Reference Specimens
The Jan Buma Collections

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Photos by Fabre Minerals. Under Creative Commons license

This page provides a selection of the specimens from the Jan Buma collection that have passed through the Fabre Minerals website and, due to their quality,
rarity, or significance as specimens from interesting locations, have been preserved as reference specimens in #MVM

Jan Buma, apart from being a great person, is a Dutch mineral collector who is very well known at most of the European shows since for many years he has attended them with great dedication. At these shows he bought a large number of specimens, initially all types of worldwide minerals, and then only in the three key areas of his collection: Fluorite, Rumania, Indian Zeolites and related species.

I have kept up a long friendship with Jan, which started many years ago at a Munich show. Back then I sold him one of the first specimens from the Emilio Mine, which caught his attention as it was a new locality at that time. Since then we have always kept in touch and done regular deals. So, when he sold his worldwide collection of minerals I had the opportunity and good luck of buying it. Some time later Jan decided to concentrate on an even more select range of minerals: just one, in fact - Fluorite. So he then sold his collection of Indian Zeolites and Rumanian specimens. Once again I was lucky enough to have the chance of buying his collection of Indian minerals.


In 2004 Jan Buma decided to concentrate on only high quality Fluorite specimens, so he decided to sell off most of his Fluorites, keeping just a select few. Jan decided to separate the Fluorites he had for sale into two groups: ones that were easier to sell, as the specimens were relatively cheap and they were of interest because of the localities they came from; the second were the better specimens, in which the range of locations and the good quality were both noteworthy. At the end of 2010, Jan Buma, after having built yet another excellent collection of Fluorite, decided to sell his entire collection, including his best pieces.

Both the quality of the specimens, and the range of localities makes this a really interesting collection. Each specimen is very well documented, as it comes with a record on which Jan noted details of the mineral, the locality, when he bought it, who he bought if from, and how much he paid.

We hope that you enjoy these specimens from the Jan Buma Collection as much as we have enjoyed them.

Jordi Fabre

The Jan Buma Fluorite Collection


Fluorite on Quartz
Fluorite on Quartz.

FE86H0: Matrix size is perfect, with a Fluorite crystal very well positioned on it. The crystal shows faces of the cube and octahedron, a less frequent combination than single octahedron. Crystal has a pleasant green light color.
Felix Mine, Azusa, San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California  USA

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.9 × 3.5 cm = 2.05” × 1.54” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 2.3 × 2.2 cm = 0.91” × 0.87”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020911
Fluorite with Quartz

FE14S5: Isolated crystal of Fluorite, neatly cubic and beveled, unusual for Azusa, where the most typical form is the octahedron or cuboctahedron. The crystal, between translucent and transparent, is clear green and it is on a Quartz matrix.
Felix Mine, Azusa, San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, California  USA (±1999)

Specimen size: 7.6 × 4.2 × 2.7 cm = 2.99” × 1.65” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 1 cm = 0.43” × 0.39”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 991001
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz
Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz  

FA96G6: An elegant piece from a very unusual locality. On a bed of crystals covering the matrix there are some very sharp cubes. Their color, combining white and gray, adds sobriety to the piece.
Boulder Hill Mine, Silver Glance District, Douglas County, Nevada  USA

Specimen size: 9.7 × 6 × 5 cm = 3.82” × 2.36” × 1.97”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.6 cm = 0.71” × 0.63”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010615 - Former Herb Obodda collection. Number 3750
Analcime on Fluorite

FD57G0: On a globular formation of little cubic crystals of Fluorite an Analcime crystal enhances, absolutely transparent, bright and sharp. A little jewel.
Sharon claims, Silver Peak District, Esmeralda County, Nevada  USA (±2002)

Specimen size: 3.5 × 1.9 × 1 cm = 1.38” × 0.75” × 0.39”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm = 0.24” × 0.20”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020619
Analcime on Fluorite. Analcime on Fluorite.
Octahedral Fluorite
Octahedral Fluorite.

FF62G6: The Fluorite octahedrons of this piece are distributed "in crescendo" and just finishing in two main interpenetrated crystals. The color is curious, with a mélange of purple and green and white zones giving them a "snowy" aspect.
Monarch Mine, Cherry, Cherry Creek District, Black Hills, Yavapai County, Arizona  USA

Specimen size: 4.4 × 3.9 × 3.8 cm = 1.73” × 1.54” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.5 cm = 0.63” × 0.59”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020306
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz

FF13H0: Both the matrix of little Quartz crystals and the Fluorite octahedron have a glazed surface. The Fluorite crystal is easy to distinguish by its light green color and the good position on the matrix, but another crystal, nearly uncolored, is hidden there too. As usually happens with a lot of samples from Jan Buma’s collection, the locality is very unusual.
Oregon Mine, Oatman District, Mohave County, Arizona  USA (±2002)

Specimen size: 5.4 × 4.6 × 3.4 cm = 2.13” × 1.81” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.4 cm = 0.59” × 0.55”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020303
Octahedral Fluorite on Quartz.
Fluorite with Wulfenite
Fluorite with Wulfenite. Fluorite with Wulfenite.

FV16S5: Compact aggregate of clear green crystals of Fluorite. They are octahedral, with polycrystalline growths on their faces, and with a second generation of deep violet small cubic crystals partially coated by yellow laminar crystals of Wulfenite, a very unusual association.
Toughnut Mine, Tombstone, Tombstone District, Cochise County, Arizona  USA

Specimen size: 7.5 × 5.4 × 3.7 cm = 2.95” × 2.13” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 960909
Fluorite with Gypsum, Calcite, Celestine and Pyrite

FR64J7: Cubic yellow crystals, very transparent and bright. They are on a matrix with white Celestine veins and with clear crystals of Gypsum.
Clay Center, Ottawa County, Ohio  USA (±1998)

Specimen size: 10.6 × 8.3 × 8.2 cm = 4.17” × 3.27” × 3.23”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.35” × 0.31”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 980404
Fluorite with Gypsum, Calcite, Celestine and Pyrite. Fluorite with Gypsum, Calcite, Celestine and Pyrite.
Fluorite with Calcite
Fluorite with Calcite.

FJ13T3: Aggregate of violet cubic crystals of Fluorite, transparent and with very well marked color zoning, parallel to the edges, and with acute scalenohedral crystals of Calcite.
Stoneco Auglaize Quarry, Junction, Paulding County, Ohio  USA

Specimen size: 4.4 × 4.3 × 2.2 cm = 1.73” × 1.69” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 1 cm = 0.87” × 0.39”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030103
Fluorite with Galena

FR16H0: A simultaneous growth of Fluorite and Galena cubes. Galena seems to be “eaten” by Fluorite. The base is a matrix with small Quartz crystals.
Blanchard Mine (Portales-Blanchard Mine), Bingham, Hansonburg District, Socorro County, New Mexico  USA (±2003)

Specimen size: 6.3 × 5.8 × 5.7 cm = 2.48” × 2.28” × 2.24”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.3 cm = 0.59” × 0.51”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 031205
Fluorite with Galena.
Fluorite with Galena.

FP66G0: Blue color is superb and also the sharpness and definitions of cubic crystals. A classic specimen from a classic locality.
Bingham, Hansonburg District, Socorro County, New Mexico  USA (±2001)

Specimen size: 11.5 × 6.5 × 3 cm = 4.53” × 2.56” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 011025
Fluorite with Quartz
Fluorite with Quartz  

FX6S5: Aggregate of cubic crystals of Fluorite of intense sky blue color, with perimorphic growths of white microcrystalline Quartz. The sample is with a label of the collection of H.P. Obboda that we'll send to the buyer together with the Buma label.
Galena King Mine, Tijeras Canyon District, Bernalillo County, New Mexico  USA

Specimen size: 6 × 4.4 × 1.8 cm = 2.36” × 1.73” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010610
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite.

FE58I0: The locality is very uncommon. On the specimen the small cubic crystals of Fluorite are with very small, but also very bright, crystals of Chalcopyrite.
Pea Ridge Mine, Sullivan, Washington County, Missouri  USA (±2001)

Specimen size: 5.8 × 4.5 × 3 cm = 2.28” × 1.77” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.2 cm = 0.12” × 0.08”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 011001
Calcite with Fluorite

FH27K9: Excellent and complex crystal. Very rich in faces, of which the scalenohedron clearly dominates. Very intense color, and it rests on a base of cubic deep purple Fluorite crystals.
Denton Mine, Sub-Rosiclare formation, Goose Creek Mine group, Harris Creek Sub-District, Hardin County, Illinois  USA

Specimen size: 7.8 × 4.5 × 4.2 cm = 3.07” × 1.77” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 6.6 × 3.8 cm = 2.60” × 1.50”

Fluorite & Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 031208
Calcite with Fluorite. Calcite with Fluorite.
Fluorite with Calcite
Fluorite with Calcite.

FM6F7: This group of crystals has a structure and color that are really attractive, even more so when light enters the center. They are also well placed on the Calcite.
Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Central Tennessee Ba-F-Pb-Zn District, Smith County, Tennessee  USA (±1993)

Specimen size: 4.9 × 4.6 × 3 cm = 1.93” × 1.81” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 1.2 cm = 0.67” × 0.47”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 930702
Fluorite with Calcite

FC66F7: A group of Calcite scalenohedra that cover a Fluorite, which is still visible given its deep blue-violet color. The honey color makes one want to eat them. They are real candy.
Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Central Tennessee Ba-F-Pb-Zn District, Smith County, Tennessee  USA

Specimen size: 11 × 7.5 × 7 cm = 4.33” × 2.95” × 2.76”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 200407
Fluorite with Calcite. Front
Fluorite with Calcite. Rear
Fluorite with Calcite.
Fluorite with Calcite
Fluorite with Calcite.

FB35I7: An uncommon locality. Crystals are complex, very rich in faces and almost spherical. They are yellow and very shiny and contrast on a matrix of white Calcite.
Erwin, Unicoi County, Tennessee  USA

Specimen size: 5.4 × 5 × 2.3 cm = 2.13” × 1.97” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 0.2 × 0.2 cm = 0.08” × 0.08”

Fluorite extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030701
Fluorite with Baryte

FT96H0: The piece shows a curious structure of crystals that form a comb, with a superficial slight color giving it a special sensation of relief. As usually happens with a lot of samples from Jan Buma’s collection, the locality is very unusual.
Danville, Garrard County, Kentucky  USA

Specimen size: 8 × 6.8 × 5.9 cm = 3.15” × 2.68” × 2.32”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1 cm = 0.47” × 0.39”

Intense fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 041201
Fluorite with Baryte. Front
Fluorite with Baryte. Side
Fluorite with Quartz
Fluorite with Quartz. Front
Fluorite with Quartz. Side

FT16F7: Crystals of fluorite surround it right to the top. Maybe they were trying to purify themselves as they have a phantom within them. But that would not have been easy as the road was full of spines.... of Quartz, of course. Such thoughts aside, the Fluorite has an excellent color and is from a classic locality, which is famous for its exceptional Rhodochrosite.
Sweet Home Mine, Mount Bross, Alma District, Park County, Colorado  USA (±2001)

Specimen size: 5.4 × 4 × 3.6 cm = 2.13” × 1.57” × 1.42”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.3 cm = 0.12” × 0.12”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 011022
Quartz (variety smoky) with Microcline (variety amazonite) and Fluorite

FK86H0: The little crystal of Fluorite is the item on the piece. A typical sample from Pikes Peak, with Smoky Quartz and Microcline (amazonite) embellished by this little cube of colorless Fluorite with little purple spots.
Take 5 Claim, Crystal Peak area, Teller County, Colorado  USA (±2003)

Specimen size: 4.9 × 4.4 × 2.9 cm = 1.93” × 1.73” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.5 cm = 0.28” × 0.20”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030508

Fluorite and Microcline fluorescent long & short UV
Quartz (variety smoky) with Microcline (variety amazonite) and Fluorite.
Quartz (variety smoky) with Microcline (variety amazonite) and Fluorite.

FE36G0: The quality is superior to most Fluorites from this locality. A very simple but well-defined crystal stands up in an aerial way on a pegmatitic matrix, formed by a group of little crystals of smoky Quartz and Feldspar.
Crystal Peak area, Teller County, Colorado  USA

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.5 × 2.8 cm = 1.89” × 1.77” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 2.5 × 2.5 cm = 0.98” × 0.98”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 981101
Octahedral Fluorite with Quartz

FB26M2: From an uncommon American locality and with larger than usual crystal size. A group of a very sharp pale green octahedral Fluorite crystals. On matrix.
Mount Antero area, Condado Chaffee, Colorado  USA (±1993)

Specimen size: 5.5 × 4.4 × 3.1 cm = 2.17” × 1.73” × 1.22”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 1.7 cm = 1.02” × 0.67”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 930909
Octahedral Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite on Quartz
Fluorite on Quartz.

FJ6H0: The contrast between the Quartz and the purple Fluorite is especially beautiful. The small bright crystals of Quartz embrace Fluorite octahedrons of rounded edges and parallel growths. The locality is very unusual.
Climax Mine, (corta cielo abierto Climax), Climax, Climax District, Lake County, Colorado  USA

Specimen size: 4.1 × 3.1 × 2.2 cm = 1.61” × 1.22” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.9 cm = 0.35” × 0.35”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020856
Fluorite with Rhodochrosite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz
Fluorite with Rhodochrosite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz  

FL50H8: Excellent and not so common crystallization with stepped formation produced by the repetition of the forms of the cube all along of the edges and also on the faces of the octahedron. There is also a “phantom” growth with a more opaque central zone. The crystals are on a matrix of Rhodochrosite, Quartz and small crystals of Chalcopyrite.
The sample is with the label of the collection of Fluorites of Herb Obodda.
Sunnyside Mine group (American Tunnel Mine), Bonita Peak, Gladstone, Eureka District, San Juan County, Colorado  USA

Specimen size: 6.6 × 4.9 × 5.1 cm = 2.60” × 1.93” × 2.01”

Main crystal size: 3.5 × 3.2 cm = 1.38” × 1.26”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010427
Fluorite with Rhodochrosite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz. Front
Fluorite with Rhodochrosite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz. Top

Mexico - Canada

Fluorite with Pyrrhotite and Quartz
Fluorite with Pyrrhotite and Quartz. Fluorite with Pyrrhotite and Quartz.

FA14H8: Crystals are octahedrons, and have stepped growths due to the presence of small faces of the cube, both on the edges and the faces. The matrix, on which there are also small crystals of Quartz, is formed for a group of hexagonal crystals of Pyrrhotite, well defined, neat, bright and free of alteration.
Santa Eulalia District, Municipio Aquiles Serdán, Chihuahua  Mexico (±1996)

Specimen size: 6.5 × 4.9 × 4.5 cm = 2.56” × 1.93” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.7 cm = 0.31” × 0.28”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 960805
Fluorite with Galena, Arsenopyrite and Calcite

FD29H0: A bright piece, the Galena, Arsenopyrite, and the Fluorite as well, the Fluorite is gemmy and slightly green colored. I like its perfection, I like its different minerals and I like its composition.
Naica, Municipio Saucillo, Chihuahua  Mexico (±1980)

Specimen size: 7.7 × 5.5 × 4.1 cm = 3.03” × 2.17” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 3.5 × 2.9 cm = 1.38” × 1.14”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020801
Fluorite with Galena, Arsenopyrite and Calcite. Fluorite with Galena, Arsenopyrite and Calcite.
Fluorite with Calcite, Pyrite and Quartz
Fluorite with Calcite, Pyrite and Quartz. Front
Fluorite with Calcite, Pyrite and Quartz. Rear
Fluorite with Calcite, Pyrite and Quartz. Top

MB96S1: Group of transparent octahedral crystals of Fluorite with a very uniform violet color. They have the rough surfaces typical of samples from Naica. They are on matrix with Calcite, Quartz and Pyrite.
Naica, Municipio Saucillo, Chihuahua  Mexico

Specimen size: 6.4 × 4.1 × 3.3 cm = 2.52” × 1.61” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.8 cm = 0.79” × 0.71”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 080401
Fluorite with Quartz and Sphalerite

FQ26M2: Cubic colorless Fluorite crystals showing faces paved by re-growths of smaller cubes accompanied by well defined Sphalerite crystals and small Chalcopyrite crystals on a rich Quartz crystal matrix.
This sample has been noted and photographed in the Mineralogical Record magazine (January-February 2018, pg. 163)
San Antonio Mine (San Antonio el Grande Mine), level 13, East Camp, Santa Eulalia District, Municipio Aquiles Serdán, Chihuahua  Mexico (±2004)

Specimen size: 8.2 × 6.6 × 4.2 cm = 3.23” × 2.60” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 3 × 2.2 cm = 1.18” × 0.87”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040102
Fluorite with Quartz and Sphalerite. Fluorite with Quartz and Sphalerite.
Fluorite with Tetrahedrite and Calcite
Fluorite with Tetrahedrite and Calcite.

FM56H0: An excellent Fluorite from the San Antonio mine, deep colored and with a different aspect than usual, with transparent cube faces and rounded surfaces on the edges. With the Fluorite are black crystals of Tetrahedrite and also small white crystals of Calcite.
San Antonio Mine (San Antonio el Grande Mine), East Camp, Santa Eulalia District, Municipio Aquiles Serdán, Chihuahua  Mexico (±2004)

Specimen size: 6.8 × 6.7 × 5.4 cm = 2.68” × 2.64” × 2.13”

Main crystal size: 2 × 2 cm = 0.79” × 0.79”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040720
Fluorite with Calcite and Jamesonite inclusions

FE86F7: In this case I like the form of the Fluorite, it looks like a stepped tower, and also the crown of white Calcite near the top of it. I also like the fact that within it you can also see needlelike crystals of Jamesonite. A very good specimen for the locality.
San Martín Mine, San Martín, San Martín-Sabinas District, Municipio Sombrerete, Zacatecas  Mexico (±2004)

Specimen size: 5.3 × 4.3 × 4.4 cm = 2.09” × 1.69” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 2 × 2 cm = 0.79” × 0.79”

Calcite extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040713
Fluorite with Calcite and Jamesonite inclusions. Front
Fluorite with Calcite and Jamesonite inclusions. Top
Fluorite with Baryte
Fluorite with Baryte.
Fluorite with Baryte.

FA96F5: A group of cubic crystals with regions that are green to colorless and on which white Baryte has grown. The gentle color gives it a relaxing feel. Specimens from this locality are not that common.
Roger Quarry, Madoc, Ontario  Canada (±2002)

Specimen size: 11.5 × 10 × 5 cm = 4.53” × 3.94” × 1.97”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 2.1 cm = 0.94” × 0.83”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 021009
Fluorite with Baryte

FH9S5: Globular growths of translucent, clear lilac Fluorite that are partially coated by transparent tabular crystals of Baryte of uniform and vivid yellow color.
Rock Candy mine, Grand Forks, British Columbia  Canada

Specimen size: 6.2 × 5.3 × 2.2 cm = 2.44” × 2.09” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.5 cm = 0.79” × 0.59”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040211
Fluorite with Baryte. Fluorite with Baryte.

FL56F7: Cuboctahedral crystals with stepped scalenohedral growth and zones of green-violet. A candy.
Rock Candy Mine, Grand Forks, British Columbia  Canada

Specimen size: 5 × 3.9 × 2.8 cm = 1.97” × 1.54” × 1.10”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 031001
Silver with Fluorite

FT26H5: A very rare combination of native Silver with Fluorite. Silver grew in arborescent clusters of small crystals having very sharp faces and edges. On them, small purple crystals of Fluorite crystallized.
El Bonanza Mine, Port Radium District, Great Bear Lake, Mackenzie District, Northwest Territories  Canada (±1989)

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.9 × 3.2 cm = 1.65” × 1.54” × 1.26”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 891206
Silver with Fluorite. Silver with Fluorite.


Fluorite with Baryte
Fluorite with Baryte.

FR9M5: Group of cubic crystals, sharp, with deep honey-yellow color and mostly covered by aggregates of white laminar crystals of Baryte. Different than usual for the locality.
Moscona Mine, El Llano, Solís, Corvera de Asturias, Comarca Avilés, Principality of Asturias (Asturias)  Spain (±2001)

Specimen size: 6.3 × 5.8 × 4.2 cm = 2.48” × 2.28” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.6 cm = 0.31” × 0.24”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010413
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite

FB13M2: Group of colorless cubic Fluorite crystals showing a pale violet color zoning. More than excellent transparency and luster. With a small twinned Chalcopyrite crystal, very bright, half of which is included in the Fluorite.
Emilio Mine, Obdulia vein, Caravia mining area, La Rubiera, Loroñe, Colunga, Comarca de la Sidra, Principality of Asturias (Asturias)  Spain (±1993)

Specimen size: 5.5 × 5.2 × 3.8 cm = 2.17” × 2.05” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.5 cm = 0.28” × 0.20”

Minor fluorescence long UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 931030
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite. Fluorite with Chalcopyrite.
Calcite with Dolomite and Fluorite
Calcite with Dolomite and Fluorite. Calcite with Dolomite and Fluorite.

FC16G6: Really Nature has its own caprices! I think this piece is a good example. Dolomite crystals form a "pompon" on the top of a Calcite scalenohedron. Furthermore there are some Fluorite crystals and one of them, as it must be, on the "pompon".
Emilio Mine, Obdulia vein, Caravia mining area, La Rubiera, Loroñe, Colunga, Comarca de la Sidra, Principality of Asturias (Asturias)  Spain (±1998)

Specimen size: 11 × 6.3 × 7 cm = 4.33” × 2.48” × 2.76”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 980919
Fluorite with Quartz

FN27H5: A classic from the find of the year 2001 in the well known pocket of El Reguerín 2, in the La Collada district. Crystals are cubes beveled by rhombohedron faces. They are beautiful blue and very transparent. In some zones on the matrix some small crystals of Quartz with small cubes of Fluorite appear.
La Viesca Mine, Reguerín II pocket, La Collada mining area, Huergo, Siero, Comarca Oviedo, Principality of Asturias (Asturias)  Spain (12/2001)

Specimen size: 9.3 × 7.2 × 4.6 cm = 3.66” × 2.83” × 1.81”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.5 cm = 0.63” × 0.59”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 021022
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.

FN87F5: A Spanish classic. From the Veneros Norte Mine at La Collada, which is now closed, comes this large crystal (a floater) that is recrystallized on the rear and that has the typical bevelled edges of this mine. A deep violet color, but in fact even more interesting as one can feel the depth of it due to the bluer zone in its center.
Josefa-Veneros vein, 75 level, Coroña de Arriba-La Collada, La Collada mining area, Siero, Comarca Oviedo, Principality of Asturias (Asturias)  Spain (±1974)

Specimen size: 8.3 × 8 × 6 cm = 3.27” × 3.15” × 2.36”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 990401


Fluorite on Siderite

FR76G0: A rarity! Although Fluorite is known from Panasqueira, it rarely forms such well defined and deep colored crystals as in this specimen. The matrix is, furthermore, specially esthetic being rich in little crystals of Siderite.
Minas da Panasqueira, Aldeia de São Francisco de Assis, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Cova da Beira, Centro  Portugal (1998)

Specimen size: 5.2 × 5.1 × 3.4 cm = 2.05” × 2.01” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.6 cm = 0.24” × 0.24”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 901027
Fluorite on Siderite.
Fluorite on Siderite.

Western Europe (excl. Spain and Portugal)


FR14F7: Twinned crystals of Fluorite. With an appearance that is typical for the mine, but with a rather special coloring, more pastel than is usual. A small group of crystals stand out near the top of the specimen.
Blackdene Mine, Ireshopeburn, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 5.9 × 5.2 × 3.5 cm = 2.32” × 2.05” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1 cm = 0.47” × 0.39”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 041012

TE6R9: Group of transparent cubic crystals with deep green color and showing, very well marked, the typical interpenetration twin of two cubes.
Heights Quarry, Westgate, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 4.6 × 4 × 2.2 cm = 1.81” × 1.57” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.5 cm = 0.39” × 0.20”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 061013
Fluorite with Galena
Fluorite with Galena. Fluorite with Galena.

FP37H8: An English locality classic. Crystals are well preserved. They have the typical interpenetration twin and are transparent, bright, and have deep green color. Some minor Galena is present.
Rogerley Mine, Frosterley, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom (±1994)

Specimen size: 15 × 7.8 × 8.3 cm = 5.91” × 3.07” × 3.27”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.4 cm = 0.59” × 0.55”

Extremely fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 940209
Fluorite with Siderite

FX96H8: A very classic English locality well known since XIX century. Crystals are transparent cubes with a lot of inclusions and they are partially covered by Siderite.
Boltsburn Mine, Rookhope District, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 9.7 × 6.6 × 3.4 cm = 3.82” × 2.60” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 2.3 × 2.3 cm = 0.91” × 0.91”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 041102
Fluorite with Siderite. Front
Fluorite with Siderite. Top
Fluorite with Sphalerite and Galena
Fluorite with Sphalerite and Galena. Fluorite with Sphalerite and Galena.

MA16V9: Yellow transparent cubic crystals of Fluorite on matrix, with Sphalerite and Galena. The card of the Jan Buma collection (number 061012), that we'll send to the buyer, includes an inexact locality so, after consulting with some specialists, the correct details of the locality are reflected in our label.
West Pastures Mine, Stanhope, Weardale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 12 × 9.5 × 4.5 cm = 4.72” × 3.74” × 1.77”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 2 cm = 0.87” × 0.79”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 061012

FA11T3: Aggregate of translucent lilac cubic crystals. The sample, as is usual for a lot of samples in Buma’s collection, is from a poorly known English mine in Durham County.
Leonard's Hush, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Teesdale, North Pennines Orefield, County Durham  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 6.7 × 4.7 × 3.9 cm = 2.64” × 1.85” × 1.54”

Main crystal size: 2.1 × 1.6 cm = 0.83” × 0.63”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020859
Fluorite. Fluorite.

FJ64H8: The locality is uncommon. Crystals are cubic, transparent and practically uncolored. They are well preserved, which is very unusual on old specimens.
Allenheads Mine (Beaumont Mine), Allendale, Northumberland  England / United Kingdom (±1996)

Specimen size: 8.5 × 8.2 × 2.7 cm = 3.35” × 3.23” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 1.3 cm = 0.51” × 0.51”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 961110
Hematite, Fluorite, Dolomite and Quartz

FD58I7: A typical specimen from Egremont, with small Hematite crystals partially covered by clear, practically dipyramidal crystals of Quartz and Dolomite rhombohedra. We note, not so common, the presence of small very transparent and slightly blue cubic crystals of Fluorite.
Beckermet Mine, Egremont, West Cumberland Iron Field, former Cumberland, Cumbria  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 8.5 × 6.8 × 2.2 cm = 3.35” × 2.68” × 0.87”

Fluorite fluorescent long UV & minor fluorescence short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 930822
Hematite, Fluorite, Dolomite and Quartz. Hematite, Fluorite, Dolomite and Quartz.
Fluorite with Pyrite and Galena
Fluorite with Pyrite and Galena. Fluorite with Pyrite and Galena.

FJ61S5: Translucent cubic crystals of Fluorite. They are bright, with very well defined faces and edges, with cubic crystals of Pyrite and on a matrix of Galena. The sample is from a not so well known mine near Alston Moor.
Rampgill Mine, Nenthead, Alston Moor District, North Pennines Orefield, former Cumberland, Cumbria  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 7.5 × 4.6 × 1.7 cm = 2.95” × 1.81” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.28” × 0.28”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030811
Quartz after Octahedral Fluorite

FQ46G6: In a first view, as a Quartz, it looks rare. And it is rare, because it has the form of octahedral Fluorite, previously existing and substituted by the Quartz. More curious is to observe that the surface is cryptocrystalline Quartz (Chalcedony) but the core of the octahedron, where Fluorite primarily was, is hollow and consists of little geodes covered by Quartz crystals.
Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Liskeard, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 7.5 × 6.4 × 3.3 cm = 2.95” × 2.52” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.5 cm = 0.59” × 0.59”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 940105
Quartz after Octahedral Fluorite.
Quartz after Octahedral Fluorite.
Fluorite with Baryte
Fluorite with Baryte.

FR10M0: From an old English locality, at once classic and uncommon. Group of transparent pale velvet cubic Fluorite crystals with geometrical color zoning, deepest on edges. The specimen is completed by laminar book shape Baryte crystals.
Coldstones Quarry, Greenhow, Yorkshire  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 8.4 × 6.2 × 3 cm = 3.31” × 2.44” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.28” × 0.28”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 930821
Fluorite with Calcite

FR56H8: The locality is uncommon. Crystals are transparent and practically uncolored cubes. They are well preserved and in some zones they are partially covered by Calcite.
Tear Breeches Mine, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 9.2 × 8 × 6.8 cm = 3.62” × 3.15” × 2.68”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.3 cm = 0.59” × 0.51”

Zoned fluorescence short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 050114
Fluorite with Calcite. Fluorite with Calcite.
Fluorite with Calcite, Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite
Fluorite with Calcite, Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite. Fluorite with Calcite, Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite.

FP36T3: Aggregate of sharp cubic crystals of Fluorite, on matrix and partially coated by small crystals of Chalcopyrite, with yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite and complex crystals of Sphalerite. An English classic.
Ladywash Mine, Eyam, Derbyshire  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 13.7 × 11.4 × 7 cm = 5.39” × 4.49” × 2.76”

Calcite minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 790881
Fluorite with Baryte

FE48J5: Group of translucent, greenish cubic crystals, of very well defined faces and edges, associated with tabular crystals of Baryte. We specially note the locality, not so common.
The specimen is from Jan Buma collection and it previously was in the Herb Obboda collection and we’ll send the two collection cards to the buyer of the sample.
L'Avellan Mine, level 65, Massif L'Esterel, Fréjus, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur  France

Specimen size: 7.1 × 7 × 3.3 cm = 2.80” × 2.76” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 2 cm = 0.87” × 0.79”

Intense fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010510
Fluorite with Baryte.
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite inclusions
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite inclusions.
Fluorite with Chalcopyrite inclusions.

FE63J7: Group of coloredless and transparent cubic crystals that have inclusions of globular groups of Chalcopyrite.
Fontsante Mine, Tanneron Massif, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur  France (±1999)

Specimen size: 11.4 × 5.2 × 2.6 cm = 4.49” × 2.05” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 1.1 cm = 0.43” × 0.43”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 990622
Fluorite with Siderite

FA86S5: Very sharp cubic crystals of very well defined faces and edges, translucent, of uniform yellow color and with white inclusions. The crystals are very isolated, which is uncommon for the samples from this locality, and they are on a matrix of Siderite.
Peyrebrune Mine, Terne Grosse, Peyrebrune area, Montredon-Labessonnié, Le Haut Dadou, Castres, Tarn, Occitanie  France (06/2000)

Specimen size: 9.6 × 6.6 × 4.2 cm = 3.78” × 2.60” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.5 cm = 0.79” × 0.59”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 011054
Fluorite with Siderite. Fluorite with Siderite.
Fluorite on Quartz
Fluorite on Quartz.

FY96F7: A very fine plate from a locality that rarely produces undamaged specimens. The base is white Quartz and on it there are various cubes of beautiful blue Fluorite with delicate phantoms, which have grown with equal gaps between them.
Le Burc Mine, Alban-Le Fraysse area, Tarn, Occitanie  France (±2003)

Specimen size: 6.7 × 5.7 × 3.7 cm = 2.64” × 2.24” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 1 cm = 0.51” × 0.39”

Intense fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030604
Fluorite with Quartz

FV68M2: Very esthetic specimen. Very transparent cubic crystals with a yellowish-bluish color, on a Quartz crystal matrix. Some of the Fluorite crystals show scrapes and small damages.
Le Burc Mine, Alban-Le Fraysse area, Tarn, Occitanie  France (±2003)

Specimen size: 15.5 × 11 × 3.7 cm = 6.10” × 4.33” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 030605
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.

FB26S5: Aggregate of cubic crystals of very well defined faces and edges, translucent, of uniform green color and on a base of white Quartz.
Maxonchamp, Remiremont, Épinal, Vosges, Grand Est  France

Specimen size: 9.5 × 6.7 × 2.4 cm = 3.74” × 2.64” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 2 × 1.8 cm = 0.79” × 0.71”

Fluorescent long UV & minor fluorescence short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 981029
Octahedral Fluorite with Quartz

FC61J7: Magnificent miniature. The octahedral crystal has an excellent luster, a good degree of transparency and its color is deeper than usual. Furthermore, it is esthetically implanted on a Quartz matrix.
Frunthorn, Valsertal, Graubünden  Switzerland (2000)

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2 × 1.9 cm = 0.94” × 0.79” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.3 cm = 0.71” × 0.51”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 201022
Octahedral Fluorite with Quartz. Front
Octahedral Fluorite with Quartz. Rear
Fluorite with Dolomite and Sphalerite
Fluorite with Dolomite and Sphalerite.

FH63J5: Group of cubic crystals, very transparent, almost colorless, and free of damage. Fluorite is partially covered by small pink crystals of Dolomite. We especially note the locality, not so common.
The specimen is from Jan Buma collection and we’ll send the collection card to the buyer of the sample.
Corvara Mine, Val Sarentino, Bolzano  Italy

Specimen size: 5.6 × 4.5 × 2.8 cm = 2.20” × 1.77” × 1.10”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1.5 cm = 0.71” × 0.59”

Zoned fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 050101
Fluorite with Quartz and Orthoclase

FT47F5: At the top of the specimen there is a very aerial pink Fluorite, which is part of a group of octahedral crystals that sit on the typical matrix for the locality: light pink Orthoclase along with smoky Quartz and Clinochlore. Very unusual and elegant = a typical Jan Buma specimen. It also has a label, numbered 353, from the Herbert P. Obodda collection, which is where he got it.
The specimen's photo has been reviewed and published in the magazine ‘Rocks & Minerals’ on page 141 in the volume 88, number 2, Mar/Apr 2013
Baveno, Lago Maggiore, Piemonte  Italy

Specimen size: 4.3 × 3.8 × 2 cm = 1.69” × 1.50” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.7 cm = 0.31” × 0.28”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010106
Fluorite with Quartz and Orthoclase.
Fluorite with Quartz and Orthoclase.
Fluorite with Anhydrite
Fluorite with Anhydrite. Fluorite with Anhydrite.

FD6M3: From a not well represented locality in collections, classic ones included. Very aerial group of Fluorite crystals formed by cube and dodecahedron faces, practically uncolored and partially covered by laminar Anhydrite crystals.
We’ll send the Jan Buma collection card to the buyer.
Boccheggiano Mines-Campiano Mine, Montieri, Grosseto Province, Tuscany  Italy (±1989)

Specimen size: 7.8 × 6.8 × 4 cm = 3.07” × 2.68” × 1.57”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 1 cm = 0.51” × 0.39”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 890703
Fluorite with Calcite and Marcasite

MZ7S5: Excellent sample for the locality. The cubic crystals, translucent and of a uniform yellow color, are on a matrix with white rhombohedral crystals of Calcite and small coatings of Marcasite with the shape so called "cook's comb".
Silius, Cagliari, Sardegna  Italy

Specimen size: 13.1 × 9.8 × 4.9 cm = 5.16” × 3.86” × 1.93”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.2 cm = 0.55” × 0.47”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 070910
Fluorite with Calcite and Marcasite. Fluorite with Calcite and Marcasite.
Fluorite (Ochsenauge)
Fluorite (Ochsenauge).

FY59J7: Another rarity from the Buma collection. Furthermore its locality is rare. We note the “ochsenhauge” (we can translate as ox eye) crystallization in which coincide four octahedral crystals more or less joined in one of the vertices.
Schönbrunn, Oelsnitz, Vogtlandkreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany (07/1996)

Specimen size: 5.8 × 2.9 × 1.9 cm = 2.28” × 1.14” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 1 cm = 0.43” × 0.39”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma Collection. Number 011058

FG64I7: Very nice miniature from an uncommon locality. Crystals, very aerial, are cubic, blue and translucent and have very well defined faces and edges.
Bösenbrunn, Oelsnitz, Vogtlandkreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 3.7 × 2.7 × 2.4 cm = 1.46” × 1.06” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.1 cm = 0.59” × 0.43”

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 031019
Fluorite with Baryte, Tetrahedrite and Chalcopyrite
Fluorite with Baryte, Tetrahedrite and Chalcopyrite. Fluorite with Baryte, Tetrahedrite and Chalcopyrite.

FB26I7: The specimen is especially interesting both for the locality and for the clearness and the color. We note also its rich paragenesis with Baryte, Chalcopyrite and Tetrahedrite.
Marienberg, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 8.9 × 6 × 3.2 cm = 3.50” × 2.36” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm = 0.24” × 0.20”

Fluorite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 050701
Fluorite with Quartz

FQ76M0: Excellent specimen from a classic German locality. Group of cuboctahedral crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with a pale apple green color and excellent brilliance. With some small white Quartz crystals.
Gelbe Birke Mine, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 9.5 × 7.2 × 4.4 cm = 3.74” × 2.83” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 2.8 × 2.8 cm = 1.10” × 1.10”

Very fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 011059
Fluorite with Quartz. Front
Fluorite with Quartz. Top
Fluorite with Galena and Calcite
Fluorite with Galena and Calcite.
Fluorite with Galena and Calcite. Fluorite with Galena and Calcite.

FX76M0: Group of cubic Fluorite crystals, with well defined and bright faces and edges. Very pale green color and accompanied by Galena crystals. Partially covered by Siderite. A excellent quality specimen for this locality.
Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 10.7 × 9.5 × 3 cm = 4.21” × 3.74” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.9 × 1.8 cm = 0.75” × 0.71”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 921207
Fluorite with Bertrandite and Feldspar

FX76M2: The locality is uncommon. Fluorite crystals are cubic, transparent and practically uncolored, with a slight violet color zoning. On a feldspar matrix (probably Albite) and with some small but really well defined Bertrandite crystals, typical of the locality.
Dörfel Quarry, Dörfel, Annaberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 8.4 × 7.2 × 6.5 cm = 3.31” × 2.83” × 2.56”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1 cm = 0.47” × 0.39”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 020205
Fluorite with Bertrandite and Feldspar. Fluorite with Bertrandite and Feldspar.
Fluorite with Calcite
Fluorite with Calcite. Fluorite with Calcite.
Fluorite with Calcite  

FY26M2: Small green Fluorite octahedrons on a scalenohedral Calcite crystal. This Czech locality is virtually unknown. The specimen was formerly in the Herb Obodda collection, then the Jan Buma collection and we’ll furnish the corresponding label to the buyer.
Litice nad Orlicí, Žamberk, Hradec Králové Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 9.3 × 5 × 4.1 cm = 3.66” × 1.97” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.4 cm = 0.24” × 0.16”

Fluorite & Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010616
Fluorite with Quartz

FC61M2: Very uncommon locality not well represented in collections. Group of cubic crystals beveled by the rhombohedron. Color is green and all on matrix.
Ledeč nad Sázavou, Havlíčkův Brod, Vysočina Region, Moravia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 10.1 × 10 × 3.5 cm = 3.98” × 3.94” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.9 cm = 0.39” × 0.35”

Fluorescent long UV & minor fluorescence short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 940507
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz
Fluorite with Quartz. Fluorite with Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz  

FT36M0: This locality is really exceptional, not well known and less represented in high quality collections. Group of octahedral Fluorite crystals with a nice lilac color. On a Quartz matrix.
The specimen is from the Jan Buma collection (Nr. 010603) and it is accompanied by a label from Herbert P. Obodda (Nr. 2725). We’ll send both labels to the buyer.
Harrachov, Liberec Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 6.3 × 4.5 × 3.8 cm = 2.48” × 1.77” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.8 cm = 0.39” × 0.31”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 010603
Fluorite with Zinnwaldite and Quartz

FF86H5: Fluorites from Zinnwald are very rare. The locality is one of the great classics in the history of mineralogy. On the sample the cubes of Fluorite form a crowd on the upper part of the matrix that has Quartz crystals and laminar crystals of Zinnwaldite of pseudohexagonal habit and perfectly sharp. We call attention to Zinnwald as a type locality for Zinnwaldite.
The specimen's photo has been reviewed and published in the magazine ‘Rocks & Minerals’ on page 159 in the volume 82, number 2.
Cinovec/Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Krusné Hory Mts., Ústí Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 10.2 × 8.2 × 4.2 cm = 4.02” × 3.23” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.6 cm = 0.24” × 0.24”

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040105
Fluorite with Zinnwaldite and Quartz. Fluorite with Zinnwaldite and Quartz.
Fluorite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Siderite
Fluorite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Siderite. Fluorite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Siderite.
Fluorite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Siderite  

FQ66M2: A classic mineral locality not particularly known for its Fluorite. Green cubic crystals on a Quartz rich matrix, with Siderite and small Chalcopyrite. The specimen was formerly in the Herb Obodda collection, then the Jan Buma collection and we’ll furnish the corresponding label to the buyer.
Zinnwald/Cinovec, Krusné Hory Mountains, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 7.3 × 6.8 × 5.6 cm = 2.87” × 2.68” × 2.20”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 0.8 cm = 0.67” × 0.31”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former Jan Buma collection. Number 040304

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