Mineral Specimens - page 18
The Carles Curto Collection (duplicates)

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Carles Curto Text: Carles Curto (formerly curator of the Geology Museum, Barcelona) & Jordi Fabre
Assistance from John S. White (former Smithsonian curator) John S. White


Born in Barcelona in 1950. Right from my early childhood, at the age of ten, and thanks to the mountaineer and naturalist who was my maternal grandfather (who gave me my first collection in 1960), I got in touch with the world of minerals, a hobby that was still a little unknown back then but that was clarified by frequent visits to the Geology Museum in Barcelona and the "old style" shop of Soler Pujol, in the Plaza Real of downtown Barcelona city. In both places I had the opportunity to get to know, along with other newcomers to the hobby, the most expert and highest level collectors, such as D. Josep Cervelló and D. Joaquín Folch.

Between 1962 and 1965, after many Saturday mornings in the Geology Museum in Barcelona, with the ineffable presence of the concierge, D. Francisco García Espino, who sold us modest specimens, always accompanied by some interesting explanation, and with visits to other private collections I was made aware of what could really interest me and I made a qualitative first selection among the wide mix of various objects that I had accumulated and I eliminated a good number of them from a jumble of massive minerals, rocks and fossils (and, why not say it: "pebbles")

In 1969 I decided to start my university studies in the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona, requesting, at the same time, a scholarship from the Municipal Museum of Geology, entering, in 1973, as an interim curator. It was not until years later the 1978 that I became -after examination- to the position of curator.

At the beginning of the seventies, coinciding with an era of special mineralogical activity, the collection continued to grow based on a "classic" (systematic-crystallographic) model, but with more attention to aspects of documentation and genetic interest than to other more "aesthetic" aspects . I was particularly struck by the crystalline morphology and the mineralogical "curiosities", with the final result being an eclectic collection, maybe very irregular, but full of suggestions and surprises and that ended up branching into a section of miniatures.


Carles Curto

With the arrival of computerization, in the early eighties, I decided to seriously address the cataloging and bibliography, which I took advantage of to donate a large part of my collection to the Geology Museum of the School of Mining Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Manresa and, many of the most beautiful and significant specimens, to the Museum of Geology (now Museum of Natural Sciences) of Barcelona. It was also at this time that I developed more academic activity and started to inform other people, with numerous publications and collaborations.

In 2017, retired, I decided to make a new start (is it a matter of age?), take a mineralogical break, limit what really interests me and go about reducing things that no longer fit, which is what I have time to do.

Be kind with my selection and enjoy it.




Fluorescent light (daylight)

CLA64AQ0: Concentric and very aerial globular growths of Wavellite, on matrix, partially translucent and with an intense and uniform color.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Mauldin Mountain Quarries, Mauldin Mountain, Montgomery County, Arkansas  USA (±1981)

Specimen size: 3.5 × 2 × 1.5 cm = 1.38” × 0.79” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.8 cm = 0.31” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CXM37AP9: Single crystal of Topaz, very aerial on the matrix, rich in crystal forms, transparent, with very good luster and an intense color.
The specimen comes from Carles Curto's collection of duplicates (number 1995.13) whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Topaz Mountain, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah  USA

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.9 × 4.1 cm = 2.05” × 1.54” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.2 cm = 0.59” × 0.47”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Topaz. Topaz.
Cuprite (variety chalcotrichite)
Cuprite (variety chalcotrichite). Cuprite (variety chalcotrichite).

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Cuprite (variety chalcotrichite)

CRB46AP7: Felted aggregates of fine acicular Cuprite crystals (variety chalcotrichite), with very bright luster and an intense and lively red color, on a limonite matrix.
The specimen, from a very classic locality for the species (and variety), comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1982.32), whose label and digital file we will send to buyer.
Copper Queen Mine, Queen Hill, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona  USA

Specimen size: 3.9 × 3.1 × 2.2 cm = 1.54” × 1.22” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 0.4 cm = 0.43” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CG56AM5: Equant Ramsdellite crystals with very well defined faces and edges and on matrix. The specimen, from one of the most typical localities for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1993.09), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Mistake Mine, Sam Powell Peak, Box Canyon, Yavapai County, Arizona  USA (±1993)

Specimen size: 6 × 3.1 × 2.4 cm = 2.36” × 1.22” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.28” × 0.28”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 0M4-XWP

Ramsdellite. Ramsdellite.
Gold (variety electrum) with Quartz
Gold (variety electrum) with Quartz. Front
Gold (variety electrum) with Quartz. Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Gold (variety electrum) with Quartz

CTX14AP7: Spongy growth of lustrous Gold (electrum variety) on a Quartz matrix.
The specimen, from a known locality but one which is rarely represented in collections, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1994.06), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Hornitos, Hornitos mining district, Mariposa County, California  USA

Specimen size: 1.4 × 1.2 × 1 cm = 0.55” × 0.47” × 0.39”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.9 cm = 0.35” × 0.35”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Gold with Quartz
Gold with Quartz  

CM86AH6: Group of much flattened Gold crystals on a Quartz matrix. They have very neat contour, well defined faces and edges, and are very bright. The sample is from the first (1989) of the Gold at the Eagle’s Nest mine. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full collection catalog text.
Eagle's Nest Mine, Sage Hill, Michigan Bluff District, Placer County, California  USA (±1989)

Specimen size: 1.5 × 1 × 0.8 cm = 0.59” × 0.39” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 8F4-CAE

Gold with Quartz. Gold with Quartz.
Inesite with Calcite
Inesite with Calcite. Inesite with Calcite.
Inesite with Calcite  

CT96AI3: Groups of Inesite crystals with very well defined simple forms, bright and with a very intense pink color, on a matrix of the same Inesite with minor Calcite. The locality is an American classic for the species. The sample is from a J. Fabre exchange with the collection of duplicates of Joaquín Folch in the year 1987, when this collection was not well known under this name.
Hale Creek Mine, Mad River Rock, Coastal Range, Trinity County, California  USA (1973)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 4 × 3.5 cm = 2.52” × 1.57” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.4 cm = 0.47” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: GAM-T52


CT66AM1: Prismatic crystal with flat contacts at the back of the prism, parallel growths and polycrystalline formations with sharp terminal faces.
The specimen, from an old historical mine, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Big Boulder Mine, Larimer County, Colorado  USA

Specimen size: 2.5 × 2.1 × 1.3 cm = 0.98” × 0.83” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: DX7-PJE

Tantalite-(Fe). Front
Tantalite-(Fe). Top
Baryte with Pyrite
Baryte with Pyrite. Baryte with Pyrite.
Baryte with Pyrite  

CJ14AL5: Druse of Baryte crystals with very well defined faces and edges, transparent, very bright and of a very intense and uniform orange color, with two small cubic Pyrite crystals. This piece, from a typical locality for quality Baryte, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Eagle Mine, Gilman, Gilman District, Eagle County, Colorado  USA

Specimen size: 4.7 × 3.6 × 1.6 cm = 1.85” × 1.42” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.6 cm = 0.39” × 0.24”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Strontianite with Fluorite
Strontianite with Fluorite  

CN46AL3: Centered aggregates of white acicular Strontianite crystals, with very well defined faces and edges and implanted in a lilac Fluorite matrix. The specimen shows the classic morphology for this locality, a reference specimen for the species.
From the Carles Curto collection (ref. 1985.38), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Minerva I Mine, Ozark-Mahoning group, Cave-in-Rock Sub-District, Hardin County, Illinois  USA

Specimen size: 4.8 × 3.6 × 3 cm = 1.89” × 1.42” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.2 cm = 0.24” × 0.08”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 9WT-3M9

Strontianite with Fluorite. Strontianite with Fluorite.

CL11AL3: A very aerial tree-like floater aggregate composed of slightly elongated rhombododecahedral crystals of Copper with pronounced curved edges.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 1976.46), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw County, Michigan  USA (±1976)

Specimen size: 2.6 × 1.7 × 0.8 cm = 1.02” × 0.67” × 0.31”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1 cm = 0.63” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: P4H-U5Q


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBF66AP7: Flattened crystals of Nasonite, a very rare lead and calcium sorosilicate, of prismatic habit, transparent and lustrous, on matrix.
The specimen, from the type locality for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1970.29), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Franklin Mine, Parker shaft, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex County, New Jersey  USA

Specimen size: 2.9 × 2.5 × 1.4 cm = 1.14” × 0.98” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.2 cm = 0.16” × 0.08”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Type locality

Nasonite. Nasonite.
Franklinite with Calcite
Franklinite with Calcite. Front
Franklinite with Calcite. Rear
Franklinite with Calcite  

CR66AJ0: Octahedral Franklinite crystal on matrix with the classical shape of the samples from Franklin in the sixties of the last century. It has very well defined faces and edges which are slightly curved. An American classic from the type locality for the species.
The sample is from the Carles Curto collection whose label and catalog card we will send to the buyer.
Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex County, New Jersey  USA

Specimen size: 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.1 cm = 0.98” × 0.98” × 0.83”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 5W5-UWD


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CCT13AO3: Complete double floater group with growths of tabular Baryte crystals with sand inclusions (“baryte rose” variety). A USA classic which is not seen much nowadays.
The specimen comes from the duplicates of the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Lake Thunderbird area, Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma  USA (±1969)

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.2 × 2.4 cm = 1.65” × 1.26” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 2.3 cm = 0.94” × 0.91”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Rutile with Muscovite
Rutile with Muscovite. Rutile with Muscovite.
Rutile with Muscovite  

CG76AJ7: Reticular aggregate of twinned crystals that are translucent, bright, with a very intense red color and on a matrix of tabular Muscovite crystals.
Boiling Springs, Cleveland County, North Carolina  USA

Specimen size: 3.4 × 2.9 × 2 cm = 1.34” × 1.14” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.3 cm = 0.39” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 2VX-EAQ

Rutile (variety sagenite) with Siderite and limonite
Rutile (variety sagenite) with Siderite and limonite  

CT76AL4: Reticular aggregate (sagenite variety) of twinned, translucent, lustrous red crystals of Rutile with intense reflections, on matrix of partially limonitized former rhombohedral Siderite crystals.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue information we will send to the buyer.
Boiling Springs, Cleveland County, North Carolina  USA

Specimen size: 5.8 × 5.7 × 2.3 cm = 2.28” × 2.24” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 0.1 cm = 0.55” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 2M1-6MD

Rutile (variety sagenite) with Siderite and limonite. Rutile (variety sagenite) with Siderite and limonite.

Mexico- Canada


Pyrargyrite with Quartz
Pyrargyrite with Quartz. Pyrargyrite with Quartz.
Pyrargyrite with Quartz  

CM26AN2: Pyrargyrite crystals very rich in faces, with sharp crystal forms, on matrix, with Quartz crystals.
This specimen, a Mexican classic, comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 2003.19), whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
San Juan de Rayas Mine, Guanajuato, Municipio Guanajuato  Mexico

Specimen size: 4.9 × 4.3 × 2.6 cm = 1.93” × 1.69” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.16” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CD14AM7: Aerial group, on matrix, with very bright leafy growths of Silver. From a well-known Mexican locality but one from which few collection specimens have been preserved.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
El Oro de Hidalgo, Municipio El Oro, State of Mexico  Mexico

Specimen size: 2.5 × 1.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.98” × 0.75” × 0.31”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.5 cm = 0.39” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Silver. Front
Silver. Rear
Silver. Side

CE50AL9: Floater aggregate with polycrystalline growths of hexahedral Silver crystals with very well defined faces and edges, shiny and with small dark coatings of Acanthite. Although the area is known for its Fluorites, specimens from this particular mine are rare and good Silvers even more so.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Encantada Mine, La Encantada, Municipio Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila (Coahuila de Zaragoza)  Mexico

Specimen size: 3.5 × 3 × 2.2 cm = 1.38” × 1.18” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.3 cm = 0.12” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 0M7-8EA


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBF71AO1: Group of Copper crystals, cubic with octahedral faces, lustrous, and with excellent definition (for the species) on faces and edges.
Very aesthetic specimen from a Mexican locality that has provided few quality specimens.

Veta Rica Mine, Sierra Mojada mining district, Municipio Sierra Mojada, Coahuila (Coahuila de Zaragoza)  Mexico (±1987)

Specimen size: 8.4 × 5.0 × 5.4 cm = 3.31” × 1.97” × 2.13”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.6 cm = 0.24” × 0.24”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Copper. Copper.
Cu-bearing Austinite (variety barthite) with Calcite
Cu-bearing Austinite (variety barthite) with Calcite.
Cu-bearing Austinite (variety barthite) with Calcite.
Cu-bearing Austinite (variety barthite) with Calcite  

HM55CD: Botryoidal growths of Austinite crystals of the copper-bearing variety which is also known as “barthite”, transparent, very lustrous and with an intense and deep green color, on a limonite matrix, with white scalenohedral Calcite crystals..
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Municipio Mapimí, Durango  Mexico (±1981)

Specimen size: 2.9 × 2.2 × 2 cm = 1.14” × 0.87” × 0.79”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: YMG-ER7

Conichalcite with Calcite
Conichalcite with Calcite  

CC96AM5: Botryoidal growth with small, translucent and lustrous Conichalcite crystals with a very intense green color, on a limonite matrix and with Calcite crystals. The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1983.17), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Municipio Mapimí, Durango  Mexico (±1983)

Specimen size: 3.6 × 4.4 × 3.4 cm = 1.42” × 1.73” × 1.34”

Main crystal size: 3.1 × 2.8 cm = 1.22” × 1.10”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 3JP-K8X

Conichalcite with Calcite.
Aurichalcite. Aurichalcite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CCB56AO1: Vug of acicular Aurichalcite crystals, in some areas of the specimen forming centered aggregates, with a bright luster and intense bluish green color. On a limonite matrix.
Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Municipio Mapimí, Durango  Mexico (±1986)

Specimen size: 5 × 3 × 2.4  cm = 1.97” × 1.18” × 0.94”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CPM86AO1: Groups on matrix of very sharp rhombohedral crystals of Rhodochrosite. Transparent, with great luster and an intense pink color.
Potosí Mine, Santo Domingo (Francisco Portillo), Santa Eulalia District, Municipio Aquiles Serdán, Chihuahua  Mexico (±1986)

Specimen size: 4.3 × 3.2 × 2.1 cm = 1.69” × 1.26” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.6 cm = 0.28” × 0.24”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite.

CB46AL3: Feather-like growth of Silver crystals in which a doubly terminated and very elongated crystal stands out, with the sharp profile of a spinel-law twin. The attached documentation shows that the specimen was extracted from the mine in 1979.
It comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 1981.55), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
La Nevada Mine, Cerro San Antonio, San Miguel, Batopilas, Andrés del Río District, Municipio Batopilas, Chihuahua  Mexico

Specimen size: 2.9 × 2.8 × 0.7 cm = 1.14” × 1.10” × 0.28”

Main crystal size: 2.7 × 0.5 cm = 1.06” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 18U-QXH

Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite and Sphalerite
Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite and Sphalerite  

CE37AJ7: Elongated amethyst crystals with slightly curved faces and edges. They are translucent, have a very intense and uniform color, are on Sphalerite matrix and are partially coated by white scalenohedral Calcite crystals. The amethyst of such quality is very uncommon at Naica.
Naica, Municipio Saucillo, Chihuahua  Mexico

Specimen size: 7.5 × 5.4 × 3.9 cm = 2.95” × 2.13” × 1.54”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 0.6 cm = 1.02” × 0.24”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Calcite fluorescence short UV & minor fluorescence long UV

minID: 5NU-0Q2

Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite and Sphalerite. Quartz (variety amethyst) with Calcite and Sphalerite.
Silver With Calcite
Silver With Calcite. Silver With Calcite.
Silver With Calcite  

CC13AH5: Aggregate on a Calcite matrix of very sharp distorted cube faces that have very well defined faces and edges. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text of the collection catalog.
La Riza Mine, Mineral del Monte, Municipio Mineral del Monte, Hidalgo  Mexico

Specimen size: 1.7 × 1.5 × 1.2 cm = 0.67” × 0.59” × 0.47”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.3 cm = 0.12” × 0.12”

Calcite fluorescent short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CM76AI3: Floater druse of sharp bright crystals with simple forms and excellent terminal faces. The samples of Arsenopyrite from Concepción del Oro, relatively common some time ago, are currently very rare.
Bonanza Mine, Concepción del Oro, Municipio Concepción del Oro, Zacatecas  Mexico

Specimen size: 5.8 × 5.1 × 3.7 cm = 2.28” × 2.01” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.7 cm = 0.47” × 0.28”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Arsenopyrite. Arsenopyrite.
Topaz. Front
Topaz. Side

CF27AL3: Group of very sharp prismatic Topaz crystals, on matrix, with well defined faces and edges, bright, transparent and with color zoning, very deep in the terminations.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (ref. 1997.05), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Tepetate, Municipio Villa de Arriaga, San Luis Potosí  Mexico

Specimen size: 4.9 × 2.8 × 3.2 cm = 1.93” × 1.10” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 0.6 cm = 0.51” × 0.24”

Fluorescence on the matrix (short and long UV)

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 6C0-PTL



CC56AL4: Aggregates of very elongated, fibrous Silver crystals, some of them with pronounced curvatures and fine dendritic growths and with small, poorly defined, Acanthite crystals.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue information we will send to the buyer.
Keeley-Frontier Mine, South Lorrain Township, Cobalt-Gowganda Region, Timiskaming District, Ontario  Canada (±1966)

Specimen size: 2.1 × 2 × 1.2 cm = 0.83” × 0.79” × 0.47”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: RE1-M66

Silver. Front
Silver. Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CVA13AP6: Complete and sharp crystal of Molybdenite, very shiny and on a Quartz matrix.
The specimen is from a very classic locality for the species.
Comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Moly Hill Mine, La Motte, Abitibi RCM, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec  Canada (±1980)

Specimen size: 2.3 × 2.5 × 1.5 cm = 0.91” × 0.98” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 1.5 × 1.5 cm = 0.59” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 0T9-VDC

Analcime with Aegirine
Analcime with Aegirine  

CR66AM1: Floater aggregate of white trapezohedral Analcime crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with acicular black crystals of Aegirine.
The specimen, from an old historic mine, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec  Canada

Specimen size: 4 × 2.9 × 3.1 cm = 1.57” × 1.14” × 1.22”

Main crystal size: 3.3 × 3.2 cm = 1.30” × 1.26”

Minor fluorescence short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: KUJ-NH5

Analcime with Aegirine. Front
Analcime with Aegirine. Rear


Sulphur with Calcite
Sulphur with Calcite. Sulphur with Calcite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Sulphur with Calcite

CBR96AP0: Individualized Sulphur crystals with very sharp crystal forms, translucent, with great luster and an intense and uniform color. On matrix, with very acute scalenohedral Calcite crystals.
A good quality Spanish classic from the Carlos Curto collection (duplicates) number 1980.11
Cáucaso Mine, Conil Mines, Conil de la Frontera, Comarca La Janda, Cádiz, Andalusia  Spain

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.3 × 4.8 cm = 1.89” × 1.69” × 1.89”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.3 cm = 0.20” × 0.12”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 0D9-AXP

Silver (variety 'sponge')

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Silver (variety 'sponge')

CTT63AP7: Spongy aggregate of very elongated lamellar Silver crystals. This kind of specimen was very typical in the small veins of the mine, a historic Spanish mining locality, where they were called 'sponges' because of their peculiar appearance.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1971.42), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Santa Matilde cut, Berja mining group, Las Herrerías, Almagrera Range, Cuevas del Almanzora, Comarca Levante Almeriense, Almería, Andalusia  Spain

Specimen size: 2.8 × 1.4 × 1.2 cm = 1.10” × 0.55” × 0.47”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Silver (variety 'sponge').
Jarosite. Jarosite.

CB26AI3: Jarosite crystals on matrix with very well defined faces and edges, transparent and very bright.
Socavón Santa Bárbara (El Arteal Tunnel), Almagrera Range, Cuevas del Almanzora, Comarca Levante Almeriense, Almería, Andalusia  Spain (08/1997)

Specimen size: 6.2 × 5.3 × 1.4 cm = 2.44” × 2.09” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.12” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CD37AJ7: Parallel growths of skeletal faces and foliation surfaces of native Bismuth, very bright and on a Quartz matrix. A Spanish classic.
Dolores Mine, Dolores Mining Group, Las Lomas, Pozoblanco, Comarca Los Pedroches, Córdoba, Andalusia  Spain

Specimen size: 5 × 3.6 × 2.9 cm = 1.97” × 1.42” × 1.14”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 12H-UL6

Bismuth. Bismuth.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CDP63AO1: Group of very sharp tabular Celestine crystals, between translucent and transparent, with good luster and a uniform light blue color. A Spanish classic.
Minerama II claim, Puente Tablas, Jaén city, Jaén, Comarca Metropolitana de Jaén, Andalusia  Spain (±1984)

Specimen size: 6.3 × 5 × 4 cm = 2.48” × 1.97” × 1.57”

Main crystal size: 2.7 × 1.1 cm = 1.06” × 0.43”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


NC16AL3: Globular growths, on matrix, with bright, translucent crystals and a very intense and uniform apple-green color. A Spanish classic.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 2002.03), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Oficarsa Quarry, De las Culebras Hill, Carchelejo, Cárcheles, Comarca Sierra Mágina, Jaén, Andalusia  Spain (10/2001)

Specimen size: 3.8 × 3 × 1.9 cm = 1.50” × 1.18” × 0.75”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 0KW-41D

Cerussite. Cerussite.

CC86AJ7: Very aerial stalactitic growths of white Cerussite crystals with very well defined, almost globular, curvatures. A rarity at Linares, obtained at the mine in 1968.
Linares, Comarca Sierra Morena, Jaén, Andalusia  Spain (1968)

Specimen size: 5 × 4.1 × 2.4 cm = 1.97” × 1.61” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.4 cm = 0.16” × 0.16”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)



CA67AL9: Spinel-law twin, with very well defined crystal forms and with curvatures on the faces and edges. Translucent, with good luster and a very intense and vivid red color.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Áliva Mine (Las Mánforas Mine), Áliva mining area, Camaleño, Comarca Liébana, Cantabria  Spain (±1974)

Specimen size: 3.9 × 3.7 × 2.5 cm = 1.54” × 1.46” × 0.98”

Main crystal size: 3 × 3 cm = 1.18” × 1.18”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: T0A-UDF

Sphalerite. Front
Sphalerite. Light behind
Light behind
Pyromorphite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Pyromorphite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CXF86AP1: Druse of Pyromorphite crystals with very sharp crystal forms, with bright luster and a vivid green color. In matrix and different from what we usually know from El Horcajo.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection duplicates (number 1974.26), whose label and data sheet we will send to the buyer.
El Horcajo Mines, El Horcajo, Almodóvar del Campo, Comarca Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha  Spain

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.5 × 2.6 cm = 1.30” × 0.98” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.2 cm = 0.12” × 0.08”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CRM96AP1: Acicular crystals of yellowish green Pyromorphite with curvatures on the faces and edges, with good luster, on matrix.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection duplicates (number 2008.23), whose label and computer entry we will send to the buyer. Previously in the collection of Silvane (Josep Amigó), from Barcelona.
El Horcajo Mines, El Horcajo, Almodóvar del Campo, Comarca Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha  Spain

Specimen size: 5.5 × 2.5 × 2.0 cm = 2.17” × 0.98” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.1 cm = 0.31” × 0.04”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 277-6Y9

Pyromorphite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Pyromorphite. Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Quartz with Cinnabar
Quartz with Cinnabar.
Quartz with Cinnabar  

CC12AJ7: Clear Quartz crystals with very well defined faces and edges. One of them is clearly dominant with an an evident Cinnabar inclusion. They are on matrix, with crystals and foliation surfaces of Cinnabar.
Distrito Minero de Almadén, Almadén, Comarca Valle de Alcudia, Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha  Spain

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2 × 1.2 cm = 1.02” × 0.79” × 0.47”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.3 cm = 0.39” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Cassiterite with Quartz
Cassiterite with Quartz  

CC13AM1: Angular twin of two prismatic Cassiterite crystals, lustrous, with a range of shades between cream and dark brown, on a Quartz matrix.
The specimen, a classic from an old historic Spanish mine, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
La Luceta Mine, Vecinos, Municipio Vecinos, Comarca Campo de Calatrava, Salamanca, Castile and León  Spain (±1971)

Specimen size: 2.2 × 1.7 × 1.6 cm = 0.87” × 0.67” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 1.5 cm = 0.87” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Cassiterite with Quartz. Front
Cassiterite with Quartz. Top
Aragonite (variety cuprian)
Aragonite (variety cuprian).
Aragonite (variety cuprian)  

CT36AH6: Coralloid and botryoidal growths with micro-acicular surfaces. The nice blue color is due to copper salts inclusions. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full collection catalog text.
La Profunda Mine, Collada de Cármenes, Cármenes, Comarca Los Argüellos, León, Castile and León  Spain (04/1970)

Specimen size: 7.4 × 6.7 × 3.9 cm = 2.91” × 2.64” × 1.54”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 6EV-W8W

Azurite with Quartz
Azurite with Quartz  

CT9AJ7: Equant Azurite crystals with a thick lenticular shape. They are bright with a very intense color and are on matrix with Quartz crystals.
Berta Quarry, Can Domènech Hill, Roques Blanques Mountains, Sant Cugat del Vallès-El Papiol, Comarca Vallès Occidental / Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain (05/1971)

Specimen size: 1.8 × 1.7 × 1.7 cm = 0.71” × 0.67” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 0.2 × 0.2 cm = 0.08” × 0.08”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Azurite with Quartz.
Azurite with Quartz
Azurite with Quartz.
Azurite with Quartz  

CV11AJ7: Equant Azurite crystals with a thick lenticular shape. They are bright with a very intense color and are on matrix with Quartz crystals.
Berta Quarry, Can Domènech Hill, Roques Blanques Mountains, Sant Cugat del Vallès-El Papiol, Comarca Vallès Occidental / Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain (05/1971)

Specimen size: 2 × 1 × 1.3 cm = 0.79” × 0.39” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.4 cm = 0.16” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Almandine with Quartz
Almandine with Quartz  

CD65AH5: Isolated Almandine crystals with very well defined faces and edges, with very finely growth-oriented striations on the faces, transparent, bright and with a very intense and uniform color. They have grown on a group of Quartz crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with a feldspar matrix. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text of the collection catalog.
Viladrau, Comarca Osona, Gerona / Girona, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain

Specimen size: 4.7 × 3.6 × 3.2 cm = 1.85” × 1.42” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.3 cm = 0.12” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Almandine with Quartz. Almandine with Quartz.
Baryte. Front
Baryte. Rear

CC16AL8: Clustered aggregates of very elongated flat crystals translucent and white with gray tones and with small Pyrite crystals. From an already extinct locality from which it is very difficult to find specimens today, espècially of this quality.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Leonor Mine, Osor Mines, Osor, Comarca La Selva, Gerona / Girona, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain

Specimen size: 8 × 6.6 × 4.4 cm = 3.15” × 2.60” × 1.73”

Main crystal size: 2.7 × 0.7 cm = 1.06” × 0.28”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Gahnite with Quartz
Gahnite with Quartz  

CB14AJ7: Octahedral Gahnite crystals on a Quartz matrix. They are sharp, have the very well defined Spinel-law twin, are quite large for the species and have a uniform grayish-blue color.
Victoria Mine, Arrés, Vall d'Aran, Lérida / Lleida, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain

Specimen size: 6.1 × 3.5 × 2.7 cm = 2.40” × 1.38” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 1.3 cm = 0.67” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Gahnite with Quartz. Front
Gahnite with Quartz. Side
Calcite (variety cobaltoan)
Calcite (variety cobaltoan). Calcite (variety cobaltoan).
Calcite (variety cobaltoan)  

CH9AH4: Botryoidal pale pink growths with recrystallized deep pink coralloid formations. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text in the collection catalog.
Solita Mine, Peramea, Baix Pallars, Comarca Pallars Sobirà, Lérida / Lleida, Catalonia / Catalunya  Spain

Specimen size: 4.1 × 4 × 2.2 cm = 1.61” × 1.57” × 0.87”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Vanadinite (variety endlichite)
Vanadinite (variety endlichite)  

CP14AJ7: Spheroidal and globular aggregates of Vanadinite (endlichite variety) crystals that are strongly curved, very bright with an attractive reddish brown color and are on matrix. The Vanadinite from Santa Marta are a reference for the species in Spanish mineralogy.
Santa Marta, Comarca Tierra de Barros, Badajoz, Extremadura  Spain

Specimen size: 4.8 × 3.4 × 2 cm = 1.89” × 1.34” × 0.79”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Vanadinite (variety endlichite). Vanadinite (variety endlichite).
Quartz with Orthoclase
Quartz with Orthoclase.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Quartz with Orthoclase

CBC13AO0: White Quartz crystals with the most classic crystal forms for the species, very well defined, translucent, lustrous, milky white, and on an Orthoclase matrix. An old Galician classic that is very difficult to find nowadays.
Outcrop Villalba road, San Simón da Costa, Comarca Terra Chá, Lugo, Galicia / Galiza  Spain

Specimen size: 6.9 × 6 × 4.2 cm = 2.72” × 2.36” × 1.65”

Main crystal size: 3.6 × 1.4 cm = 1.42” × 0.55”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)



MR37AH4: Radial and fan-like aggregates, on a Quartz matrix, of mostly acicular Pyromorphite crystals with a very intense and uniform green color. An European classic seen only from old finds. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text in the collection catalog.
Saint-Salvy Mine, Saint-Salvy-de-la-Balme, Tarn, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 7.5 × 5.4 × 2.9 cm = 2.95” × 2.13” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.3 cm = 0.31” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Pyromorphite. Pyromorphite.
Pyromorphite. Pyromorphite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBR17AQ0: Druse, on matrix, of fine acicular crystals of Pyromorphite, with some transparency and an intense and uniform green color, on matrix.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 2008.58), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Saint-Salvy Mine, Saint-Salvy-de-la-Balme, Tarn, Occitanie  France

Specimen size: 9 × 4.3 × 2.1 cm = 3.54” × 1.69” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.1 cm = 0.28” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Cordierite (variety pinite)

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Cordierite (variety pinite)

CBX11AP7: Doubly terminated Cordierite (variety pinite) crystal, very aerial on its matrix and with very sharp crystal forms. An old French classic that comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1964.32), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Isserteaux, Clermont-Ferrand District, Puy-de-Dôme Department, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2 × 1.6 cm = 0.94” × 0.79” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 0.7 cm = 0.55” × 0.28”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Cordierite (variety pinite).
Fluorite with Quartz
Fluorite with Quartz. Front
Fluorite with Quartz. Side
Fluorite with Quartz. Side

EM90AM1: Floater cubic crystal of Fluorite with finely polycrystalline forms, transparent, lustrous, with a very deep and vivid blue color. Partially covered by Quartz which in some areas is also included within Fluorite.
The specimen is from the prestigious Fluorite collection of Pierre-Marie Guy.
Le Beix Mine, Saint-Germain-près-Herment, Herment, Clermont-Ferrand District, Puy-de-Dôme Department, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 4.5 × 4.5 × 4 cm = 1.77” × 1.77” × 1.57”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Pierre-Marie Guy

minID: AL8-CFW


CC14AM1: Antimony crystalline aggregate, with brilliant geometric cleavage surfaces, on matrix with antimony oxides.
An excellent miniature, a classic of French historical mineralogy, which comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Les Chalanches Mine, Allemond (Allemont), Oisans-Romanche, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2 × 2 cm = 0.94” × 0.79” × 0.79”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: F61-Q9K

Azurite. Front
Azurite. Rear

CQ87AI5: Group, on matrix, of lenticular crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with very well defined faces and edges, bright with a color that is intense, very much more vivid than usual for the locality.
The sample is from the Carles Curto collection whose label and catalog card we’ll send to the buyer.
Chessy-les-Mines, Les Bois d'Oingt, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France

Specimen size: 3.5 × 3 × 1.5 cm = 1.38” × 1.18” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 1.4 cm = 0.94” × 0.55”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Quartz (variety smoky)
Quartz (variety smoky)  

CB12AM1: Quartz crystal (smoky variety) clearly right-handed, with very clear faces and edges. Extraordinarily transparent and shiny, with a deep and intense color.
A French alpine classic that comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Mont Blanc Massif, Chamonix, Haute-Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  France (±1977)

Specimen size: 5.5 × 2.7 × 2.6 cm = 2.17” × 1.06” × 1.02”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: WA3-M7J

Quartz (variety smoky). Front
Quartz (variety smoky). Rear

Europe (excl. Spain and France)

Strontianite with Calcite
Strontianite with Calcite. Front
Strontianite with Calcite. Side
Strontianite with Calcite  

CP86AN1: Group of twinned Strontianite crystals with a prismatic habit and a clearly hexagonal outline, with excellent terminations, translucent, with bright luster and a light cream color, on matrix with Calcite.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Oberdorf an der Laming, Laming Valley, Bruck an der Mur, Styria/Steiermark  Austria

Specimen size: 4.9 × 4 × 2.9 cm = 1.93” × 1.57” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 1.2 cm = 0.63” × 0.47”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CA11AL8: A sheaf-like aggregate of elongated Epidote crystals with good polycrystalline terminations, translucent, lustrous and with a very deep green color.
The specimen from a known but little publicized Belgian locality comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Quenast, Rebecq, Nivelles District, Walloon Brabant Province, Wallonne Region  Belgium (±2001)

Specimen size: 3.7 × 2.8 × 1.9 cm = 1.46” × 1.10” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 0.4 cm = 1.02” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: UWF-91J

Epidote. Front
Epidote. Rear
Pyromorphite. Pyromorphite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CXL96AQ0: Isolated crystals of Pyromorphite with an elongated prismatic habit, an intense green color, in
The specimen, from a classical European locality from which very few specimens of Pyromorphite have been preserved, comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 1966.25), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Rovnost Mine (Werner Mine), Jáchymov (St Joachimsthal), Jáchymov District, Krušné Hory Mountains (Erzgebirge), Karlovy Vary Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 5.4 × 3.8 × 1.6 cm = 2.13” × 1.50” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.2 cm = 0.24” × 0.08”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Opal (variety hyalite)
Opal (variety hyalite)  

CC10AI3: Clear and colorless botryoidal aggregate that is very bright, on matrix and is fluorescent with an UV lamp. A precursor of the current hyalites from Central Europe.
Valeč, Doupov, Karlovy Vary Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.4 × 2.6 cm = 1.65” × 1.34” × 1.02”

Fluorescent short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 993-9LG

Opal (variety hyalite). Opal (variety hyalite).
Silver. Front
Silver. Rear

CT86AJ7: Spongy aggregate of native Silver with clearly enhanced very elongated and hooked Silver crystals with octahedral terminal faces. The sample is from a classic Czech Republic locality.
Uranium Mine number 21 (shaft number 21), Háje, Příbram, Central Bohemia Region, Bohemia  Czech Republic

Specimen size: 5.6 × 3.3 × 2.6 cm = 2.20” × 1.30” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.1 cm = 0.39” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Tochilinite on Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Tochilinite on Quartz

CCB96AP1: Isolated and well defined acicular crystals of Tochilinite, a very rare hydroxy-sulphide of magnesium and iron. On Quartz matrix.
The specimen comes from the duplicates of the Carles Curto collection (number 2001.12), whose label and computer entry we will send to the buyer.
Otamo Quarry, Siikainen, Northern Satakunta Sub-Region, Satakunta  Finland

Specimen size: 3.2 × 2.3 × 1.5 cm = 1.26” × 0.91” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.1 cm = 0.16” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Tochilinite on Quartz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Tochilinite on Quartz. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Uvarovite with Quartz
Uvarovite with Quartz.
Uvarovite with Quartz  

CE27AH5: Isolated Uvarovite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, dodecahedral, beveled by the trapezohedron, with very well defined faces and edges and excellent color, very intense and uniform and on a Quartz matrix. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text the collection catalog.
Outokumpu, Tornio, Lapland Region  Finland

Specimen size: 2.4 × 2.1 × 1.6 cm = 0.94” × 0.83” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.35” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CV68AM5: Group of crystals with a short prismatic habit and a very sharp hexagonal outline, with good terminations, and a bright luster. The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1976.23), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Bad Schlema (Schlema), Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 2.8 × 2.5 × 1.6 cm = 1.10” × 0.98” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.2 cm = 0.55” × 0.47”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Pyrargyrite. Pyrargyrite.
Acanthite with Dolomite and Pyrite
Acanthite with Dolomite and Pyrite. Front
Acanthite with Dolomite and Pyrite. Rear
Acanthite with Dolomite and Pyrite  

CR46AM5: Cubo-octahedral Acanthite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, lustrous and on a Pyrite matrix with white rhombohedral Dolomite crystals. This piece, a German classic from the type locality for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1968.14), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Himmelsfürst Mine, Brand-Erbisdorf, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 1.8 × 1.2 × 0.9 cm = 0.71” × 0.47” × 0.35”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Type locality

minID: EKH-T0N


CV96AM5: Aggregate of elongated Silver crystals, with twists, hooked shapes and very sharp terminations. This specimen, a German classic, comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1968.27), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Himmelsfürst Mine, Brand-Erbisdorf, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.8 × 1.8 cm = 1.30” × 1.10” × 0.71”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.94” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Silver. Front
Silver. Rear

CF96AJ7: Aggregate of short prismatic Freieslebenite crystals, a typical shape for the locality. They are very bright and have a fine growth striation. The crystals are not perfect and this is noted on the price, even considering the rarity of the species, coming from the type locality and the crystal size
Himmelsfürst Mine, Brand-Erbisdorf, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 1.6 × 1.4 × 0.8 cm = 0.63” × 0.55” × 0.31”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm = 0.24” × 0.20”

Type locality

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Chalcopyrite epitactic Tetrahedrite with Dolomite
Chalcopyrite epitactic Tetrahedrite with Dolomite  

CR13AM4: Tetrahedral crystals of Tetrahedrite with epitaxic coatings of Chalcopyrite, very lustrous, on matrix and with small coatings of white rhombohedral Dolomite crystals.
Some crystals are fractured as is often the case in these classic pieces since it is an old German specimen referenced in mindat.org (Mindat ID: YYU-5K4). It comes from the collection of Carlos Curto (number 1970.13) whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Goslar District, Harz, Lower Saxony/Niedersachsen  Germany

Specimen size: 4.6 × 3.5 × 2 cm = 1.81” × 1.38” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.35” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: YYU-5K4

Chalcopyrite epitactic Tetrahedrite with Dolomite. Chalcopyrite epitactic Tetrahedrite with Dolomite.

CD14AJ7: Parallel aggregates of elongated prismatic and doubly terminated Pyromorphite crystals, with slightly curve edges. They are bright and have a pale brown, slightly pinkish, color. A German classic.
Friedrichssegen Mine, Frücht, Bad Ems District, Lahn Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate/Rheinland-Pfalz  Germany

Specimen size: 2.7 × 1.6 × 1.2 cm = 1.06” × 0.63” × 0.47”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.5 cm = 0.47” × 0.20”

Minor fluorescence long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: PHG-85F

limonite after Goethite
limonite after Goethite  

HM80CA: Double stalactitic growth of Goethite, with concentric structure visible at the base, and with superficial growth figures.
The specimen, from a very classic German locality, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Herdorf, Siegerland, Rhineland-Palatinate/Rheinland-Pfalz  Germany

Specimen size: 7.4 × 2.1 × 1.3 cm = 2.91” × 0.83” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: TML-1G9

limonite after Goethite. Front
limonite after Goethite. Rear
limonite after Goethite.
Chalcopyrite. Front
Chalcopyrite. Rear

CB14AL8: Aggregate of twinned disphenoidal (pseudotetrahedral) crystals of Chalcopyrite, with slight iridescence, on matrix.
The specimen from one of the most classic German localities for the species comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Herdorf, Siegerland, Rhineland-Palatinate/Rheinland-Pfalz  Germany

Specimen size: 3.4 × 2.4 × 1.9 cm = 1.34” × 0.94” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 1.7 cm = 0.87” × 0.67”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: E39-6NK

Silver with Sphalerite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Silver with Sphalerite

CRB28AP7: Elongated Silver crystals, some of them doubly terminated, with very sharp spinel-law twinning. Lustrous, on matrix and with Sphalerite crystals.
The specimen, from a very classic European locality, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1965.25), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Rudabányai Mountains, Rudabánya, Kazincbarcika District, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén  Hungary

Specimen size: 3.0 × 2.1 × 1.7 cm = 1.18” × 0.83” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 2.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.91” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Silver with Sphalerite.
Pyrite with Magnetite
Pyrite with Magnetite. Pyrite with Magnetite.
Pyrite with Magnetite  

CD6AJ7: Very sharp octahedral Pyrite crystals that are neatly isolated, one of them clearly dominant, and are on matrix with black dodecahedral Magnetite crystals. A classic of Italian mineralogy.
Brosso Mine, Cálea, Léssolo, Canavese District, Metropolitan City of Turin Province, Piedmont (Piemonte)  Italy

Specimen size: 5.7 × 4.2 × 2.5 cm = 2.24” × 1.65” × 0.98”

Main crystal size: 1.7 × 1.6 cm = 0.67” × 0.63”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


MX96AL3: Very sharp elongated Microcline crystal, partially doubly terminated, on a base of the same mineral, with very well defined crystalline forms and with a very clearly seen Baveno-law twin. An Italian alpine classic.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 1970.03), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Oltrefiume, Baveno, Maggiore Lake, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province, Piedmont (Piemonte)  Italy (±1970)

Specimen size: 8 × 3 × 3.3 cm = 3.15” × 1.18” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 7.9 × 2.4 cm = 3.11” × 0.94”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: L3N-LRY

Microcline. Front
Microcline. Side
Diopside with Grossular (variety hessonite)
Diopside with Grossular (variety hessonite). Diopside with Grossular (variety hessonite).
Diopside with Grossular (variety hessonite).

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Diopside with Grossular (variety hessonite)

CMB96AO0: Diopside as elongated crystals with sharp crystal forms, transparent, with good luster and an intense color. On matrix, with small crystals of Grossular (hessonite variety). A fine Italian classic.
Becchi delle Curbassere, Val d'Ala, Lanzo Valleys (Valli di Lanzo), Metropolitan City of Turin Province, Piedmont (Piemonte)  Italy

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.2 × 3 cm = 1.89” × 1.65” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.9 × 0.2 cm = 0.75” × 0.08”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: U1Q-2VQ


CR86AJ7: Parallel aggregate of doubly terminated clear Quartz crystals. They are very bright and some of them have fluid inclusions and window (fenster) growths. The sample is from a locality that is a classic for Italian mineralogy.
Porretta quartz sites, Reno Valley, Alto Reno Terme (Porretta Terme), Bologna Province, Emilia-Romagna  Italy

Specimen size: 9 × 5.5 × 3.5 cm = 3.54” × 2.17” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 4.7 × 3 cm = 1.85” × 1.18”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Quartz. Front
Quartz. Side
Ilvaite. Front
Ilvaite. Top
Ilvaite. Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CTP66AP7: Parallel growth of Ilvaite crystals with a prismatic habit and sharp terminations, very lustrous and deep black.
The specimen, from the type locality for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1974.36), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Rio Marina, Elba Island, Livorno Province, Tuscany  Italy

Specimen size: 2.1 × 1.9 × 0.7 cm = 0.83” × 0.75” × 0.28”

Main crystal size: 1.6 × 0.7 cm = 0.63” × 0.28”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Type locality

Quartz (variety prase)
Quartz (variety prase)  

CM13AM5: Group of elongated crystals of Quartz (variety prase), with good luster and a very deep color. A fine miniature. This piece comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1972.07), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Porto Azzurro, Elba Island, Livorno Province, Tuscany  Italy (±1972)

Specimen size: 3.8 × 3.8 × 3.5 cm = 1.50” × 1.50” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 0.5 cm = 0.94” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Quartz (variety prase). Quartz (variety prase).
Aragonite. Front
Aragonite. Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CCB14AO5: Group of very sharp pseudohexagonal crystals of Aragonite, one of them clearly dominant, with very distinct channels and dissolution forms, translucent, and with a uniform snow-white color.
This specimen comes from the collection of Carles Curto (duplicates), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Cianciana Mines, Cianciana, Agrigento (Girgenti) Province, Sicily  Italy (±1976)

Specimen size: 5.5 × 4.0 × 2.6 cm = 2.17” × 1.57” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 3.6 × 2.9 cm = 1.42” × 1.14”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Sulphur with Aragonite
Sulphur with Aragonite  

CR26AM8: Equant crystals of Sulphur, translucent and lustrous, on matrix, with small white crystals of Aragonite.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Cianciana Mines, Cianciana, Agrigento (Girgenti) Province, Sicily  Italy

Specimen size: 7 × 6.1 × 3.5 cm = 2.76” × 2.40” × 1.38”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.9 cm = 0.35” × 0.35”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Aragonite fluorescent and Phosphorescent

Sulphur with Aragonite. Sulphur with Aragonite.
Sulphur with Celestine
Sulphur with Celestine.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

TC2120DLM: Floater Sulphur crystal with a truncated bipyramidal shape, with polycrystalline growths on their faces, translucent, with good luster and a very vivid color and with small white Celestine coatings.
With label from the Lluís Daunis collection.
Racalmuto Mine, Racalmuto, Agrigento (Girgenti) Province, Sicily  Italy

Specimen size: 3.4 × 3.2 × 2.1 cm = 1.34” × 1.26” × 0.83”

With label from the Lluís Daunis Collection

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CA47AL8: Group of tabular Phosgenite crystals one of them clearly dominant, transparent, with a kind of brown-smoky color and much better luster than usual in specimens from this locality, one of the most classic Italian localities for the species.
It comes from the Carles Curto collection whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sud Sardegna Province, Sardinia/Sardegna  Italy

Specimen size: 3.8 × 3.2 × 1.4 cm = 1.50” × 1.26” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 3.8 × 3.2 cm = 1.50” × 1.26”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 3YC-E12

Phosgenite. Front
Phosgenite. Front

Gold with Quartz
Gold with Quartz. Gold with Quartz.
Gold with Quartz  

CF89AN1: Lamellar and hooked growths of Gold on a white Quartz surface on a rock matrix. High quality, small but very attractive.
This specimen, from one of the most classic localities for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Botes (Botești), Zlatna, Alba, Transylvania  Romania

Specimen size: 3 × 2.8 × 2.7 cm = 1.18” × 1.10” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.3 cm = 0.28” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Sylvanite with 'Tennantite' and Quartz
Sylvanite with 'Tennantite' and Quartz  

CF99AM3: Aggregates of acicular Sylvanite crystals that form very lustrous skeletal growths on 'Tennantite' and a Quartz-coated matrix. From its type locality, which is one of the great classical localities for the species.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer entry we will send to the buyer together with a copy of the analysis we did.
Baia de Aries, Apuseni Mountains, Alba, Transylvania  Romania

Specimen size: 3.7 × 3.7 × 3.2 cm = 1.46” × 1.46” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.1 cm = 0.16” × 0.04”

Type locality

With analysis copy

Former collection of Carles Curto

Sylvanite with 'Tennantite' and Quartz. Sylvanite with 'Tennantite' and Quartz.
Telluronevskite. Telluronevskite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBC47AO8: Isolated crystals or in small groups of Telluronevskite, flattened, with very well defined faces and edges and on matrix. Telluronevskite is a rare selenium bismuth telluride that is rarely found so well crystallized. This specimen, from the type locality for the species, comes from the Carlos Curto collection of duplicates (number 2009.22), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Poruba pod Vihorlatom, Vihorlat Mountains, Košice  Slovak Republic (05/2009)

Specimen size: 3.5 × 2.5 × 1.2 cm = 1.38” × 0.98” × 0.47”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.6 cm = 0.35” × 0.24”

Type locality

With analysis copy

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: PML-XT4


CH13AJ7: Very well defined fan-like growths, on matrix, of white crystals of Brandtite, a very rare calcium and magnesium arsenate. The sample is from the type locality for the species.
Harstigen Mine, Pajsberg, Persberg District, Filipstad, Värmland  Sweden

Specimen size: 4.4 × 2.8 × 1.2 cm = 1.73” × 1.10” × 0.47”

Type locality

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Brandtite. Brandtite.
Fluorapatite with Quartz
Fluorapatite with Quartz. Front
Fluorapatite with Quartz. Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Fluorapatite with Quartz

CPX98AP7: Doubly terminated Fluorapatite crystal, with a prismatic shape and pyramidal terminations, very rich in crystal forms, transparent, with very bright luster and a uniform pink color, and with a small transparent Quartz crystal on the base.
This high quality specimen, a Swiss classic, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1973.02), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Disentis (Disentis/Mustér), Surselva Region, Grischun (Grisons; Graubünden)  Switzerland (±1973)

Specimen size: 2.3 × 1.3 × 1.5 cm = 0.91” × 0.51” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 1.9 × 1.3 cm = 0.75” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Quartz (variety smoky and gwindel)

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Quartz (variety smoky and gwindel)

CXH67AP9: Very aerial growth of Quartz crystals (smoky variety) with parallel growths and very marked gwindel, transparent, with good luster and soft smoky tones.
The specimen comes from Carles Curto's collection of duplicates (number 1982.12) whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Val Giuv, Tujetsch (Tavetsch), Vorderrhein Valley, Grischun (Grisons; Graubünden)  Switzerland (±1982)

Specimen size: 3.7 × 3.4 × 1.3 cm = 1.46” × 1.34” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 3.2 × 1.5 cm = 1.26” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Quartz (variety smoky and gwindel). Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Quartz (variety smoky and gwindel). Front
Quartz (variety smoky and gwindel). Top
Rutile (variety sagenite) on Siderite
Rutile (variety sagenite) on Siderite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Rutile (variety sagenite) on Siderite

CFM13AO4: Reticular growth of twinned Rutile crystals (sagenite variety), with a bright luster and intense red color, on a Siderite matrix. An alpine classic.
Gronda da Cavrein Valley, Vorderrhein Valley, Grischun (Grisons; Graubünden)  Switzerland

Specimen size: 2.4 × 1.4 × 1 cm = 0.94” × 0.55” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBB86AQ0: Druse of flattened Barytocalcite crystals, a known but rare species, translucent, ivory colored, and on matrix.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 1978.105), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer. Although it was stated to be Alstonite, we have analyzed it and the analytical results (of which we will send a copy to the buyer) show that it is actually Barytocalcite.
Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, Alston Moor District, North Pennines Orefield, former Cumberland, Cumbria  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 6 × 4.6 × 3.6 cm = 2.36” × 1.81” × 1.42”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.9 cm = 0.47” × 0.35”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

With analysis copy

Barytocalcite. Barytocalcite.
Mimetite (variety campylite) with Quartz
Mimetite (variety campylite) with Quartz. Mimetite (variety campylite) with Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Mimetite (variety campylite) with Quartz

CRT27AO8: Mimetite, as isolated crystals or small groups, almost spherical due to the strong curvatures of the faces and edges, with good luster and an intense and uniform yellow color, on a matrix of white Quartz crystals.
An English classic that comes from Carlos Curto's collection of duplicates (number 1983.31), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Allerdale, former Cumberland, Cumbria  England / United Kingdom (±1983)

Specimen size: 6.4 × 3.3 × 2.1 cm = 2.52” × 1.30” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.16” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: W1E-U7R

Galena with Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Galena with Quartz

CMR96AP7: Galena crystal with octahedron dominant forms beveled by rhombododecahedron faces on the edges and cube faces on the vertices, very lustrous, and isolated on the Quartz matrix.
A classic of English mineralogy that comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1966.02), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Herodsfoot Mine, Lanreath, Liskeard, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 2.2 × 2.2 × 1 cm = 0.87” × 0.87” × 0.39”

Main crystal size: 1.1 × 1.0 cm = 0.43” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Galena with Quartz.
Libethenite. Libethenite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CBM87AP6: Groups of very sharp bipyramidal crystals of Libethenite, with good luster and a very deep color. On matrix and with small Calcite crystals.
An English classic that comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to buyer.
Phoenix United Mine, Minions, Linkinhorne, Liskeard District, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 4.2 × 4.6 × 2 cm = 1.65” × 1.81” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: J6H-RWK


CA66AN2: Groups, on matrix, of very sharp tabular Chalcocite crystals with a hexagonal outline, more aerial than usual in this type of specimen.
The specimen, an English classic, comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1983.59), whose label and computer cataogue entry we will send to the buyer.
St Ives Consols, St Ives, St Ives District, Cornwall  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 3.1 × 2.3 × 2.3 cm = 1.22” × 0.91” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.5 cm = 0.20” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: CJD-1HA

Chalcocite. Front
Chalcocite. Side

CT13AJ7: Radial aggregates of laminar Wavellite crystals with a silky luster and a creamy-brown color. They are very well defined and are on a sandstone matrix. The sample is a rarity due to its antiquity (the fifties of the past century) and that it is from the type locality for the species.
High Down Quarry (Heddon Quarry), Heddon Valley, West Buckland, North Devon District, Devon  England / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 5 × 2.8 × 3.6 cm = 1.97” × 1.10” × 1.42”

Type locality

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 9L8-WDA

Millerite with Calcite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Millerite with Calcite

CXL67AO0: Centered growth on matrix of very shiny acicular Millerite crystals. The specimen comes from a well known locality but from which there are few specimens of good quality.
Cambrian Colliery, Clydach Vale, Rhondda Cynon Taf  Wales / United Kingdom

Specimen size: 6.7 × 6.5 × 3.8 cm = 2.64” × 2.56” × 1.50”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: PR8-Q21

Millerite with Calcite. Millerite with Calcite.
Millerite with Calcite.


Copper. Front
Copper. Rear

CN16AI3: Very elongated single Copper crystal with the Spinel law twin. The sample is from a Russian locality that is a great classic but of which there are very samples.
Krasnotur'insk (Bogolovsk), Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Ural  Russia

Specimen size: 5.2 × 1.7 × 1 cm = 2.05” × 0.67” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Cuprite with Miersite
Cuprite with Miersite  

CG57AL3: Polycrystalline complete floater of very sharp octahedral Cuprite crystals, with brilliant, slightly curved faces and edges and with minor crystals of Marshite
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 2011.36), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Poteryaevskoe Mine, Rubtsovsky District, Altai Krai  Russia (2011)

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.3 × 3.2 cm = 1.65” × 1.30” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 3.2 × 3.2 cm = 1.26” × 1.26”

Fluorescent short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: GHW-7Y9

Cuprite with Miersite. Front
Cuprite with Miersite. Rear
Brookite with Quartz
Brookite with Quartz. Brookite with Quartz.
Brookite with Quartz  

CD16AI3: Very sharp laminar Brookite crystals that are transparent and bright with an orange brown color. They are implanted on a group of doubly terminated Quartz crystals with polycrystalline growths.
Puiva Mount, Saranpaul, Khanty-Mansi Okrug, Tyumen Oblast  Russia

Specimen size: 7.8 × 4 × 2.9 cm = 3.07” × 1.57” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 1.8 × 1 cm = 0.71” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Africa - Tsumeb



Fluorescent light (daylight)

CTB96AP7: Water-clear Topaz crystal, very rich in crystal forms, transparent and very lustrous.
The specimen, from an African locality that is already a classic for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1984.63), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Ropp Tin Mines, Bukuru, Jos Plateau, Ropp District, Plateau State  Nigeria

Specimen size: 2.6 × 1.6 × 1.7 cm = 1.02” × 0.63” × 0.67”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Topaz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Topaz. Rear / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Smithsonite. Smithsonite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CMR14AQ0: Druse, on matrix, of rhombohedral Smithsonite crystals, very sharp, transparent, lustrous, and yellow with green reflections.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 1988.27), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Touissit, Touissit District, Jerada Province, Oriental Region  Morocco

Specimen size: 4.3 × 3.1 × 2.7 cm = 1.69” × 1.22” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.8 cm = 0.39” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Chalcostibite with Azurite and Malachite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Chalcostibite with Azurite and Malachite

CXR96AP1: Chalcostibite as elongated crystals with good terminations, rare in this type of specimen, and with their faces and edges defined. The Chalcostibite crystals are partially pseudomorphed by Azurite, which forms vividly colored surfaces.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto (number 2002.24), whose label and computer entry we will send to the buyer.
Rar el Anz, Oued Cherrat (Cherrat Wadi), Chaouia-Ouardigha, Casablanca Prefecture, Casablanca-Settat Region  Morocco

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.4 × 2.0 cm = 1.30” × 0.94” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 2.2 × 1.5 cm = 0.87” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Chalcostibite with Azurite and Malachite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CTP13AP7: Elongated Proustite crystals with acute pyramidal terminations, on matrix, transparent, with very bright luster and an intense and vivid color.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 2003.05), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Imiter Mine, Jebel Saghro, Imiter District, Tinghir Province, Drâa-Tafilalet Region  Morocco (±2003)

Specimen size: 2.3 × 2.2 × 1.3 cm = 0.91” × 0.87” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.12” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


SM90CEX: Parallel growths of Acanthite crystals of octahedral habit (pseudomorphs after Argentite), with sharp crystal forms.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 2008.25), whose handwritten label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Imiter Mine, Jebel Saghro, Imiter District, Tinghir Province, Drâa-Tafilalet Region  Morocco (±2008)

Specimen size: 4.8 × 4.6 × 3.7 cm = 1.89” × 1.81” × 1.46”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm = 0.24” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Acanthite. Front
Acanthite. Rear
Bornite with Quartz
Bornite with Quartz. Bornite with Quartz.
Bornite with Quartz  

CR63AN1: Tristetrahedral Bornite crystal with sharp crystal forms, bright metallic luster and intense iridescence, on matrix, with Quartz.
This specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Bleida Mine, Tinzouline, Zagora Province, Drâa-Tafilalet Region  Morocco (±1980)

Specimen size: 3.7 × 2 × 1.7 cm = 1.46” × 0.79” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.4 cm = 0.16” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Malachite xx with Dolomite and Quartz
Malachite xx with Dolomite and Quartz  

CB96AN2: Parallel growths of equant crystals of primary Malachite, with good luster and a very deep and uniform color, on matrix with Dolomite.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1978.14), whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Jebel Irhoud, Youssoufia Province, Marrakesh-Safi Region  Morocco

Specimen size: 4.6 × 2.8 × 2.6 cm = 1.81” × 1.10” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.8 cm = 0.39” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Malachite xx with Dolomite and Quartz. Malachite xx with Dolomite and Quartz.
Dioptase. Front
Dioptase. Top

CP69AH4: Aggregate of prismatic Dioptase crystals with acute rhombohedral terminations. They are translucent, very bright, and have a very deep and uniform color. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text in the collection catalog.
'Mbumba, Pimbi Hill, Mindouli, Mindouli District, Pool Department  Republic of the Congo

Specimen size: 4.9 × 4.3 × 3.3 cm = 1.93” × 1.69” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 2.8 × 1.4 cm = 1.10” × 0.55”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Descloizite with Calcite
Descloizite with Calcite  

CA14AM1: Parallel floater growths of very sharp tabular Descloizite crystals, translucent, with good luster, and partially covered by small rhombohedral Calcite crystals.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Berg Aukas, Grootfontein District, Otjozondjupa Region  Namibia (±1973)

Specimen size: 3 × 2.4 × 1 cm = 1.18” × 0.94” × 0.39”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 0.9 cm = 0.55” × 0.35”

Calcite fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 4XV-GYM

Descloizite with Calcite. Front
Descloizite with Calcite. Rear
Descloizite with Calcite. Side
Arfvedsonite with Orthoclase
Arfvedsonite with Orthoclase. Front
Arfvedsonite with Orthoclase. Side
Arfvedsonite with Orthoclase  

CB46AJ7: Very sharp Arfvedsonite crystal with good terminal faces and with parallel growths. It is very aerial and implanted on a matrix of twinned Orthoclase crystals. The sample is one of the first well-known examples found of this species at Malawi, at the beginning of the XXI century.
Mount Malosa, Zomba District  Malawi

Specimen size: 4.2 × 4.2 × 4.1 cm = 1.65” × 1.65” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 3 × 1.9 cm = 1.18” × 0.75”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Senegalite with Turquoise and Crandallite
Senegalite with Turquoise and Crandallite  

CR27AJ7: Spheroidal growths of very sharp Senegalite crystals with very well defined faces and edges, bright with intense yellow color and on matrix with pale blue Turquoise and reddish brown Crandallite. The sample is from the type locality for the species.
Kourou Diakouma Mount, Saraya, Tambacounda Region  Senegal (2007-2008)

Specimen size: 5.2 × 3.3 × 3.6 cm = 2.05” × 1.30” × 1.42”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Type locality

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Senegalite with Turquoise and Crandallite. Senegalite with Turquoise and Crandallite.

CA86AJ7: Spongy aggregates and small acicular Gold crystals tha are very bright and on matrix with white Quartz.
Sheba Mine, Barberton, Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga Province  South Africa

Specimen size: 3.5 × 2.5 × 1.7 cm = 1.38” × 0.98” × 0.67”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: Q2W-96H


HM180CF: Two very acute scalenohedral Smithsonite crystals, translucent, lustrous and with an intense yellow color, on matrix. A renowned classic from Zimbabwe that is now hard to come by.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Kabwe Mine (Broken Hill Mine), Kabwe (Kabwe-Ka Mukuba), Kabwe District, Central Province  Zambia

Specimen size: 2.6 × 2.9 × 1.9 cm = 1.02” × 1.14” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 1.5 cm = 1.02” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 7G6-H7L

Smithsonite. Front
Smithsonite. Side


Tennantite with Malachite and Quartz
Tennantite with Malachite and Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Tennantite with Malachite and Quartz

CRM11AP7: Tetrahedral Tennantite crystals completely covered by Malachite, on a matrix of small transparent Quartz crystals.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 1982.64), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia (±1982)

Specimen size: 2.4 × 1.4 × 1.3 cm = 0.94” × 0.55” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.6 cm = 0.24” × 0.24”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Dioptase with Dolomite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Dioptase with Dolomite

CFB26AP1: Dioptase crystals more isolated than usual for the deposit. Very profiled, with elongated prisms and very sharp rhombohedral terminations. Translucent, shiny, with an intense color, and on matrix with white rhombohedral Dolomite crystals.
The specimen comes from the duplicates of the Carles Curto collection (number 1981.15), whose label and computer entry we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia

Specimen size: 3.9 × 3.6 × 2.6 cm = 1.54” × 1.42” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.4 cm = 0.35” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Dioptase with Dolomite. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Dioptase with Dolomite. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Cerussite. Front
Cerussite. Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CMN27AO1: Very sharp double floater twin of flattened Cerussite crystals with sharp, transparent, lustrous and colorless terminations. A high quality Tsumeb classic.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia (±1973)

Specimen size: 4.4 × 3.3 × 2.1 cm = 1.73” × 1.30” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 3.9 × 2.1 cm = 1.54” × 0.83”

Minor fluorescence short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: AXL-T4J

Malachite after Azurite with Cerussite
Malachite after Azurite with Cerussite  

CK13AL4: Malachite pseudomorphs after elongated Azurite crystals with sharp faces and edges some of them doubly terminated. On matrix, with unaltered Azurite crystals and Cerussite twins.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue information we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.7 × 1.6 cm = 1.30” × 1.06” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 0.4 cm = 0.47” × 0.16”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Cerussite minor fluorescence long & short UV

minID: 04N-AXK

Malachite after Azurite with Cerussite.
Malachite after Azurite with Azurite
Malachite after Azurite with Azurite. Front
Malachite after Azurite with Azurite. Top
Malachite after Azurite with Azurite  

CC27AM5: Group of Malachite pseudomorphs after Azurite crystals, one of them doubly terminated and clearly dominant, with surfaces recrystallized by finely fibrous Malachite with a silky luster. The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1982.16.1), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia (±1982)

Specimen size: 3.3 × 3.3 × 2.6 cm = 1.30” × 1.30” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 3.1 × 2.3 cm = 1.22” × 0.91”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)



CR46AI3: Druse of rhombohedral Smithsonite crystals on matrix. They are well defined with fine growth striations and are translucent, bright and have a uniform and attractive pinkish color.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia

Specimen size: 4.2 × 3.7 × 3.1 cm = 1.65” × 1.46” × 1.22”

Main crystal size: 1 × 0.7 cm = 0.39” × 0.28”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Wulfenite. Wulfenite.

CB59AL8: Very sharp lamellar crystals of Wulfenite with notably distinct dipyramid faces, great luster and a color between yellow and cream. On matrix.
The specimen, from one of the most classic localities for the species, comes from the Carles Curto collection whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia

Specimen size: 4.6 × 3.1 × 2.1 cm = 1.81” × 1.22” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.35” × 0.31”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: Q7L-4ER


CA14AJ7: Typical granular Germanite aggregate with a polished surface to better appreciate the characteristics of this rare copper, iron and germaniun sulphosalt. With a pinkish gray color and is with Renierite that has a more intense pink color, and black Tennantite. The sample is from the type locality for the species.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia (±1981)

Specimen size: 6.2 × 3.8 × 2.3 cm = 2.44” × 1.50” × 0.91”

Type locality

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Germanite. Front
Germanite. Side

CF13AM5: Group of crystals with dominant dodecahedron forms, translucent, with bright luster and an intense red color in transmitted light. On a matrix of the same Cuprite. The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1980.27.1), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region  Namibia (±1972)

Specimen size: 3.3 × 2.6 × 2.6 cm = 1.30” × 1.02” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.5 cm = 0.24” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)



Fluorescent light (daylight)

CFR86AP9: Group of tabular Hematite crystals, one of them clearly dominant, very lustrous, with fine striations and geometric growth forms. A classic of Brazilian mineralogy.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection of duplicates (number 1988.28) whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Pedra Preta pit, Serra das Éguas, Brumado, Bahia, Northeast Region  Brazil

Specimen size: 3.2 × 3.1 × 0.6 cm = 1.26” × 1.22” × 0.24”

Main crystal size: 3.2 × 2.5 cm = 1.26” × 0.98”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Hematite. Front
Hematite. Rear

TC14CR: Group of doubly terminated Schorl crystals, one of them clearly dominant, with excellent terminations, very aerial and lustrous. The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1988.02), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Mimoso do Sul, Espirito Santo, Sudeste Region  Brazil

Specimen size: 4 × 2.3 × 2.2 cm = 1.57” × 0.91” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 2.6 × 1.5 cm = 1.02” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

'lepidolite' with Orthoclase

Fluorescent light (daylight)
'lepidolite' with Orthoclase

CTM14AO0: Group of 'lepidolite' with a prismatic shape, with good luster and a very deep and uniform color, on an Orthoclase matrix.
Virgem da Lapa, Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais  Brazil

Specimen size: 4 × 3.9 × 3.3 cm = 1.57” × 1.54” × 1.30”

Main crystal size: 3.3 × 1,8 cm = 1.30” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

'lepidolite' with Orthoclase.
Beryl (variety aquamarine)
Beryl (variety aquamarine). Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Beryl (variety aquamarine). Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Beryl (variety aquamarine). Top / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Top / Photo: Joaquim Callén

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Beryl (variety aquamarine)

CCX87AO0: Beryl crystal (aquamarine variety), very rich in crystal forms in the terminal zone with various pyramid faces and the flat surface of the pinacoid. Very transparent, with a bright luster and a uniform soft green color and with vertical dissolution channels inside.
Catuji, Mucuri Valley, Minas Gerais  Brazil (±1974)

Specimen size: 3.2 × 2.1 × 1.8 cm = 1.26” × 0.83” × 0.71”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Brazilianite with Mica
Brazilianite with Mica  

HM80CR: Aggregate of Brazilianite crystals, many of them doubly terminated, with a short prismatic habit, between transparent and translucent, with good luster and an intense yellow color. Associated with lamellar Muscovite crystals.
This specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Conselheiro Pena, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais  Brazil

Specimen size: 3.8 × 2.8 × 2.4 cm = 1.50” × 1.10” × 0.94”

Main crystal size: 1.4 × 1.1 cm = 0.55” × 0.43”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: RCH-GG8

Brazilianite with Mica.
Brazilianite with Mica.
Ernstite. Front
Ernstite. Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CTZ87AP6: Parallel growth of two twinned Ernstite crystals, pseudomorphs after Childrenite or Eosphorite, very sharp and of good size.
This specimen, of a species whose name could be modified in future, comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Córrego Frio Mine, Linópolis, Divino das Laranjeiras, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais  Brazil

Specimen size: 6.6 × 2.3 × 1.8 cm = 2.60” × 0.91” × 0.71”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: 5ND-5Y4


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CCD92AP7: Doubly terminated floater crystal of Elbaite with excellent terminations at both ends. It is between transparent and translucent, with a uniform green color dominant in the prism, with pink at both ends.
This specimen was previously in the collection of J. Claramonte, from Barcelona, and comes to us from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 2011.10), whose label and digital file we will send to the buyer.
Santa Maria do Suaçui, Governador Valadares, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais  Brazil

Specimen size: 7.2 × 2.2 × 2 cm = 2.83” × 0.87” × 0.79”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Weight: 69.0 grams

Elbaite. Front
Elbaite. Light behind / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Light behind / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Elbaite. Rear with light behind / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear with light behind / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Elbaite (variety verdelite)
Elbaite (variety verdelite). Front
Elbaite (variety verdelite). Rear
Elbaite (variety verdelite). Top

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Elbaite (variety verdelite)

CMP68AO1: Doubly terminated floater crystal of Elbaite (verdelite variety) with very flattened shapes and transparent. With great luster and an intense and uniform green color.
Governador Valadares, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais  Brazil

Specimen size: 7.3 × 0.7 × 0.3 cm = 2.87” × 0.28” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: F79-JNP

Elbaite (variety rubellite)
Elbaite (variety rubellite)  

CM98AM4: Elbaite crystal (rubellite variety) with a parallel termination, very rich in faces, with good luster and color zoning in different tones.
The specimen, referenced in mindat.org (Mindat ID: U09-1R1) comes from the Carlos Curto collection (number 1989.08) whose label and computer catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Jenipapo District, Itinga, Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais  Brazil (±1989)

Specimen size: 5.8 × 1.7 × 1.4 cm = 2.28” × 0.67” × 0.55”

Main crystal size: 5.8 × 1.7 cm = 2.28” × 0.67”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: U09-1R1

Elbaite (variety rubellite). Front
Elbaite (variety rubellite). Rear
Elbaite (variety rubellite). Top
Scolecite with Fluorapophyllite-(K)
Scolecite with Fluorapophyllite-(K).
Scolecite with Fluorapophyllite-(K)  

CT13AM1: Group of three thick Scolecite crystals with sharp faces and edges and perfect terminations, which is rare for the species. The crystals are transparent to translucent, lustrous, and are covered with small, colorless, equant crystals of Fluorapophyllite-(K). The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Das Antas tunnel, Alto Uruguai Region, Rio Grande do Sul  Brazil (±1969)

Specimen size: 6.1 × 1.8 × 1.3 cm = 2.40” × 0.71” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 6.1 × 1.3 cm = 2.40” × 0.51”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: PX6-6GT

South America (excl. Brazil)


CY96AM5: Arborescent growth of very shiny Copper crystals with very well defined dodecahedron forms. An excellent miniature that comes from the Carles Curto collection (number 1984.24), whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Corocoro, Pacajes Province, La Paz Department  Bolivia

Specimen size: 3.2 × 2.7 × 1.6 cm = 1.26” × 1.06” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.5 cm = 0.31” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Copper. Copper.
Paravauxite. Paravauxite.

MV14AH4: Very sharp Paravauxite crystals on a rock matrix. The crystals are pearly white, translucent and very bright. The sample is from the type locality for the species. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text in the collection catalog.
Siglo Veinte Mine, Llallagua, Rafael Bustillo Province, Potosí Department  Bolivia

Specimen size: 4.6 × 4.1 × 1.6 cm = 1.81” × 1.61” × 0.63”

Main crystal size: 0.6 × 0.1 cm = 0.24” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Franckeite with Stannite and Zinkenite
Franckeite with Stannite and Zinkenite  

CF69AJ4: Radial groups of very sharp and well defined flattened prismatic Franckeite crystals with an implanted dipyramidal Stannite crystal and small acicular Zinkenite crystals.
The sample is from the Carles Curto collection whose label and catalog card we will send to the buyer.
San José Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department  Bolivia (±1987)

Specimen size: 7.6 × 3.9 × 5.6 cm = 2.99” × 1.54” × 2.20”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1 cm = 0.47” × 0.39”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Franckeite with Stannite and Zinkenite. Franckeite with Stannite and Zinkenite.
Szenicsite. Front
Szenicsite. Rear

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CFR89AP6: Lamellar growths and radial groups of flattened crystals of Szenicsite, very lustrous, brightly colored and on a limonite matrix.
The specimen, from the type locality for the species, comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer. It was previously in the collection of Bill Pinch, whose label is included too.
Jardinera número 1 Mine, Inca de Oro, Chañaral Province, Atacama Region  Chile (±1994)

Specimen size: 2.8 × 2.9 × 2 cm = 1.10” × 1.14” × 0.79”

Former collection of Bill Pinch

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Type locality

Copper with Malachite
Copper with Malachite  

CR14AM1: Arborescent growth of flattened Copper crystals with partial coatings of Malachite. This specimen was dug in the 1960s, and comes to us from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Copiapó Province, Atacama Region  Chile (±1976)

Specimen size: 6.8 × 6.3 × 0.2 cm = 2.68” × 2.48” × 0.08”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: QGY-8C1

Copper with Malachite. Front
Copper with Malachite. Rear


Pyromorphite. Pyromorphite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)

CLM47AP9: Floater group of Pyromorphite crystals with a tapered habit, many of them doubly terminated, with good luster and an intense and uniform green color.
The specimen comes from Carles Curto's collection of duplicates (number 2008.30) whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Daoping Mine, Gongcheng, Guilin Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (±2008)

Specimen size: 3.6 × 3.3 × 2.1 cm = 1.42” × 1.30” × 0.83”

Main crystal size: 0.7 × 0.2 cm = 0.28” × 0.08”

Minor fluorescence short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Beryl (variety aquamarine) with Muscovite

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Beryl (variety aquamarine) with Muscovite

CAR99AP7: Group of tabular Beryl crystals dominated by the pinacoid, with the prism faces being little developed. They are transparent, with very good luster and a uniform pale blue color (aquamarine variety), accompanied by very sharp and lustrous lamellar crystals of Muscovite.
This very elegant specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection's duplicates (number 2013.22), whose label and digital record we will send to the buyer.
Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (±2013)

Specimen size: 7.1 × 4.8 × 2.6 cm = 2.80” × 1.89” × 1.02”

Main crystal size: 3.1 × 3.1 cm = 1.22” × 1.22”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Beryl (variety aquamarine) with Muscovite.
Löllingite with Dolomite
Löllingite with Dolomite. Front
Löllingite with Dolomite. Rear
Löllingite with Dolomite  

CT26AI7: Rosettes of lenticular Löllingite crystals with polycrystalline growths, very well defined for the species. They are bright and have a single rhombohedral Dolomite crystal attached. The sample is from the Carlos Curto collection whose original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full text in the collection catalog we’ll send to the buyer.
Huanggang Mines, Hexigten Banner (Kèshíkèténg Qí), Chifeng (Ulanhad), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region  China (±2014)

Specimen size: 5.4 × 4.6 × 3.8 cm = 2.13” × 1.81” × 1.50”

Calcite fluorescent short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Babingtonite with Prehnite
Babingtonite with Prehnite  

CB69AI3: Very aerial group of very sharp and flattened crystals, a lot of them doubly terminated. They are bright with a deep black color and are on a matrix of botryoidal Prehnite. These Chinese Babingtonites have almost disappeared from the mineral market and the best are those that first appeared.
Babingtonite occurrences, Qiaojia, Zhaotong Prefecture, Yunnan Province  China (±2008)

Specimen size: 8.3 × 4 × 3.2 cm = 3.27” × 1.57” × 1.26”

Main crystal size: 2.3 × 1.7 cm = 0.91” × 0.67”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Babingtonite with Prehnite. Front
Babingtonite with Prehnite. Rear
Babingtonite with Prehnite.

Asia - Australia

Pakistan - Afghanistan

Beryl (variety aquamarine) on Albite
Beryl (variety aquamarine) on Albite. Front
Beryl (variety aquamarine) on Albite. Rear
Beryl (variety aquamarine) on Albite  

MV87AH6: Parallel growth of two doubly terminated Beryl (aquamarine variety) crystals, with a flat termination on one end and very well defined acute pyramids on the other end. They are transparent, very bright with a pale and uniform blue color and are on a matrix of tabular Albite crystals. We’ll send to the buyer the original label and also a copy of the computer card with the full collection catalog text.
Shengus (Shingus), Roundu District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas)  Pakistan (±1985)

Specimen size: 3.6 × 3.5 × 1.7 cm = 1.42” × 1.38” × 0.67”

Main crystal size: 3.6 × 1.2 cm = 1.42” × 0.47”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CQ67AL4: Parallel growth of very elongated snow-white crystals, with polycrystalline pyramidal terminations, and pearly luster. Beryllonite, a phosphate of sodium and beryllium, is one of the rare species that is well crystallized in Pakistani pegmatites.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue information we will send to the buyer.
Nagar, Hunza Valley, Nagar District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas)  Pakistan

Specimen size: 7.4 × 3.5 × 2.5 cm = 2.91” × 1.38” × 0.98”

Fluorescent long & short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: GEL-G1C

Beryllonite. Front
Beryllonite. Rear
Beryllonite. Bottom
Elbaite with 'lepidolite' and Quartz
Elbaite with 'lepidolite' and Quartz. Elbaite with 'lepidolite' and Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Elbaite with 'lepidolite' and Quartz

CPQ37AO1: Doubly terminated Elbaite crystal with very sharp crystal forms and perfect terminations, between transparent and translucent, lustrous, and zoned in two halves, green at the top and pastel pink tones at the bottom. On matrix, with Quartz crystals and lamellar 'lepidolite' crystals.
Mawi Pegmatite, Nilaw-Kolum, Du Ab District, Nuristan Province  Afghanistan (±1991)

Specimen size: 3.1 × 2.2 × 2.2 cm = 1.22” × 0.87” × 0.87”

Main crystal size: 2.8 × 0.5 cm = 1.10” × 0.20”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: AMH-5V1

Lazurite with Calcite
Lazurite with Calcite  

CB62AM1: Complete dodecahedral crystal with very well defined faces and edges, of an intense and uniform color and on a small matrix of Calcite. This specimen is from the type locality, and comes from the Carles Curto collection, whose label and catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Sar-e Sang, Koksha Valley, Khash & Kuran Wa Munjan Districts, Badakhshan Province  Afghanistan

Specimen size: 1.8 × 1.6 × 1.3 cm = 0.71” × 0.63” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 17 × 1.5 cm = 6.69” × 0.59”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Type locality

minID: KQH-VY5

Lazurite with Calcite. Front
Lazurite with Calcite. Rear
Dravite on Muscovite
Dravite on Muscovite. Dravite on Muscovite.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Dravite on Muscovite

CCF46AO0: Isolated Dravite crystals with a flattened bipyramidal shape, with perfectly sharp crystal forms, translucent, with good luster and a nice brown color with orange tones, on a Muscovite matrix.
Sar-e Sang, Koksha Valley, Khash & Kuran Wa Munjan Districts, Badakhshan Province  Afghanistan (±2011)

Specimen size: 4.0 × 5.6 × 2.3 cm = 1.57” × 2.20” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 1.2 × 1.1 cm = 0.47” × 0.43”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: QC9-XRV


Gold with Quartz

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Gold with Quartz

CPR73AP6: Group of very sharp octahedral Gold crystals, with very deeply hoppered faces, very lustrous and with small fragments of Quartz.
The specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carles Curto, whose label and computer file we will send to the buyer.
Poverty Reef, Tarnagulla, Loddon Shire, Victoria  Australia (±1987)

Specimen size: 1.7 × 1.7 × 0.7 cm = 0.67” × 0.67” × 0.28”

Main crystal size: 0.4 × 0.3 cm = 0.16” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

Weight: 4.6 grams

minID: U38-M04

Gold with Quartz. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Gold with Quartz. Rear / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Foto: Joaquim Callén
Gold with Quartz. Foto: Joaquim Callén
Foto: Joaquim Callén
Gold with Quartz
Gold with Quartz. Gold with Quartz.

Fluorescent light (daylight)
Gold with Quartz

CMR50AO8: Very shiny lamellar growths of Gold, on a Quartz matrix with reddish Hematite inclusions.
This specimen comes from the collection of duplicates of Carlos Curto (number 1979.30), whose label we will send to the buyer.
Ballarat, Central Highlands, Victoria  Australia (±1979)

Specimen size: 4.4 × 2.7 × 2.3 cm = 1.73” × 1.06” × 0.91”

Main crystal size: 2.4 × 0.9 cm = 0.94” × 0.35”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


Fluorescent light (daylight)

CTB48AO0: Dendritic growth of extremely elongated Silver crystals, with good terminations and, as a whole, a very attractive aesthetic, as is often the case with pieces from this deposit. An old Australian classic of excellent quality.
Endeavor Mine (Elura Mine), Cobar, Robinson County, New South Wales  Australia

Specimen size: 6.2 × 4.7 × 0.8 cm = 2.44” × 1.85” × 0.31”

Main crystal size: 4.8 × 0.3 cm = 1.89” × 0.12”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: GDJ-N1P

Silver. Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Front / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Silver. Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Rear / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Silver. Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Detail / Photo: Joaquim Callén
Atacamite. Front
Atacamite. Top

CX13AJ7: Groups, on matrix of elonagated Atacamite crystals with very well defined faces and edges and perfect terminal faces. They are bright and have a very deep color. The sample is from one of the more classic, even mythical, localities for the species.
Wallaroo Mine, Kadina, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia  Australia

Specimen size: 2 × 1.4 × 0.9 cm = 0.79” × 0.55” × 0.35”

Main crystal size: 0.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.12” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)


CE16AL3: Floater group of Copper crystals with an unusual cubic habit, beveled by the rhombododecahedron. The specimen comes from a classic Australian deposit.
The specimen comes from the Carles Curto collection (no. 2007.09), whose label and information sheet we will send to the buyer.
Boddington Mine, Boddington, Peel, Western Australia  Australia

Specimen size: 5.6 × 5.3 × 2.7 cm = 2.20” × 2.09” × 1.06”

Main crystal size: 0.1 × 0.1 cm = 0.04” × 0.04”

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

minID: RF2-FXQ

Copper. Copper.


CE13AJ7: Floater and complete dipyramidal Scheelite crystal. It is translucent, bright, and has the rich color typical of the already mythical Tae Wha mine.
Tae Hwa Mine, Neungam-ri, Angseong-myeon, Chungju, Chungcheongbukdo  South Korea

Specimen size: 2.8 × 1.8 × 1.5 cm = 1.10” × 0.71” × 0.59”

Fluorescent short UV

Former collection of Carles Curto (duplicates)

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