral Calcite crystals. Given its color and crystal perfection we consider it a really great specimen.
Chivor mining district, Municipio Chivor, Eastern Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (11/2007)

Specimen size: 4.5 × 3.3 × 2.3 cm = 1.77” × 1.30” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.6 cm = 0.71” × 0.63”

Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Front
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Top
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite.
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite.

TP88AF2: A single Beryl (emerald variety) crystal with perfect terminal faces. It is transparent, bright and on a rocky matrix with platy Calcite crystals.
Muzo mining district, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia

Specimen size: 2.9 × 2.2 × 2.4 cm = 1.14” × 0.87” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.6 cm = 0.79” × 0.24”

Doubly terminated Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite

TJ59H7: Prismatic doubly terminated crystal of very well defined faces and edges and excellent color and transparency that contrast with a white matrix of crystallized Calcite. We emphasize the perfect terminations both for the good definition of the flat faces and the intensity of the color. A beautiful miniature.
Muzo mining district, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2005)

Specimen size: 3.9 × 2.7 × 2.6 cm = 1.54” × 1.06” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 0.5 cm = 0.51” × 0.20”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV
Doubly terminated Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite.
Doubly terminated Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite.
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite.

MG51AJ1: Short prismatic Beryl crystal (emerald variety) with very well defined faces and edges and an excellent, smooth pinacoidal termination, transparent, very bright, with an intense and uniform color and implanted on a matrix with Calcite. A high-level sample due its size and its transparency.
Muzo mining district, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia

Specimen size: 4.5 × 3.6 × 3.4 cm = 1.77” × 1.42” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.9 cm = 0.39” × 0.35”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV
Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MLA27AP3: Obtained at Munich 2022
Beryl crystal (emerald variety) isolated on matrix, with the Calcite crystals that are typical of the locality, with very sharp crystal forms and good terminations in which, apart from the dominant pinacoid, pyramidal faces appear too. The crystal, transparent and very lustrous, shows a very vivid, deep and uniform color.
Muzo mining district, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2022)

Specimen size: 5.6 × 3 × 3.9 cm = 2.20” × 1.18” × 1.54”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 0.4 cm = 0.63” × 0.16”

Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite. Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite.
Beryl (variety emerald)
Beryl (variety emerald). Beryl (variety emerald).

TS16L2: Miniature of prismatic crystals, two of them dominant, with perfect terminations on top, good transparency and intense green color, slightly zoned perpendicular to main axis. On the main crystal top termination we can see something similar to dissolution structures and inside the crystal some carbon inclusions. A luminous specimen.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (01/2008)

Specimen size: 1.1 × 0.7 × 0.6 cm = 0.43” × 0.28” × 0.24”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 0.5 cm = 0.43” × 0.20”

Beryl (variety emerald)

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MMZ26AP3: Obtained at Munich 2022
Beryl crystals (emerald variety) with very sharp crystal forms and very marked parallel growth, with good terminations, transparent, great luster and a very vivid, deep and uniform color.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2022)

Specimen size: 1.7 × 0.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.67” × 0.28” × 0.28”

Beryl (variety emerald). Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Beryl (variety emerald). Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Front
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Top

TP98AJ0: Beryl crystal (emerald variety) with an excellent definition of faces and edges and an upper termination that is rough but complete. The crystal is very clear and has excellent luster and color. The sample, in gem quality, is implanted on a Calcite matrix.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2012)

Specimen size: 2 × 1.4 × 1.4 cm = 0.79” × 0.55” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.5 cm = 0.39” × 0.20”

Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MFF96AP3: Obtained at Munich 2022
Beryl crystal (emerald variety) isolated on matrix, with the Calcite crystals that are typical of the locality, with very sharp crystal forms and good terminations in which, apart from the dominant pinacoid, pyramidal faces appear too. The crystal, transparent and very lustrous, shows a very vivid, deep and uniform color.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2022)

Specimen size: 2.9 × 2.3 × 1.5 cm = 1.14” × 0.91” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.6 cm = 0.79” × 0.24”

Beryl (variety emerald) on Calcite.
Beryl (variety emerald)
Beryl (variety emerald) . Front
Beryl (variety emerald) . Top
Beryl (variety emerald) . Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EFG26AN5: Beryl crystal (emerald variety) of good size, with well defined faces and edges and some minimal scratches on the upper termination. The crystal is shiny, translucent with transparent areas and of very intense color.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.3 × 1.9 cm = 1.30” × 0.91” × 0.75”

Beryl (variety emerald)

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MLR73AP3: Obtained at Munich 2022
Group of Beryl crystals (emerald variety) with very sharp crystal forms, good terminations, transparent, with good luster and an intense color, on matrix.
La Pita mining district, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (2022)

Specimen size: 3.7 × 2.6 × 2.6 cm = 1.46” × 1.02” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 0.4 cm = 0.55” × 0.16”

Beryl (variety emerald). Beryl (variety emerald).
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Front
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite. Top
Beryl (variety emerald) with Calcite.

MV70S3: Crystal on matrix with very well defined faces and edges and with a good flat termination. It has a thin surface naturally welded by Calcite.
La Pita mining district, Cunas Mine, Municipio Maripí, Western Emerald Belt, Boyacá Department  Colombia (03/2005)

Specimen size: 4.5 × 4.2 × 3.2 cm = 1.77” × 1.65” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.8 cm = 0.79” × 0.31”

Beryl (variety emerald) replacing fossil

MB68I5: Fossilization on emerald, in this case a Gastropod, is very, very, rare. On the surface of he fossil, with the recrystallization of emerald there are also small but easily distinguishable crystals of Pyrite.
Gachalá mining district, Matecaña Mine, Municipio Gachalá, Eastern Emerald Belt, Cundinamarca Department  Colombia (03/2006)

Specimen size: 1.3 × 1.1 × 0.9 cm = 0.51” × 0.43” × 0.35”

Beryl (variety emerald) replacing fossil.
Beryl (variety emerald) replacing fossil
Beryl (variety emerald) replacing fossil. Front
Beryl (variety emerald) replacing fossil. Rear

TQ19H8: Even with its small size, the specimen is exceptional due the perfect preservation of the fossil. We must consider that fossilizations by Emerald, recently introduced, is quite extraordinary.
The specimen has been published in the book 'Garden of Emeralds', by L'École & Nicolas Bos, on page 31
Gachalá mining district, Matecaña Mine, Municipio Gachalá, Eastern Emerald Belt, Cundinamarca Department  Colombia (03/2006)

Specimen size: 1.4 × 1.3 × 0.8 cm = 0.55” × 0.51” × 0.31”

Beryl (variety emerald)

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TFL46AO8: Short prismatic crystal with a flat pinacoidal termination, finely beveled by the faces of a pyramid, between transparent and translucent. With inclusions, good luster and an intense green color.

Specimen size: 2.3 × 1.9 × 2.3 cm = 0.91” × 0.75” × 0.91”

Beryl (variety emerald). Front
Beryl (variety emerald). Top



E96MBH5: A group of very esthetic crystals. We also call attention to the locality, very uncommon and practically unknown for collector, and a country from which there usually aren’t samples on the market.
Mina Las Mercedes, San Miguel, Departamento Misiones  Paraguay

Specimen size: 10.5 × 10.2 × 6 cm = 4.13” × 4.02” × 2.36”

Main crystal size: 4.3 × 1.1 cm = 1.69” × 0.43”



EBR96CD4: Two Fluorite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with a little Galena matrix. They are green, gem quality (very luminous and transparent), with perfectly defined faces and edges, dominant octahedron forms and the vertices truncated by the pinacoid. A little treasure.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (2022)

Specimen size: 1.9 × 1.8 × 1.3 cm = 0.75” × 0.71” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.2 cm = 0.63” × 0.47”

Recorded under neon light

Recorded under neon light

ECD16CD4: Two translucent, apple-green Fluorite crystals with very defined faces and edges and with the dominant form of the octahedron.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (2022)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2 × 1.6 cm = 1.02” × 0.79” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 2 × 2 cm = 0.79” × 0.79”

Fluorite with Galena

TTB27CD4: Fluorite crystals, one of them clearly dominant and in which octahedron forms predominate, between translucent and transparent, with apple-green zoning in the center of the crystal, with polycrystalline growths on the faces, and associated with crystals of Galena and Pyrite.
The Galena has been analyzed to distinguish it from the geocronites from the same find. A copy of the analysis will be sent to the buyer.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (2022)

Specimen size: 4.6 × 3.7 × 3.3 cm = 1.81” × 1.46” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 3 × 2.7 cm = 1.18” × 1.06”

With analysis copy

Recorded under neon light
Fluorite with Galena
Fluorite with Galena. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Fluorite with Galena. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Recorded under neon light

TBR98CD4: Fluorite crystals between translucent and transparent, apple-green, very lustrous, partially coated by a multitude of Pyrite crystals and accompanied by two groups of dark grey Galena crystals.
The Galena has been analyzed to distinguish it from the geocronites from the same find and a copy of the analysis will be sent to the buyer.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (2022)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 5.6 × 3.6 cm = 2.52” × 2.20” × 1.42”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.4 cm = 0.55” × 0.55”

With analysis copy
Geocronite with Fluorite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MTX88AP2: A new discovery at Munich 2022
High quality Geocronite crystals with sharp crystal forms and polycrystalline growths marked by striations, associated with crystals of slightly translucent, apple-green Fluorite which, due to the contrast with the Geocronite, generates very aesthetic pieces.
The Geocronite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (07-08/2022)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2.1 × 1.7 cm = 1.02” × 0.83” × 0.67”

With analysis copy

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV
Geocronite with Fluorite. Geocronite with Fluorite.
Geocronite with Fluorite.
Geocronite with Fluorite
Geocronite with Fluorite. Geocronite with Fluorite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MLP99AP2: A new discovery at Munich 2022
High quality Geocronite crystals with sharp crystal forms and polycrystalline growths marked by striations, associated with crystals of slightly translucent, apple-green Fluorite which, due to the contrast with the Geocronite, generates very aesthetic pieces.
The Geocronite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (07-08/2022)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2.5 × 2 cm = 1.02” × 0.98” × 0.79”

With analysis copy

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV
Geocronite with Fluorite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MRR14AP2: A new discovery at Munich 2022
High quality Geocronite crystals with sharp crystal forms and polycrystalline growths marked by striations, associated with crystals of slightly translucent, apple-green Fluorite which, due to the contrast with the Geocronite, generates very aesthetic pieces.
The Geocronite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (07-08/2022)

Specimen size: 4 × 3.2 × 1.8 cm = 1.57” × 1.26” × 0.71”

With analysis copy

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV
Geocronite with Fluorite. Geocronite with Fluorite.
Geocronite with Fluorite
Geocronite with Fluorite. Front
Geocronite with Fluorite. Rear
Geocronite with Fluorite. Geocronite with Fluorite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MFR57AP2: A new discovery at Munich 2022
High quality Geocronite crystals with sharp crystal forms and polycrystalline growths marked by striations, associated with crystals of slightly translucent, apple-green Fluorite which, due to the contrast with the Geocronite, generates very aesthetic pieces.
The Geocronite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
This specimen has been published on the Mineralogical Record´s web page, in the 'What’s New on the Internet Reports' section, report 65, November 15, 2022 edition, page 2
Milpo Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Atacocha mining district, Pasco Province, Pasco Department  Peru (07-08/2022)

Specimen size: 6.2 × 5.1 × 3 cm = 2.44” × 2.01” × 1.18”

With analysis copy

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TRP49AN5: Group of very sharp crystals of Clinozoisite, one of them clearly dominant, translucent, with bright luster and a uniform greenish brown color.
San Cristóbal Hill, San Vicente de Cañete, Cañete Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 7.6 × 4.2 × 3.8 cm = 2.99” × 1.65” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 4.4 × 1.9 cm = 1.73” × 0.75”

Clinozoisite. Front
Clinozoisite. Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)

NRB14AP0: Centered growths of fine acicular crystals of Stibnite, very shiny. Without intending to compete with specimens from more famous localities, this Stibnite is a rarity present in few collections, in this case that of Gonzalo Leal Echevarría.
Raura District, Cajatambo Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.5 × 3.3 cm = 1.65” × 1.38” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.04”

Former collection of Gonzalo Leal Echevarria

TN53AM0: Fan-shaped growth of elongated Stibnite crystals with good terminations. While not trying to compete with specimens from more famous localities, this Stibnite is a rarity as proven by the fact that Rock H. Currier, a good connoisseur of the locality, had it in his collection (number 5269). We will send the label to the buyer.
Raura District, Cajatambo Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 7.7 × 6.8 × 3.3 cm = 3.03” × 2.68” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 6 × 1.1 cm = 2.36” × 0.43”

Former collection of Rock Currier
Stibnite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Stibnite. Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Stibnite. Side / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Side / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Stibnite. Top / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Top / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Sphalerite with Bournonite and Pyrite
Sphalerite with Bournonite and Pyrite. Front
Sphalerite with Bournonite and Pyrite. Rear
Sphalerite with Bournonite and Pyrite. Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)

ELP46AP0: Group of very sharp Sphalerite crystals dominated by sharp tetrahedral forms, with oriented growths of twinned Bournonite crystals, with good luster and a lighter metallic grey color. On matrix and with Pyrite microcrystal coatings.
The specimen comes from the collection of Gonzalo Leal Echevarría
Casapalca, Chicla District, Huarochiri Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 6 × 6 × 5.9 cm = 2.36” × 2.36” × 2.32”

Main crystal size: 5.4 × 5.4 cm = 2.13” × 2.13”

Former collection of Gonzalo Leal Echevarria
Tetrahedrite with Quartz

TF87AN2: Group of sharp and very lustrous tetrahedral Tetrahedrite crystals that grow aerially on a group of fine water-clear Quartz crystals.
Casapalca, Chicla District, Huarochiri Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 6.3 × 5.9 × 3.1 cm = 2.48” × 2.32” × 1.22”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 1.6 cm = 0.67” × 0.63”

Tetrahedrite with Quartz. Tetrahedrite with Quartz.
Tetrahedrite with Quartz, Pyrite and Chalcopyrite
Tetrahedrite with Quartz, Pyrite and Chalcopyrite. Tetrahedrite with Quartz, Pyrite and Chalcopyrite.
Tetrahedrite with Quartz, Pyrite and Chalcopyrite  

NM17AN2: Very sharp tetrahedral crystals of Tetrahedrite, lustrous and with a surfaces patina caused by microcrystals of Chalcopyrite. On matrix with transparent Quartz crystals and small Pyrite crystals.
This piece comes from the Ignacio Gaspar collection (number TET-10), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Casapalca, Chicla District, Huarochiri Province, Lima Department  Peru

Specimen size: 10 × 4 × 7.5 cm = 3.94” × 1.57” × 2.95”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 2.4 cm = 1.02” × 0.94”

Former collection of Ignacio Gaspar
Epidote with Axinite-(Fe)

TQ56Z3: Fan-like growths of strongly flattened Epidote crystals, darker at their center and clearer on the edges. They are with sharp, translucent, bright and doubly terminated Axinite-(Fe) crystals.
Sayan, Huaura Province, Lima Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 5.3 × 3.7 × 2.4 cm = 2.09” × 1.46” × 0.94”

Epidote with Axinite-(Fe). Epidote with Axinite-(Fe).
Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Albite
Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Albite. Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Albite.

EP13Y7: A novelty at Munich 2013. Very sharp Axinite-(Fe) crystals, most of them doubly terminated and showing parallel growths. Transparent, very bright and with a very deep color, they are on a matrix with small Quartz crystals, Albite and Epidote.
Sayan, Huaura Province, Lima Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 6.5 × 5.4 × 2.5 cm = 2.56” × 2.13” × 0.98”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.5 cm = 0.39” × 0.20”

Axinite-(Fe) with Albite and Epidote

EG11Y7: A novelty at Ste. Marie 2013. Very sharp Axinite-(Fe) crystals, most of them doubly terminated and showing parallel growths. Transparent, very bright and with a very deep color, they are on a matrix with Epidote and small Albite crystals.
Sayan, Huaura Province, Lima Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 9.5 × 7.4 × 2.8 cm = 3.74” × 2.91” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.5 cm = 0.31” × 0.20”

Axinite-(Fe) with Albite and Epidote. Axinite-(Fe) with Albite and Epidote.
Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Epidote
Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Epidote. Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Epidote.
Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Epidote. Axinite-(Fe) with Quartz and Epidote.

MA16Y8: A novelty at Munich 2013. Very sharp Axinite-(Fe) crystals. They are translucent, very bright, have very well defined parallel growths and are on a matrix of Quartz crystals with two fan-like Epidote aggregates. Due its size, perfection and the pleasant disposition of the Axinite-(Fe) crystals on the Quartz, it is undoubtedly one of the best samples from this new locality that we have seen.
Sayan, Huaura Province, Lima Department  Peru (02/2013)

Specimen size: 15.5 × 11.5 × 6.7 cm = 6.10” × 4.53” × 2.64”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.4 cm = 0.39” × 0.16”

Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote

TG88AD1: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Aggregates of very sharp brown-colored Axinite crystals, some of them doubly terminated, between transparent and translucent, very bright and on matrix, with Epidote crystals. We have two different analysis, so we will send copy of both analysis to the buyer.
Cullhuay, Huaros District, Canta Province, Lima Department  Peru (09-11/2015)

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.9 × 3.9 cm = 2.05” × 1.54” × 1.54”

Main crystal size: 3.2 × 1.1 cm = 1.26” × 0.43”

Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Front
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Side
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote and Andradite
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote and Andradite. Front
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote and Andradite. Rear

TT87AD4: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Very sharp Axinite-(Mn) crystals, some of them doubly terminated. They are between transparent and translucent, very bright, and are on matrix with Epidote crystals. We have two different analyses, so we will send copies of both analyses to the buyer.
Cullhuay, Huaros District, Canta Province, Lima Department  Peru (09-11/2015)

Specimen size: 5.3 × 3.4 × 2.9 cm = 2.09” × 1.34” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 3.4 × 1.2 cm = 1.34” × 0.47”

Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote

TF89AD1: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Aggregates of very sharp brown-colored Axinite crystals, some of them doubly terminated, between transparent and translucent, very bright and on matrix, with Epidote crystals. We have two different analysis, so we will send copy of both analysis to the buyer.
Cullhuay, Huaros District, Canta Province, Lima Department  Peru (09-11/2015)

Specimen size: 6.7 × 5.4 × 3 cm = 2.64” × 2.13” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 2.7 × 1.6 cm = 1.06” × 0.63”

Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote.
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote.

NQ90AK7: Group of extremely sharp, lustrous and translucent Axinite-(Mn) crystals, many of them doubly terminated, with polycrystalline growths, partially coated by deep green Epidote crystals.
The specimen is from the Miguel David Martínez collection (No. 524), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Cullhuay, Huaros District, Canta Province, Lima Department  Peru (2018)

Specimen size: 13.2 × 8.1 × 6.3 cm = 5.20” × 3.19” × 2.48”

Main crystal size: 5.4 × 1.7 cm = 2.13” × 0.67”

Former collection of Miguel David Martínez
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote

Fluorescent light (daylight)

NPB27AN5: Groups of very sharp Axinite-(Mn) crystals, many of them doubly terminated, with polycrystalline growths, translucent, lustrous, and partially covered by deep green Epidote crystals. Due to the size of the piece and the size of the crystals, it is without doubt a monumental specimen.
This specimen comes from the Miguel David Martínez collection (number 525), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Canta, Canta District, Canta Province, Lima Department  Peru (2018)

Specimen size: 24.8 × 11.5 × 5.4 cm = 9.76” × 4.53” × 2.13”

Main crystal size: 3.5 × 1.5 cm = 1.38” × 0.59”

Former collection of Miguel David Martínez
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Front
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Side
Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote. Axinite-(Mn) with Epidote.
Quartz with Epidote
Quartz with Epidote. Front
Quartz with Epidote. Rear

NJ27AI3: Pair of two Quartz crystals, one of them complete and doubly terminated. Both Quartz crystals are very rich in Chlorite inclusions with an intense green color and they are very bright. There are some “bundle-like” Epidote aggregates, very bright and with a deep green color, attached to them .
The sample is from the Ignacio Hernández collection (num. 87) whose original label we’ll send to the buyer.
Paracas Quarry, Huaytará, Huaytará Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 8 × 5 × 3.1 cm = 3.15” × 1.97” × 1.22”

Main crystal size: 8 × 1.4 cm = 3.15” × 0.55”

Former collection of Ignacio Hernández
Galena with Quartz

NC66AL7: Cuboctahedral Galena crystals with a good balance of cube and octahedron faces and shiny hopper growths. On a matrix of Quartz crystals. Excellent quality for the locality.
Palomo Mine, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 5.6 × 4 × 3.5 cm = 2.20” × 1.57” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 2.5 × 2 cm = 0.98” × 0.79”

Galena with Quartz. Front
Galena with Quartz. Rear
Miargyrite with Pyrargyrite
Miargyrite with Pyrargyrite. Miargyrite with Pyrargyrite.

TV96AN2: Floater group of lustrous Miargyrite crystals that are sharper than usual for the species, associated with Pyrargyrite crystals that are lustrous and very rich in crystal forms.
We will ship the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. Noble collection, which also contains the label.
San Genaro Mine, Castrovirreyna District, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 3.1 × 2.8 × 1.4 cm = 1.22” × 1.10” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.5 cm = 0.31” × 0.20”

Former collection of Bob Noble

LP29E9: A group of crystals that combine the forms of a well-defined, brilliant ditetragonal prism with those of the rhombohedron whose faces have grown in a curved form, which makes them look rounded. It is a floater. It comes from the David Lucas collection, number 807, and we will give the buyer the original label.
San Genaro Mine, Castrovirreyna District, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.3 × 1.7 × 1.5 cm = 0.91” × 0.67” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 1.9 × 0.9 cm = 0.75” × 0.35”

Tennantite after Enargite with Baryte
Tennantite after Enargite with Baryte. Tennantite after Enargite with Baryte.
Tennantite after Enargite with Baryte.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TR87AM4: Group of 'Tennantite' crystals pseudomorphic after a large prismatic Enargite crystal and also in recrystallized tetrahedral crystals, very sharp, shiny and on matrix associated with white tabular Baryte crystals.
This piece has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Julcani Mine, Julcani District, Angaraes Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 8.2 × 5.4 × 4.9 cm = 3.23” × 2.13” × 1.93”

Main crystal size: 4.3 × 2.6 cm = 1.69” × 1.02”

Epidote with Calcite and Quartz

MA97AK4: Fan-shaped growth of elongated Epidote crystals, with perfect terminations, in calcite matrix with small colorless and transparent Quartz crystals.
Pampa Blanca, Ticrapo District, Castrovirreyna Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 5.8 × 4.5 × 3.8 cm = 2.28” × 1.77” × 1.50”

Calcite fluorescent short UV
Epidote with Calcite and Quartz. Epidote with Calcite and Quartz.
Sphalerite with Galena, Quartz and Pyrite
Sphalerite with Galena, Quartz and Pyrite.
Sphalerite with Galena, Quartz and Pyrite.

VE13I0: Group of complex crystals in which we clearly note the triangular faces of the tetrahedron with a lot of echelons. On the matrix of Pyrite, very rich with small Quartz crystals, also appear some cubic crystals of Galena.
Julcani District, Angaraes Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 10.8 × 8 × 5 cm = 4.25” × 3.15” × 1.97”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.7 cm = 0.71” × 0.67”

Rhodochrosite with Baryte and Pyrite

EA96X1: Group of very flattened rhombohedral crystals of Rhodochrosite with very well pronounced curvatures of their faces and edges. They have an intense and uniform pink color and are with a white crystal of Baryte and small Pyrite crystals. The locality, not well known, has been adequately verified.
Huachocolpa District, Huancavelica Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 7.7 × 4.5 × 1.8 cm = 3.03” × 1.77” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.8 cm = 0.39” × 0.31”

Rhodochrosite with Baryte and Pyrite. Rhodochrosite with Baryte and Pyrite.

Recorded under neon light

ERX27CD4: Group of Rhodochrosite crystals, on matrix, rhombohedral with pronounced curvatures on the faces and edges. Uniform pink in color and more intense in the more aerial crystals.
This specimen comes from the Robert Gustafson collection, whose label we will send to the buyer.
Huachocolpa District, Huancavelica Province, Huancavelica Department  Peru

Specimen size: 8.9 × 4.7 × 2.4 cm = 3.50” × 1.85” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.6 cm = 0.39” × 0.24”

Former collection of Robert Gustafson
Epidote with Calcite

TT16J7: Radial groups of small acicular crystals of exceptional color, luster and transparency. The matrix is formed by tabular crystals of Calcite. The sample is very esthetic.
La Gringa Mine, Chiurucu (Chiuruco), Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru (02/2007)

Specimen size: 3.9 × 3.6 × 2.4 cm = 1.54” × 1.42” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.1 cm = 0.16” × 0.04”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV
Epidote with Calcite.
Epidote with Calcite.
Epidote with twinned Calcite
Epidote with twinned Calcite. Epidote with twinned Calcite.

TR50L0: Groups of acicular to prismatic Epidote crystals, with a really excellent luster and pistachio green color, typical for this specie. Epidote is partially covering twinned Calcite crystals showing a very esthetic contrast.
La Gringa Mine, Chiurucu (Chiuruco), Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru (10/2007)

Specimen size: 10.1 × 6.5 × 3.8 cm = 3.98” × 2.56” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.1 cm = 0.20” × 0.04”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

VP27Y4: Sharp rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystal with a very intense and uniform pink color and good luster. It is on matrix and partially coated by clear Quartz crystals.
Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.8 × 1.8 cm = 1.30” × 1.10” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.5 cm = 0.71” × 0.59”

Former collection of A. Mayor
Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite and Pyrite
Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite and Pyrite. Front
Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite and Pyrite. Side

ER86AM2: Very esthetic doubly terminated sheaf-like group of deformed and extraordinarily elongated Calcite crystals on a matrix covered by Quartz crystals, with twinned Sphalerite crystals, and Pyrite crystals.
Pachapaqui mining district, Pachapaqui, Aquia District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 7 × 4.5 × 4.3 cm = 2.76” × 1.77” × 1.69”

Main crystal size: 6.7 × 2.2 cm = 2.64” × 0.87”

Fluorescent long & short UV
Calcite with Pyrite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Calcite with Pyrite

TG66AL5: Very elongated parallel polycrystalline growths of lenticular Calcite crystals, of a more intense pink than usual in these specimens. On matrix, with groups of cubic Pyrite crystals. Altogether a beauty.
Pachapaqui mining district, Pachapaqui, Aquia District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 15.4 × 14 × 7.6 cm = 6.06” × 5.51” × 2.99”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Rock Currier
Calcite with Pyrite. Calcite with Pyrite.
Manganoan Calcite with Pyrite
Manganoan Calcite with Pyrite.
Manganoan Calcite with Pyrite.

TB96H7: Bundles of scalenohedral, extraordinarily acute, crystals. Furthermore the esthetic shape of the specimen, the color and the luster are very good and the group is on a matrix rich of small crystals of Pyrite.
Pachapaqui mining district, Pachapaqui, Aquia District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru (2003)

Specimen size: 8.8 × 8 × 2.9 cm = 3.46” × 3.15” × 1.14”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV
Galena (spinel-law twinning) with Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Galena (spinel-law twinning) with Quartz

EXQ70AP6: Druse of extraordinarily flattened Galena crystals, with parallel growths and very marked spinel-law twinning. Very lustrous and on matrix, with Quartz crystals.
A finer set than the galenas usually are.
Pachapaqui mining district, Pachapaqui, Aquia District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 10.7 × 6.7 × 4.9 cm = 4.21” × 2.64” × 1.93”

Main crystal size: 3 × 1.3 cm = 1.18” × 0.51”

Former collection of Michel Perraudin
Galena (spinel-law twinning) with Quartz. Galena (spinel-law twinning) with Quartz.
Calcite with Pyrite and Sphalerite
Calcite with Pyrite and Sphalerite. Front
Calcite with Pyrite and Sphalerite. Side

TZ27AD5: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Twinned rhombohedral Calcite crystals with very well defined faces and edges, with surfaces covered by a later phase of drusy crystals of Calcite, and with a very pale pink color. They are on matrix, with Pyrite and Sphalerite. The sample is from a not yet widely divulged Peruvian mine.
Atalaya Mine, Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru (11/2015)

Specimen size: 10 × 9.7 × 6.5 cm = 3.94” × 3.82” × 2.56”

Main crystal size: 5.8 × 5.2 cm = 2.28” × 2.05”

Intense fluorescence short UV & fluorescent long UV
Pyrite with Dolomite and Sphalerite

TA47AD5: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Aggregate of Pyrite crystals showing the cube and the pyritohedron, and partially coated by small Sphalerite crystals and slightly pink rhombohedral Calcite crystals. The sample is from a not yet widely divulged Peruvian mine.
Atalaya Mine, Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department  Peru (11/2015)

Specimen size: 11.5 × 8 × 5.8 cm = 4.53” × 3.15” × 2.28”

Main crystal size: 5 × 4.7 cm = 1.97” × 1.85”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV
Pyrite with Dolomite and Sphalerite. Pyrite with Dolomite and Sphalerite.
Hübnerite with Quartz
Hübnerite with Quartz. Front
Hübnerite with Quartz. Side

VQ86Y5: Group of flattened and deeply striated crystals. They are translucent, extraordinarily bright and have a magnificent deep red color with very vivid reddish reflections. The crystals are on a matrix of fine Quartz crystals.
Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department  Peru (±1978)

Specimen size: 3.9 × 3.6 × 3.7 cm = 1.54” × 1.42” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 3.2 × 1.5 cm = 1.26” × 0.59”

Former collection of A. Mayor
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz  

JD86AB9: Aggregates of octahedral Fluorite crystals truncated by the cube faces, translucent, with a uniform green color and on matrix, with small Quartz crystals. This Fluorite, very esthetic and of excellent quality, is from a Peruvian locality from which there are very few samples.
It was from the James Catmur collection (reg. B653 -E390B), whose label we’ll send to the buyer.
Huayllapon Mine (Huallapon Mine), Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 14.5 × 9 × 6.8 cm = 5.71” × 3.54” × 2.68”

Main crystal size: 4.5 × 4.1 cm = 1.77” × 1.61”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of James Catmur
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz. Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz.
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz.
Pyrite with Quartz
Pyrite with Quartz. Front
Pyrite with Quartz. Side
Pyrite with Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TMX87AP3: Druse of Pyrite crystals with a cubic shape but very rich in smaller crystal forms too. The crystals, shiny and aerial, have natural unaltered fine fissures and are partially covered by small white crystals of Quartz.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 10 × 8 × 3.7 cm = 3.94” × 3.15” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 2.8 × 2.6 cm = 1.10” × 1.02”


MG14AM9: Group of cubo-octahedral Galena crystals with very well defined and balanced faces and edges and a good luster.
We will send the specimen, which comes from the Robert J. Noble collection, in its original Perky box from that collection, which also contains the label, which shows that it was previously in the Frank Melanson collection.
Huayllapon Mine (Huallapon Mine), Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.1 × 1.7 × 1.7 cm = 0.83” × 0.67” × 0.67”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Galena. Front
Galena. Top
Galena. Side
Doubly terminated Hübnerite with Quartz
Doubly terminated Hübnerite with Quartz. Front
Doubly terminated Hübnerite with Quartz. Side

AG69P9: Parallel polycrystalline growth of doubly terminated and very well defined crystals with intense red reflections, an excellent luster and it is enhanced by being with Quartz crystals.
The specimen is from the James Catmur collection. We will send both, the label from Catmur collection and the label from Silvane collection.
Huayllapon Mine (Huallapon Mine), Pasto Bueno, Pampas District, Pallasca Province, Ancash Department  Peru (1996)

Specimen size: 8.7 × 5.4 × 4.2 cm = 3.43” × 2.13” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 7.5 × 3 cm = 2.95” × 1.18”

Former collection of Josep Amigó (Silvane)
Hübnerite with Quartz

MX6AM7: Parallel growth of two very sharp and doubly terminated Hübnerite crystals, translucent, lustrous, with a very deep red color (under intense light), with small water-clear Quartz crystals.
We will ship the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. (Bob) Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.4 × 1.4 × 1 cm = 0.94” × 0.55” × 0.39”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 1.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.94” × 0.55” × 0.12”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Hübnerite with Quartz. Hübnerite with Quartz.
Hübnerite with Quartz
Hübnerite with Quartz. Front
Hübnerite with Quartz. Side

TZE56AO2: Hübnerite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, very sharp and rich in crystal forms, translucent, very lustrous and on a matrix of water-clear Quartz crystals.
We will ship the specimen in its original Perky box from the collection of Robert J. (Bob) Noble, which
also contains the label.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 3.1 × 1.7 × 2.2 cm = 1.22” × 0.67” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 2.1 × 1 cm = 0.83” × 0.39”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Hübnerite with Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TTA87AO0: Group of Hübnerite crystals with a short prismatic shape, doubly terminated, sharp and with very well defined faces and edges, somewhat translucent, lustrous, on matrix, with water-clear Quartz crystals.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 5.7 × 5 × 2.8 cm = 2.24” × 1.97” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 3 × 2.9 cm = 1.18” × 1.14”

Hübnerite with Quartz. Front
Hübnerite with Quartz. Rear
Hübnerite with Quartz.
Augelite with Quartz (japan law twin)
Augelite with Quartz (japan law twin). Augelite with Quartz (japan law twin).

TE90AB6: Very sharp isolated Augelite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with very well defined faces and edges, with an excellent vivid green color and on a matrix with fine clear Quartz crystals, one of them implanted on the main Augelite crystal forming a small but very sharp and perfectly defined japan law twin.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (07/2014)

Specimen size: 7 × 5.6 × 4.5 cm = 2.76” × 2.20” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.5 cm = 0.63” × 0.59”

Augelite with Hübnerite and Quartz

MC29W8: A novelty at Munich 2012. Though they have sporadically appeared in previous years, due to their relative abundance this year and the quality both of the samples and the individual crystals, they can be considered as a novelty. The crystals have a considerable size for the species, they are bright, between translucent and transparent, and they have a clear apple green color. In this sample they are with crystals of Hübnerite, some of them doubly terminated, and are on a matrix of clear crystals of Quartz.
Tamboras Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (08/2012)

Specimen size: 7 × 5.2 × 3.5 cm = 2.76” × 2.05” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.5 cm = 0.71” × 0.59”

Augelite with Hübnerite and Quartz. Augelite with Hübnerite and Quartz.
Augelite with Quartz
Augelite with Quartz. Augelite with Quartz.

ED59AE5: Very sharp and isolated Augelite crystals that have very well defined faces and edges, are bright, with a pale green color and are implanted on a matrix of transparent Quartz crystals.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 7.4 × 5.6 × 2.2 cm = 2.91” × 2.20” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.6 cm = 0.35” × 0.24”

Augelite with Quartz

MA13W8: A novelty at Munich 2012. Though they have sporadically appeared in previous years, due to their relative abundance this year and the quality both of the samples and the individual crystals, they can be considered as a novelty. The crystals, many of them doubly terminated, have a considerable size for the species, they are bright, between translucent and transparent, and they have a clear apple green color and are on a rocky matrix with clear crystals of Quartz. This sample is one of the best obtained from the locality due to the size, quantity and quality of its crystals.
This specimen was photographed and published as a novelty at the 2012 Munich Show in the magazine ‘Le Règne Minéral’ number 108, page 39
Tamboras Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (08/2012)

Specimen size: 10 × 7.2 × 4.2 cm = 3.94” × 2.83” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 1 cm = 0.51” × 0.39”

Augelite with Quartz.
Augelite with Quartz. Augelite with Quartz.
Augelite with Quartz
Augelite with Quartz. Augelite with Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TZ90AM5: Isolated crystals of Augelite, very sharp and with well defined crystal forms, that are translucent, lustrous, and light green in color. Implanted on a matrix of fine transparent Quartz crystals.
Tamboras Mine, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 11.1 × 6.3 × 2.9 cm = 4.37” × 2.48” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 0.7 cm = 0.43” × 0.28”

Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Hübnerite, Quartz and Pyrite

TJ56AD1: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Flattened radial Lautite growths, with a good length for this rare sulphoarsenide. They are implanted on the faces of very sharp Tetrahedrite-Tennantite crystals with an octahedral shape, on matrix and with Quartz, Pyrite and small flattened Hübnerite crystals.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, La Gringa vein, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (11/2015)

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.5 × 2.6 cm = 1.89” × 1.77” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: (Lautite) 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.00” × 0.04”

Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Hübnerite, Quartz and Pyrite. Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Hübnerite, Quartz and Pyrite.
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz (japan law twin) and Pyrite
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz (japan law twin) and Pyrite. Front
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz (japan law twin) and Pyrite. Side
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz (japan law twin) and Pyrite.

TG87AD5: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Flattened Lautite crystals with a good size for this rare sulphoarsenide. These aggregates have grown implanted on very sharp tetrahedral Tetrahedrite crystals on a matrix of Quartz crystals, some of them with a very well defined japan law twin.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, La Gringa vein, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (11/2015)

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.5 × 3.4 cm = 1.89” × 1.77” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: (Lautite) 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.00” × 0.04”

Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz and Pyrite

TA49AD1: A novelty at Tucson 2016. Very well defined Lautite crystals and radial growths, with a considerable length for this rare sulphoarsenide. They are implanted on the faces of very sharp Tetrahedrite-Tennantite crystals. On matrix, with Quartz and Pyrite.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, La Gringa vein, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (11/2015)

Specimen size: 5.7 × 3 × 3.8 cm = 2.24” × 1.18” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: (Lautite) 0.2 × 0.1 cm = 0.00” × 0.04”

Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz and Pyrite. Front
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz and Pyrite. Rear
Lautite with Tennantite-Tetrahedrite, Quartz and Pyrite.
Tennantite-(Fe) with Bournonite, Pyrite and Quatrz
Tennantite-(Fe) with Bournonite, Pyrite and Quatrz. Front
Tennantite-(Fe) with Bournonite, Pyrite and Quatrz. Top
Tennantite-(Fe) with Bournonite, Pyrite and Quatrz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TF99AM5: Two 'V'-shaped tetrahedral crystals of Tennantite-(Fe) with coatings of very shiny Bournonite crystals. On matrix, associated with Pyrite and Quartz crystals. Specimens from this find were analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 8.3 × 6.8 × 6.2 cm = 3.27” × 2.68” × 2.44”

Main crystal size: 5.3 × 4.4 cm = 2.09” × 1.73”

Stolzite on Scheelite and Quartz

EF69AC0: A novelty at Tucson 2015. Very sharp dipyramidal Scheelite crystals that are coated by vivid lemon yellow Stolzite. They are on a matrix of Quartz crystals, a lot of them doubly terminated, with red Hübnerite inclusions.
Mundo Nuevo mining area, Mundo Nuevo, Huamachuco, Sánchez Carrión Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (10-11/2014)

Specimen size: 9.3 × 6.8 × 4.9 cm = 3.66” × 2.68” × 1.93”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.8 cm = 0.79” × 0.71”

Scheelite fluorescent short UV
Stolzite on Scheelite and Quartz. Stolzite on Scheelite and Quartz.
Stolzite on Scheelite and Quartz.
Pyrite with Quartz
Pyrite with Quartz.

TA26H3: Group of very individualized crystals of striated faces and a high luster, with acute prismatic crystals of Quartz. Very esthetic.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 6.2 × 5.6 × 4.2 cm = 2.44” × 2.20” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.3 cm = 0.59” × 0.51”

Pyrite coating Enargite

TB14AL6: Group of two elongated crystals, very aerial, of Enargite totally covered with small crystals of Pyrite, very sharp and lustrous.
We will send the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 3 × 1.6 × 0.7 cm = 1.18” × 0.63” × 0.28”

Main crystal size: 3 × 1 cm = 1.18” × 0.39”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Pyrite coating Enargite. Pyrite coating Enargite.
Pyrite with Quartz and Sphalerite
Pyrite with Quartz and Sphalerite.
Pyrite with Quartz and Sphalerite.

TQ96J3: Exceptionally complex crystals, very rich in faces, very bright, implanted on a druse of Quartz and partially covered by Sphalerite. In this case the Sphalerite is very fluorescent, which is uncommon. We analyzed it and the result shows that the Sphalerite is manganese rich, so that could be the reason for its fluorescence. We'll send this analysis to the buyer of the specimen.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 10.9 × 6.5 × 6.2 cm = 4.29” × 2.56” × 2.44”

Main crystal size: 3.6 × 3.3 cm = 1.42” × 1.30”

Sphalerite fluorescent long & short UV

TFR14AO0: Group, on matrix, of Orpiment crystals, one of them clearly dominant and aerial, with very well defined faces and edges, translucent, lustrous and with a very vivid orange color.
We will ship the piece, a Peruvian classic, in its original Perky box from the Robert J. (Bob) Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2.4 × 2.4 cm = 0.94” × 0.94” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1 cm = 0.59” × 0.39”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Orpiment. Orpiment.
Orpiment. Front
Orpiment. Light behind
Light behind
Orpiment. Without light behind
Without light behind

VK49Y5: Group of crystals, on matrix, with very well defined faces and edges, translucent, with an orange color and a very intense luster. The crystals, very luminous, have been magnificently preserved despite the long time that has passed since the sample was recovered in 1978. Such samples are currently considered as Peruvian classics.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (±1978)

Specimen size: 5.7 × 5.2 × 3 cm = 2.24” × 2.05” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.9 × 1.6 cm = 0.75” × 0.63”

Former collection of A. Mayor

TH67AL3: Very aerial group of Enargite crystals, more elongated than usual in examples from this deposit, with excellent crystal terminations, brilliant and on a matrix that also consists of Enargite.
We will send the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.1 × 2 × 0.7 cm = 0.83” × 0.79” × 0.28”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.4 cm = 0.79” × 0.16”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Enargite. Enargite.
Enargite. Front
Enargite. Front
Enargite. Top

MR16AN0: Group of sharp and lustrous Enargite crystals, with a prismatic habit and perfect pinacoidal terminations.
We will send the specimen, which comes from a classic Mexican locality for the species, in its original Perky box from the Robert J. Noble collection, which also contains the label, stating that it was previously in the Wilfred Talbot collection.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.6 × 1.5 × 1.8 cm = 1.02” × 0.59” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.28” × 0.28”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Enargite with Tetrahedrite

DB16I7: Group of prismatic crystals with pinacoidal terminations. They are all partially covered by small tetrahedral crystals of Tetrahedrite.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 8.1 × 6.2 × 3.3 cm = 3.19” × 2.44” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 4.3 × 1.3 cm = 1.69” × 0.51”

Enargite with Tetrahedrite.
Enargite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Enargite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TPB72AO4: Druse of Enargite crystals with very sharp crystal forms and excellent terminations, very lustrous, on a matrix of Enargite itself. A Peruvian classic of great quality.
The specimen comes from the collection of Jean-Louis Goux (France)
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru

Specimen size: 13.3 × 11.4 × 2.9 cm = 5.24” × 4.49” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.6 cm = 0.47” × 0.24”

Former collection of Jean-Louis Goux
Hutchinsonite with Pyrite

TX6AD9: A novelty (for its red color) at Ste. Marie 2016. Radial clusters of very bright and well-defined acicular Hutchinsonite crystals with vivid red reflections. They are on a granular Galena matrix that is partially coated by small and very bright pyritohedral Pyrite crystals. Both the Hutchinsonite and the Galena have been analyzed and we’ll send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (03/2016)

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.4 × 2.5 cm = 2.05” × 1.34” × 0.98”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.2 cm = 0.28” × 0.08”

Hutchinsonite with Pyrite. Hutchinsonite with Pyrite.
Hutchinsonite with Pyrite and Galena
Hutchinsonite with Pyrite and Galena. Hutchinsonite with Pyrite and Galena.

TM6AL0: Isolated crystals and radial aggregates of sharp Hutchinsonite crystals with bright luster and red internal reflections, on a matrix of granular Galena with pyritohedral Pyrite crystals. Both the Hutchinsonite and Galena have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (03/2016)

Specimen size: 5.3 × 4.2 × 1.9 cm = 2.09” × 1.65” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.1 cm = 0.20” × 0.04”

Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite

TF77AE2: A novelty (for its red color) at Ste. Marie 2016. Isolated crystals and radial clusters of very bright and well-defined Hutchinsonite crystals with vivid red reflections. They are on a granular Galena matrix that is partially coated by small and very bright Pyrite crystals and spheroidal Orpiment aggregates. Both the Hutchinsonite and the Galena have been analyzed and we’ll send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (03/2016)

Specimen size: 5.9 × 4.1 × 2.3 cm = 2.32” × 1.61” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.1 cm = 0.28” × 0.04”

Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite. Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite.
Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite
Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite. Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite.

TF14AD9: A novelty (for its red color) at Ste. Marie 2016. Isolated crystals and radial clusters of Hutchinsonite crystals that are very bright and well defined, with vivid red reflections. They are on a granular Galena matrix that is partially coated by small and very bright pyritohedral Pyrite crystals and spheroidal Orpiment aggregates. Both the Hutchinsonite and the Galena have been analyzed and we’ll send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (03/2016)

Specimen size: 6.2 × 4.4 × 3.8 cm = 2.44” × 1.73” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.1 cm = 0.28” × 0.04”

Hutchinsonite with Baryte, Pyrite and Galena

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Hutchinsonite with Baryte, Pyrite and Galena

XM230TD: Centered aggregates of acicular Hutchinsonite crystals, very lustrous and sharp, with vivid red reflections, on a granular Galena matrix partially covered by small Baryte crystals. Both the Hutchinsonite and Galena have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (04/2017)

Specimen size: 7.2 × 6 × 2.9 cm = 2.83” × 2.36” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.1 cm = 0.24” × 0.04”

With analysis copy
Hutchinsonite with Baryte, Pyrite and Galena.
Hutchinsonite with Baryte, Pyrite and Galena.
Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite
Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite. Hutchinsonite with Orpiment and Pyrite.

TB56AD9: A novelty (for its red color) at Ste. Marie 2016. Isolated crystals and radial clusters of very bright and well-defined Hutchinsonite crystals with vivid red reflections. They are on a granular Galena matrix that is partially coated by small and very bright pyritohedral Pyrite crystals and spheroidal Orpiment aggregates. Both the Hutchinsonite and the Galena have been analyzed and we’ll send a copy of the analyses to the buyer.
Quiruvilca Mine (La Libertad Mine), Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department  Peru (03/2016)

Specimen size: 8.4 × 3.9 × 4.1 cm = 3.31” × 1.54” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.2 cm = 0.28” × 0.08”

Galena with Quartz and Pyrite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

ERB92AP9: Group of cubo-octahedral Galena crystals with very deep skeletal forms, lustrous, on matrix, and coated with white Quartz crystals and small Pyrite crystals.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru

Specimen size: 9 × 8 × 4.5 cm = 3.54” × 3.15” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 3 × 2 cm = 1.18” × 0.79”

Former collection of Michel Perraudin
Galena with Quartz and Pyrite. Front
Galena with Quartz and Pyrite. Side
Galena with Quartz and Pyrite. Galena with Quartz and Pyrite.
Pyrite with Sphalerite
Pyrite with Sphalerite. Front
Pyrite with Sphalerite. Front
Pyrite with Sphalerite. Side

TBD26AO4: Floater group with two flattened crystals, in which the crystal forms of the positive and negative pyritohedron coincide, shiny, with fine growth striations and small Sphalerite crystals that curiously grow only in the areas where the crystals join.
We will send the buyer the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. (Bob) Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.5 × 2.5 × 1.7 cm = 0.98” × 0.98” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 2.5 × 1.3 cm = 0.98” × 0.51”

Former collection of Bob Noble

TT14AN2: Pyrite crystal of cubic form with fine growth striations. Airy and extraordinarily lustrous.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru

Specimen size: 4 × 3.8 × 3.7 cm = 1.57” × 1.50” × 1.46”

Pyrite. Front
Pyrite. Side
Pyrite with Quartz
Pyrite with Quartz. Pyrite with Quartz.

TF48AE9: Complex Pyrite crystal, very rich in faces, with the dominant cube beveled by a pyritohedron and other minor forms. It is implanted on an aggregate of Quartz crystals. The sample is really esthetic because the Pyrite crystal is isolated and has a very balanced position on the matrix.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru (02/2016)

Specimen size: 7.6 × 5.6 × 2.7 cm = 2.99” × 2.20” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 3.1 × 3 cm = 1.22” × 1.18”


TA96H7: Group of crystals in which the dominant form is the octahedron but also having the faces of the cube, less developed but evident. The faces are bright, defined and undamaged. A magnificent sample.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru (2001)

Specimen size: 11 × 9 × 4 cm = 4.33” × 3.54” × 1.57”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 2.2 cm = 0.94” × 0.87”

Pyrite. Pyrite.
Pyrite. Front
Pyrite. Side
Pyrite. Pyrite.

TR92AL8: Druse of complex Pyrite crystals with octahedron faces dominating but very rich in minor forms. The crystals are in perfect condition and extraordinarily shiny.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru (±2019)

Specimen size: 13.9 × 7 × 6.8 cm = 5.47” × 2.76” × 2.68”

Main crystal size: 6.8 × 4.8 cm = 2.68” × 1.89”

Pyrite (octahedral)

TMX90CD5: Group of octahedral Pyrite crystals, very lustrous, with very well defined faces and edges, and with golden reflections on the faces that have rough shapes, with somewhat developed and very smooth edges, and with the vertices truncated by pinacoid faces that in turn show growth striations.
Of considerable size and great crystallographic complexity.
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department  Peru (08-11/2023)

Specimen size: 15 × 11.1 × 5.9 cm = 5.91” × 4.37” × 2.32”

Main crystal size: 3.5 × 3.1 cm = 1.38” × 1.22”

Recorded under neon light
Bournonite with Chalcopyrite
Bournonite with Chalcopyrite.

EP47W9: Very aerial group of very well defined and bright twinned crystals with small aggregates of Chalcopyrite crystals. Originally labeled as Seligmannite, our analysis determined that it is really Bournonite.
The sample is from the Claus Hedegaard collection, whose label we’ll send to the buyer with a copy of the analysis.
Cerro de Pasco, Provincia de Pasco, Departamento de Pasco  Peru

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.6 × 1.7 cm = 2.05” × 1.42” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.6 cm = 0.35” × 0.24”

Former Claus Hedegaard collection. Number 10523

T56JD2: For a while we saw these atacamites from Peru, then we stopped seeing them, so I was very pleased when we were able to get hold of this one. It has lots of crystals and has the typical 'freshly picked' look of the atacamites.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (1999)

Specimen size: 4.5 × 3.2 × 2 cm = 1.77” × 1.26” × 0.79”

Atacamite with Chrysocolla and Quartz
Atacamite with Chrysocolla and Quartz. Atacamite with Chrysocolla and Quartz.

MX87AK6: Globular growths, on matrix, of very deep and uniform green Atacamite crystals, encompassed in Quartz, and much lighter green Chrysocolla growths, also encompassed in microcrystalline Quartz.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (2015)

Specimen size: 5.2 × 5.1 × 4.7 cm = 2.05” × 2.01” × 1.85”


TA86AM0: Very aerial group of Clinoatacamite crystals with well defined faces and edges, good luster and a very intense and uniform color, on matrix.
We will ship the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (±2016)

Specimen size: 3.2 × 2 × 2.3 cm = 1.26” × 0.79” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Clinoatacamite with Quartz
Clinoatacamite with Quartz. Clinoatacamite with Quartz.

TF66Z2: A novelty at Munich 2013. Aggregates of Clinoatacamite crystals with very well defined faces and edges. Most of the Clinoatacamite is included in small transparent Quartz crystals, but some crystals and groups, very bright and with very deep color, are external and very aerial.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 5.8 × 4.4 × 4 cm = 2.28” × 1.73” × 1.57”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.16” × 0.12”

Clinoatacamite with Quartz

TE66Z2: A novelty at Munich 2013. Aggregates of crystals with very sharp edges, very bright, with a very deep color and on matrix, with Quartz.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (2013)

Specimen size: 7 × 5.4 × 3.6 cm = 2.76” × 2.13” × 1.42”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.4 cm = 0.20” × 0.16”

Clinoatacamite with Quartz. Clinoatacamite with Quartz.
Clinoatacamite with Gypsum
Clinoatacamite with Gypsum. Clinoatacamite with Gypsum.

MB49Y7: A novelty at Munich 2013. Parallel aggregates of very well defined Clinoatacamite crystals. They are large- sized for the species, platy and have rounded contours. Furthermore, the crystals, on matrix, are extraordinarily bright, with a very deep green color and are partially coated by small Gypsum crystals. A sample out of the ordinary, worthy of being in the best collections.
The specimen has been reviewed, photographed and published as a new discovery in the magazine ‘Mineral Up’ on page 47 in number 2014/1
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (08/2013)

Specimen size: 16.8 × 10 × 6.7 cm = 6.61” × 3.94” × 2.64”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 1.3 cm = 0.67” × 0.51”

Chrysocolla with Quartz

MA26X1: A honeycomb growth, on matrix, of micro-crystals of Quartz completely covered by turquoise blue Chrysocolla, with intense greenish shades.
Lily Mine, Umay District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (06/2012)

Specimen size: 9.5 × 5.3 × 7.7 cm = 3.74” × 2.09” × 3.03”

Chrysocolla with Quartz. Chrysocolla with Quartz.
Chrysocolla on Quartz
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Front
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Side

TA88AL5: A novelty at the Sainte Marie 2020 Virtual show: Group of Quartz crystals covered by botryoidal growths of Chrysocolla with an intense greenish blue color. From a well-known Peruvian locality but from which this type of specimen had not previously been found.
Tentadora Mine, Ullpac Mountain, Huancano District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (03/2020)

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.8 × 3 cm = 1.30” × 1.10” × 1.18”

Chrysocolla on Quartz

TC90AL5: A novelty at the Sainte Marie 2020 Virtual show: Quartz crystals, one of them clearly dominant, covered by two generations of very vivid greenish blue chrysocolla, the first forming a smooth and uniform cover and the other, later, in botryoidal growths. From a well known Peruvian locality but one from which this type of specimen had not been found before.
Tentadora Mine, Ullpac Mountain, Huancano District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (03/2020)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 3.5 × 3.9 cm = 2.52” × 1.38” × 1.54”

Chrysocolla on Quartz. Front
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Side
Chrysocolla on Quartz
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Front
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Rear

TB99AL5: A novelty at the Sainte Marie 2020 Virtual show: Quartz crystals covered by botryoidal growths of Chrysocolla with a very intense greenish blue color, in turn partially covered by a second generation of Quartz with dissolution figures. From a well known Peruvian locality but one from which this type of specimen had not previously been found.
Tentadora Mine, Ullpac Mountain, Huancano District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (03/2020)

Specimen size: 6.6 × 3 × 2.1 cm = 2.60” × 1.18” × 0.83”

Chrysocolla on Quartz

EK87AL7: A novelty from the Sainte Marie Virtual Show 2020. Group of Quartz crystals, one of them clearly dominant, covered by botryoidal growths of Chrysocolla with a very intense greenish blue color. A known Peruvian locality but one from which this type of specimen had not previously been found.
Tentadora Mine, Ullpac Mountain, Huancano District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (03/2020)

Specimen size: 9.2 × 9.1 × 4.5 cm = 3.62” × 3.58” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 8.3 × 2.7 cm = 3.27” × 1.06”

Chrysocolla on Quartz. Front
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Rear
Chrysocolla on Quartz.
Chrysocolla on Quartz
Chrysocolla on Quartz. Chrysocolla on Quartz.
Chrysocolla on Quartz.

TX56AL5: A novelty at the Sainte Marie 2020 Virtual show: vivid greenish blue Chrysocolla coating almost completely Quartz crystals. The coat has two generations of Chrysocolla, the first forming a smooth and uniform cover and the other, later, in botryoidal growths. From a well known Peruvian locality but one from which this type of specimen had not been found before.
Tentadora Mine, Ullpac Mountain, Huancano District, Pisco Province, Ica Department  Peru (03/2020)

Specimen size: 15 × 7.8 × 7.7 cm = 5.91” × 3.07” × 3.03”

Chrysocolla with Quartz

TG58AD9: Spheroidal Chrysocolla growths on a rocky matrix. The Crysocolla is partially coated by small Quartz crystals. This coating in some areas on the sample is complete and visible due to a more intense luster and a deeper color (turquoise blue) of the Chrysocolla.
Acari Mine, Caraveli Province, Arequipa Department  Peru (2012)

Specimen size: 12.7 × 10.4 × 4.7 cm = 5.00” × 4.09” × 1.85”

Chrysocolla with Quartz. Chrysocolla with Quartz.
Copper. Front
Copper. Rear

TE27AE8: A novelty at Tucson 2017. Dendritic aggregate of elongated dodecahedral crystals with parallel growths and slight curvatures on the edges. It is from a locality not yet well known for collectible Copper samples.
Acari Mine, Caraveli Province, Arequipa Department  Peru (2015)

Specimen size: 6.2 × 3.8 × 1.9 cm = 2.44” × 1.50” × 0.75”


TH96AE8: A novelty at Tucson 2017. Dendritic aggregate of elongated dodecahedral crystals with parallel growths and slight curvatures on the edges. It is from a locality not yet well known for collectible Copper samples.
The specimen has been reviewed, photographed and published as a new discovery in the magazine ‘Mineralogical Record’ on page 443 in the volume 48, number 3
Acari Mine, Caraveli Province, Arequipa Department  Peru (2015)

Specimen size: 7.1 × 3.9 × 1.3 cm = 2.80” × 1.54” × 0.51”

Copper. Front
Copper. Rear
Gold with Quartz
Gold with Quartz. Front
Gold with Quartz. Rear

MZ16W9: A novelty at Munich 2012. Dendritic growths of laminar, elongated and wirelike crystals on Quartz matrix. The locality, not well known, had offered rare samples of Gold of this quality.
This specimen was photographed and published as a novelty at the 2012 Munich Show of the magazine ‘Mineralien Welt’ and appears on page 28 of number 1/2013
Mina San Luis, Chala, Caraveli, Arequipa  Peru (08/2012)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 1.8 × 1.8 cm = 1.02” × 0.71” × 0.71”

Rhodochrosite with Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TFA47AN5: Spheroidal growths of very lustrous rhombohedral Rhodochrosite microcrystals with an intense and uniform pink color, on matrix, with small Quartz crystals. Interestingly, from this same mine and time period, similar but paler colored specimens were found that turned out to be manganese-bearing calcites, whereas these more intensely colored specimens turned out on analysis to be true rhodochrosites. We will send a copy of this new analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 7.4 × 6.7 × 5.2 cm = 2.91” × 2.64” × 2.05”

With analysis copy
Rhodochrosite with Quartz. Rhodochrosite with Quartz.
Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz
Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz. Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EMR86AN7: Botryoidal growths of very sharp lenticular rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals, with good luster and a more intense and vivid pink color than usual in pieces from this deposit. With small water-clear crystals of Quartz, very lustrous, with Sphalerite.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 7.5 × 6.4 × 3.6 cm = 2.95” × 2.52” × 1.42”

Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EBZ96AN7: Spheroidal growths of Rhodochrosite with an intense and uniform pink color, with water-clear and very lustrous Quartz crystals and aggregates of sharp, lustrous Sphalerite microcrystals.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 12 × 8.6 × 5.3 cm = 4.72” × 3.39” × 2.09”

Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Front
Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Side
Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite.
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.

TN14AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 5.6 × 4.5 × 4 cm = 2.20” × 1.77” × 1.57”

Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EFB27AN7: Spheroidal growths of very sharp lenticular rhombohedral Rhodochrosite crystals, with good luster and a more intense and vivid pink color than usual in specimens from this deposit. On matrix, with small aggregates of Sphalerite crystals and transparent Quartz crystals.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 6.7 × 4.7 × 4.1 cm = 2.64” × 1.85” × 1.61”

Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz. Rhodochrosite with Sphalerite and Quartz.
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.

TM66AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 7.4 × 6.2 × 4 cm = 2.91” × 2.44” × 1.57”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite

TX14AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 7.6 × 5.4 × 7.5 cm = 2.99” × 2.13” × 2.95”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.
Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite
Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EPP37AO0: Spheroidal growths of small lenticular Rhodochrosite crystals with an intense and uniform pink color, with very lustrous Quartz crystals and aggregates of Sphalerite microcrystals.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 8 × 5.3 × 5.1 cm = 3.15” × 2.09” × 2.01”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite

TB56AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 8.3 × 7.4 × 4.1 cm = 3.27” × 2.91” × 1.61”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite
Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.

TQ37AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 8.8 × 6.6 × 6.2 cm = 3.46” × 2.60” × 2.44”

Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EBL96AO0: Spheroidal growths of small lenticular Rhodochrosite crystals with an intense and uniform pink color, with very lustrous Quartz crystals and aggregates of Sphalerite microcrystals.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 9.8 × 7.7 × 6 cm = 3.86” × 3.03” × 2.36”

Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Rhodochrosite with Quartz and Sphalerite.
Rhodochrosite with Quartz
Rhodochrosite with Quartz. Rhodochrosite with Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

EMF49AP5: Spheroidal growths of small lenticular crystals of Rhodochrosite with an intense and uniform pink color, with very lustrous white Quartz crystals.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (07/2021)

Specimen size: 13.8 × 9.9 × 6.2 cm = 5.43” × 3.90” × 2.44”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite

TC96AN2: Spheroidal growths of lenticular Calcite crystals (Mn-bearing calcite) cover a matrix with translucent Quartz crystals as well as small Sphalerite crystals and are partially coated by microcrystals of Rhodonite included in a white clay mass.
From a 2021 find in an as yet little-known mine. The different species have been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer.
Austria Duvas Mine, Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru (02/2021)

Specimen size: 14.2 × 6 × 7.3 cm = 5.59” × 2.36” × 2.87”

Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite. Mn-bearing Calcite with Quartz, Sphalerite, Calcite and Rhodonite.
Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite, Dolomite and Quartz
Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite, Dolomite and Quartz. Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite, Dolomite and Quartz.

TTF6AN4: Twinned disphenoidal Chalcopyrite crystals (pseudotetrahedral), very sharp, with bright luster and a brassy iridescence, on matrix, with Sphalerite crystals and small Dolomite and Quartz crystals. Of extraordinary quality for the locality.
We will ship the specimen in its original Perky box from the Robert J. (Bob) Noble collection, which also contains the label.
Morococha District, Yauli Province, Junín Department  Peru

Specimen size: 2.7 × 2.7 × 1.5 cm = 1.06” × 1.06” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.5 cm = 0.63” × 0.59”

Former collection of Bob Noble
Gold on Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)

MA8AC7: Arborescent Gold aggregates of very well defined octahedral crystals with hoppered growths and small cube faces, on a Quartz matrix. One of the best Peruvian Gold samples we have ever seen, as they are rarely crystallized. We also note that the Quartz hasn’t been acid-etched to dissolve it and expose the Gold.
San Luis Mine, San Luis Alta, Sancos District, Lucana Province, Ayacucho Department  Peru (08/2012)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2.5 × 1.7 cm = 1.02” × 0.98” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.12” × 0.04”

Weight: 22.3 grams
Gold on Quartz. Front
Gold on Quartz. Rear

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