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10EE6: Kentrolite, Rhodochrosite
Aggregate of pink crystals of Rhodochrosite with concentric intergrowths of dark-colored Kentrolite, a rare silicate of manganese and lead. The piece comes from a quarry in a zinc- and lead-bearing hydrothermal deposit
Rivet Quarry, level 1, Peyrebrune area, Montredon-Labessonnié, Le Haut Dadou, Castres, Tarn, Occitanie  France (10/11/2008)
Specimen size: 5.6 × 5.6 × 4.8 cm = 2.20” × 2.20” × 1.89”
2E10: Kermesite
Radial and fanlike aggregates of acicular Kermesite crystals. They are extraordinarily bright and have a grey metalic color. They are on matrix, with small Calcite crystals.
Kolįrsky vrch, Pezinok, Pezinok District, Bratislava Region  Slovak Republic (2005)
Specimen size: 7.2 × 7.0 × 3.0 cm = 2.83” × 2.76” × 1.18”

Main crystal size: 1.3 × 0.1 cm = 0.51” × 0.04”
SM170BDM: Kermesite
Fan-shaped growth of fine prismatic Kermesite crystals with a sharply pointed termination at one end and flattened at the other, with feathery, lustrous forms and with vivid reflections. Currently Kermesite specimens of this quality are difficult to obtain.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 7.9 × 1.2 × 0.8 cm = 3.11” × 0.47” × 0.31”
NT86AM8: Kermesite
Centered groups, on matrix, of very lustrous acicular Kermesite crystals with a deep and vivid red color.
The specimen comes from the Ignacio Gaspar Sintes collection (number QUR-2) whose catalogue entry we will send to the buyer.
Pezinok, Pezinok District, Bratislava Region  Slovak Republic (1998)
Specimen size: 5.6 × 3.5 × 4.7 cm = 2.20” × 1.38” × 1.85”
SM220BHJ: Kermesite
Bundles of fine prismatic crystals of Kermesite with a sharply pointed termination at one end and flattened at the other, with feathery forms, and good luster with vivid reflections. Kermesite specimens of this quality are difficult to obtain nowadays.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 8.1 × 1 × 0.4 cm = 3.19” × 0.39” × 0.16”
BB42: Kermesite
One of the few pieces with matrix. The matrix is a mix of massive and crystallized Stibnite. The Kermesite is standing free on its small matrix and shows very well its morphology and its transparency (with intense light from the back) due its aerial position. A minor Stibnite crystal is crosses the left corner of the specimen.
The specimen has been published in the book 'China', by Berthold Ottens, on page 170
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 7.5 × 3.5 × 2.1 cm = 2.95” × 1.38” × 0.83”
BB57L5: Kermesite
Fan-shaped group of very thin prismatic Kermesite crystals whose terminations become near plumose. With very intense reddish reflections. Actually it is very difficult to obtain these quality Kermesite specimens.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 9.8 × 3 × 0.9 cm = 3.86” × 1.18” × 0.35”
BF50J1: Kermesite
Divergent groups of extraordinarily defined crystals. It has an excellent color and comes from the famous find in 2002 and even then they were scarce, and it is very difficult to obtain good samples. The specimen has high quality and it is a perfect representation of the species.
The specimen has been published in the book 'China', by Berthold Ottens, on page 505
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 9.6 × 3.1 × 1.9 cm = 3.78” × 1.22” × 0.75”

Main crystal size: 8.5 × 0.5 cm = 3.35” × 0.20”
EG66G3: Kermesite on Calcite
From a recent discovery in Pezinok. Centered groups of acicular crystals of Kermesite stand out on Calcite matrix, with a vivid contrast between the two colors.
New Alexander Gallery, Pezinok  Slovak Republic (02/2005)
Specimen size: 6.5 × 5 × 4.3 cm = 2.56” × 1.97” × 1.69”
EP69AJ6: Kermesite with Calcite
Radial and fan-like aggregates of acicular Kermesite crystals. They are extraordinarily bright and have an intense deep red color, on matrix with small white Calcite crystals.
Kolįrsky vrch, Pezinok, Pezinok District, Bratislava Region  Slovak Republic (2005)
Specimen size: 6.6 × 6 × 2.9 cm = 2.60” × 2.36” × 1.14”

Main crystal size: 2 × 0.3 cm = 0.79” × 0.12”
BG89W8: Kermesite with Gypsum
Divergent growth, more compact than usual, of elongated and flattened crystals almost feathery at their terminations, and with vivid and intense reddish reflections. In some limited areas the Kermesite is partially coated by small masses of Gypsum. Actually it is very difficult to obtain these quality Kermesite specimens.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 6.9 × 3.6 × 2.3 cm = 2.72” × 1.42” × 0.91”
JP93W3: Kermesite with Gypsum and Stibnite
Divergent aggregates of flat and very elongated crystals that are on matrix, which is very slightly rare with such samples. They have very marked reddish reflections under a strong light and are slightly coated by small white growths of Gypsum and very thin acicular crystals of Stibnite.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 8.8 × 4.8 × 3.1 cm = 3.46” × 1.89” × 1.22”
SV2980NRF: Kermesite with Quartz, Chalcopyrite and Stibnite
A classic of German mineralogy formed by fans of radiating Kermesite crystals of an intense crimson-red color, with a strong color contrast thanks to being deposited on snow-white Quartz crystals, on a rock matrix. From the type locality (TL) for the species, which is also the type locality for Diaphorite and Miargyrite. The specimen, which is accompanied by an old handwritten label, comes from the collection of Ignacio Gaspar Sintes, whose label and handwritten file we will send to the buyer of the piece.
Neue Hoffnung Gottes Mine, Bräunsdorf, Freiberg District, Erzgebirgskreis, Saxony/Sachsen  Germany
Specimen size: 9 × 5.8 × 4.1 cm = 3.54” × 2.28” × 1.61”
BF96K1: Kermesite with Stibnite
Centered group of Kermesite crystals, red and flattened, that forms a fan on a group of prismatic crystals of Stibnite. The specimens of Kermesite from Yizhang, considered among the best known, are very scarce.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 5.3 × 4.1 × 1.3 cm = 2.09” × 1.61” × 0.51”

Main crystal size: 5.5 × 1 cm = 2.17” × 0.39”
BA89J1: Kermesite with Stibnite
Divergent group of extraordinarily defined crystals. It has an excellent color and comes from the famous find in 2002 and even then they were scarce, and it is very difficult to obtain good samples. The specimen has high quality and it is a perfect representation of the species.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 10.6 × 2.6 × 1.9 cm = 4.17” × 1.02” × 0.75”
BK99K1: Kermesite with Valentinite
Fan-shaped group of red and flattened crystals of Kermesite that has a considerable length. They are partially covered by Valentinite crystals. The specimens of Kermesite from Yizhang, considered among the best known, are very scarce. The Valentinite has been analyzed and we will send a copy of the analysis to the buyer of the specimen.
Kermesite occurrence, Damingshan Range, Dafeng, Shanglin, Nanning Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  China (2002)
Specimen size: 11.5 × 2.8 × 0.8 cm = 4.53” × 1.10” × 0.31”

Main crystal size: 9.5 × 0.4 cm = 3.74” × 0.16”
MC67W9: Kermesite with Valentinite
Fanlike groups, on a rock matrix, of extraordinarily bright needlelike crystals with vivid reddish reflections. We also note the presence of associated needlelike Valentinite.
Pezinok, Pezinok District, Bratislava Region  Slovak Republic (01-02/2012)
Specimen size: 9.5 × 7.5 × 3.2 cm = 3.74” × 2.95” × 1.26”
EH66X8: Kermesite with Valentinite and Calcite
Radial and fanlike aggregates of acicular Kermesite crystals. They are extraordinarily bright and have a reddish color. They are on matrix, with small radial aggregates of white Valentinite crystals and small Calcite crystals.
Pezinok, Malé Karpaty Mts.  Slovak Republic
Specimen size: 9.3 × 7.2 × 4.6 cm = 3.66” × 2.83” × 1.81”

Main crystal size: 3 × 0.1 cm = 1.18” × 0.04”
EM17F0: Kėsterite and Mushistonite
Two rare species in one specimen. The Mushistonite coats a group of Kėsterite crystals. The floater crystals of Kėsterite are disphenoides, a crystallographic form that is not normally apparent, but which is very well defined in this case.
Pingwu Mine, Huya township, Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (2003)
Specimen size: 2 × 1.9 × 1.8 cm = 0.79” × 0.75” × 0.71”
EK88E6: Kėsterite and Mushistonite
In this specimen the crystals of the very rare mineral Kėsterite are on a small Mica matrix, that you can only see when you look at the back of it. The Kėsterite has very good crystal definition and the Mushistonite, that forms a thin film on the Kėsterite, give it a very neat color.
Pingwu Mine, Huya township, Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (2002)
Specimen size: 2 × 1.9 × 1.5 cm = 0.79” × 0.75” × 0.59”

Main crystal size: 0.8 × 0.7 cm = 0.31” × 0.28”
DD26E2: Kėsterite and Mushistonite with Beryl
I have never seen Kėsterite on Beryl before. In this specimen one has a mixture of rarity (until recently crystallized Kėsterite was un-heard of) with beauty. The thin coating of Mushistonite that covers the Kėsterite adds some green to the theme, and the Mica on the base completes the whole. A beautiful rarity!
As is usual we will give the purchaser a copy of the analysis of the specimen.
Pingwu Mine, Huya township, Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (2003)
Specimen size: 6.8 × 6 × 4.5 cm = 2.68” × 2.36” × 1.77”
ERM86AP1: Kėsterite coated by Mushistonite and on Muscovite
Two rare species in a single specimen, on matrix, with lamellar Muscovite crystals. The Mushistonite, of light green color, covers disphenoidal Kėsterite crystals, a crystal form generally hardly distinguishable but which in this specimen is clearly defined.
Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (04/2022)
Specimen size: 4.6 × 2.4 × 2 cm = 1.81” × 0.94” × 0.79”

Main crystal size: 0.5 × 0.3 cm = 0.20” × 0.12”
TG99W4: Kėsterite with Mushistonite
Parallel growths of dipyramidal crystals of Kėsterite. They have very well defined faces and edges and are almost completely coated by Mushistonite. The samples of Chinese Kėsterite, which have never been especially abundant, are now more difficult to obtain.
Pingwu Mine, Huya township, Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (2009)
Specimen size: 3.1 × 2.5 × 1.9 cm = 1.22” × 0.98” × 0.75”
TFF27AN4: Kėsterite with Mushistonite, Muscovite, Calcite and Fluorapatite
Extensive group of Kėsterite crystals with very sharp crystal forms and a yellowish brown color due to coatings of Mushistonite. The group is on matrix with lamellar Muscovite crystals, and small very lustrous water-clear crystals of Fluorapatite in the front, and larger crystals of pink Fluorapatite in the back, together with white rhombohedral Calcite crystals. An especially elegant specimen in which the perfection and the absence of damage to the crystals and their harmonious arrangement on the matrix make it aesthetically pleasing, something that does not normally occur in this species.
Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China
Specimen size: 7.8 × 6.9 × 4.1 cm = 3.07” × 2.72” × 1.61”

Main crystal size: 0.9 × 0.8 cm = 0.35” × 0.31”
TY87N0: Kėsterite with Mushistonite, Quartz, Beryl and Calcite
Very big octahedral crystal of Kėsterite. It is sharp, of very well defined faces and edges, partially coated (pseudomorphed) by Mushistonite and, lately, by Malachite (that has been analyzed) and on a matrix with Quartz crystals. An exceptional piece.
Pingwu Mine, Huya township, Mount Xuebaoding, Pingwu, Mianyang Prefecture, Sichuan Province  China (05-06/2008)
Specimen size: 10.2 × 7.4 × 3.6 cm = 4.02” × 2.91” × 1.42”

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